Registered sex offender shot and killed by a woman with a legally owned gun....what was a better outcome? Let's ask anti-gunners...

You're really fucked in the head, you know that?
Why even bother to respond to the dumbass? The sonofabitch is a fucking silly ass Canadian so he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and doesn't have the right to comment on our Constitutional rights. In his fucking country there is no right to keep and bear arms. It is a "privilege" handed out by sicko Leftest government assholes.

Plus, all the shithead is doing is trolling.
I am all for punishing crimials via the courts. But that means the woman would have had to be raped, and deal with years of trauma. Putting the bastard down is the preferred outcome.
There are lots of ways to say that you prefer vigilante justice.
As a Canadian I accept that America is making the choice of dealing out death with their guns. I neither condemn it or condone it.

I'm the messenger that comes to say that it's America making another wrong choice for themselves.
This criminal continued his attack even after the woman fired a warning shot at should never fire warning she had to fire her gun again and shoot the criminal. He died. He was a long time felon and sex offender.

Now.....the question is.....

For anti-gun extremists....what was the best outcome to this encounter....?

1) the woman is brutally raped, tortured and murdered

2) she shoots and kills the violent criminal

We will wait........and wait..........and wait as tommy, and joe, and Capt. Caveman, and all the other anti-gun extremists ignore the question...because we really, already know their answer.

She should not have had that gun, the guy raping, torturing and murdering her is the best outcome.........this is where the anti-gun extremists fall on this question.

Criminals are an important part of the Corrupt Democrat Party's voter base.
Law abiding citizens are not part of the Corrupt Democrat Party's voter base.
There are lots of ways to say that you prefer vigilante justice.
As a Canadian I accept that America is making the choice of dealing out death with their guns. I neither condemn it or condone it.

I'm the messenger that comes to say that it's America making another wrong choice for themselves.

How many times do we have to tell you that defending yourself or someone weaker than the killers you love is NOT vigilante?

Fuck what you think of America, BTW.

Cute little post.

There are lots of ways to say that you prefer vigilante justice.
As a Canadian I accept that America is making the choice of dealing out death with their guns. I neither condemn it or condone it.

I'm the messenger that comes to say that it's America making another wrong choice for themselves.

It would be vigilante justice is a group of civilians went after the man after he raped the woman. That is not what happened.

The shooting was not vigilante justice. It was self defense.
Why even bother to respond to the dumbass? The sonofabitch is a fucking silly ass Canadian so he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and doesn't have the right to comment on our Constitutional rights. In his fucking country there is no right to keep and bear arms. It is a "privilege" handed out by sicko Leftest government assholes.

Plus, all the shithead is doing is trolling.
Express your frustration all you like. I've just pointed out the fact that nobody stepped up to defend their Constitution when a coup attempt was taking place.

Where was Milley? Where was Pence.
Where were all the others who had access to the traitor who was in the process of taking down democracy?

Even more to the point, where were the good guys with a gun?
Deaths by gun is never the best or preferred outcome.

America's gun violence statistics prove that, but Americans refuse to learn from the lessons.

Best wishes from Canada. (we're a civilized country that prefers justice dealth out by the courts, rather than by vigilantes.)

I will put you down for the woman being raped, tortured and murdered as being the best outcome of this violent attack.

Thank you for your honesty and participation....

They love violence, period, as long as their victim is weaker, like women and children.

I love seeing those videos where a vapid leftist meets someone bigger, stronger and more skilled and they learn what's what, like Rittenhouse's friends.

I like the videos of the Antifa rioters setting themselves on fire trying to burn buildings and cars. Good stuff.
I'm sure you'll think the same when you're being beaten and raped, with easy access to a firearm.
It's the comfort of that being many times less likely in Canada, compared to America.

Emotions are boiling over today and now some time is needed for everyone to reflect on the situation(s) that America has created for itself.

vigilante justice is on the rise and the fate of the US Constitution hangs in the balance of a corrupt justice system.

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