Gold Member
I've had a few laughs here. Okay, I laugh easy.
But you are the source of my little fun! I took the time to collect a few quotes of yours:
Even though I probably fit in the liberal category I truely find this funny. You have a great way of finishing your posts.
But you are the source of my little fun! I took the time to collect a few quotes of yours:
- Libs and the PC Police have NEVER been able to distinguish between fact and fiction
- How many more time do libs have to be proven wrong?
- I say the liberal media needs to find new experts how know what the hell is going on
- Libs cannot handle good news. They spread bad news like a virus and live their lives looking for bad news
- Any good news pisses off libs. Libs are not happy unless they are bitching about something.
- Libs keep screaming about the "poverty" in America.
- Only whites can be racist per Dems and the liberal media
- The only reason libs hate Wal Mart is because they will not allow union thugs to infest their company
- Dems have a clear double statndard when it comes to racism
- Since most libs are void of logic
- And dems do not have a clue on how to fight the terrorists
- Libs will look you straight in the eye and lie like hell when they say there is no war on Christmas
- Libs claim they care about working families, yet they hate Wal Mart
- Libs are very generous with other peoples money
- Libs need to loosen their tin foil hats and improve the blood flow to their brain
- Leave it to the liberal media to feel sorry for a convicted murderer
- she, like most libs, is a ala carte Catholic
- If we left it to libs the top tax rate would be about 90% and the economy would be in the tank
- It seems libs believe more in moral support rather then financial support
- No, what liberals want is for people to be dependent on government.
- Libs would rather imnpose nothing on the 95% who celebrate Christmas to appease the 5%.
- He also screams, yells, and bellows libs
- Of copurse, libs actuallt believe the US should rely on the UN to smooth things over whenever terrorists kill.
- libs never had the guts to confront evil - they think being nice will win the bastards over
- I thought libs could take a joke - considering they went with Kerry in 04 and Pelosi in 06
- I was beginning to think libs were not the only ones taking stupid pills
- Libs are consistent when they ignore what they lecture the rest of us to do
- Talking to a lib is like talking to a wall
- Truth to a liberal is like sunshine to a vampire
- Facts to a liberal is like Holy Water to the Devil
- Libs suffer from a superiorty complex.
- Dems are the ones who cannot properly fill out a ballot
- Liberals really believe if you do not vote for them - you are stupid
- With libs, good intentions are more important then actual results
- Libs can never keep their lies straight
Even though I probably fit in the liberal category I truely find this funny. You have a great way of finishing your posts.