Religion in politics/schools

Cold Fusion38

Aug 6, 2009
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In the desert chasing that damn roadrunner.
I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?
I would like for some of you religious people to explain to me WHY you can't teach your kids about YOUR religion at home/church. Why is it you feel the need to PREACH to people who don't want to be a part of your religion(if I want to I will just look for the closest building with a cross). Why do you think YOUR religion should be in the PUBLIC square?

Can the non-religious people respond?
We only have two actual nutters (IMO) here.. Maybe you should direct this specifically to them, rather than lumping everyone else who isn't nearly as offensive together?
Why is it o.k. for you to try to FORCE your religious views on the rest of us through legislation?

My religion? Which one is that and why do you think I am forcing it on anyone?
Oh, I get it, you just want to bash, demean and disenfranchise Christians.
It's called fanatical secularism.
Have fun!
Ring sure you can if you've got an opinion.

Dis, I guess I am just interested in the extremists because they are the ones who don't seem to understand the seperation of Church and State.

Do you mean the first 200 years of legal precedent or the current one that ignored the first 200 years of legal precedent?
As I have said on numerous occasions I respect people of FAITH and I DESPISE people who want to legislate their religious doctrines on the rest of us. If your faith is an intensely personal thing then why get on a soap box and force it on the rest of us? Didn't Jesus say something about preaching in the public square?
As I have said on numerous occasions I respect people of FAITH and I DESPISE people who want to legislate their religious doctrines on the rest of us. If your faith is an intensely personal thing then why get on a soap box and force it on the rest of us? Didn't Jesus say something about preaching in the public square?

Well, there you go.. You just proved my point - you're here simply or a fight.

You aren't the first to post such a thread, you won't be the last, and likely most will just ignore you because you're really not interested in discussing it with them, but rather getting on your OWN soap box, and making your own demands about what should and what should not be.
Legal precedent please elaborate.

I don't think there is enough space on this forum to post all Supreme Court and lower court decisions concerning this issue up to and including the current interpretation. You'll have to do your own research if you truly want that information. Suffice it to say the current view of separation was (IMHBAO) was a bastardization of Thomas Jefferson's writings on the matter which was presented to activist judges, accepted and enacted.
I really don't think you are getting the point Dis. I just want to know EXACLY how people can justify THEIR religion being the ONLY state sanctioned religion. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with MODERATES like my In-Laws but those who try to justify RELIGIOUS monuments in PUBLIC places don't understand what a truely disturbing idea it really is.
I really don't think you are getting the point Dis. I just want to know EXACLY how people can justify THEIR religion being the ONLY state sanctioned religion. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with MODERATES like my In-Laws but those who try to justify RELIGIOUS monuments in PUBLIC places don't understand what a truely disturbing idea it really is.

How truly disingenuous. (Bold/Underlined)
Only a very few extreme radicals think "their" religion should be the only state sanctioned religious entity. Your perception is the problem here, not what is truly happening, not what most Christians actually want or believe. Your emotional bias is clouding your reasoned judgment.
I'm not one that forces any religious point of view. I certainly do not advocate the establishment of a church or religious teachings in public schools.

However, under 1st amendment folks have the right to frame political arguments within the parameters of their religious beliefs and advocate such. (Doesn't mean others will be persuaded, as some others will not be persuaded that Jesus said, "STFU" or arguments for atheism, etc. I guess it's a matter of 'hope springs eternal.'
Ring don't you kind it disturbing that so many(all be it a small minority)of Christians have NO PROBLEM WHAT-SO-EVER with putting religious monuments on PUBLIC property?

Having a nativity scene, or a menorah, or whatever else is not the government pushing any specific religion on anyone... it is done to say to the constituents that they and their beliefs, especially when it is a widely celebrated holiday among those in the community, are respected or acknowledged

Things such as the 10 commandment statues/inscriptions (most of which have been there for well over a century) show that government, in part, recognizes and upholds the concepts in this forefather of modern law...

Stop getting your liberal panties in a wad over 'religious' things in the public eye...

It is separation of church and state... as in no government imposed religion... not that any and all references to anything religious be banned in the public eye
Ring don't you kind it disturbing that so many(all be it a small minority)of Christians have NO PROBLEM WHAT-SO-EVER with putting religious monuments on PUBLIC property?

Nope. Most of our public buildings/monuments are testimony to our Christian heritage as a nation.
Well here in Boise ID we had quite an uproard about a Ten Comandments monument in a public park so perhaps I DO have a bias but only because I have witnessed FIRST HAND what some Christians REALLY want and that is for THEIR religion to have a higher standing than ANY OTHER.
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