Red State Rules!


Silver Member
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Stockholm - Sweden
I've had a few laughs here. Okay, I laugh easy.

But you are the source of my little fun! I took the time to collect a few quotes of yours:

  • Libs and the PC Police have NEVER been able to distinguish between fact and fiction
  • How many more time do libs have to be proven wrong?
  • I say the liberal media needs to find new experts how know what the hell is going on
  • Libs cannot handle good news. They spread bad news like a virus and live their lives looking for bad news
  • Any good news pisses off libs. Libs are not happy unless they are bitching about something.
  • Libs keep screaming about the "poverty" in America.
  • Only whites can be racist per Dems and the liberal media
  • The only reason libs hate Wal Mart is because they will not allow union thugs to infest their company
  • Dems have a clear double statndard when it comes to racism
  • Since most libs are void of logic
  • And dems do not have a clue on how to fight the terrorists
  • Libs will look you straight in the eye and lie like hell when they say there is no war on Christmas
  • Libs claim they care about working families, yet they hate Wal Mart
  • Libs are very generous with other peoples money
  • Libs need to loosen their tin foil hats and improve the blood flow to their brain
  • Leave it to the liberal media to feel sorry for a convicted murderer
  • she, like most libs, is a ala carte Catholic
  • If we left it to libs the top tax rate would be about 90% and the economy would be in the tank
  • It seems libs believe more in moral support rather then financial support
  • No, what liberals want is for people to be dependent on government.
  • Libs would rather imnpose nothing on the 95% who celebrate Christmas to appease the 5%.
  • He also screams, yells, and bellows libs
  • Of copurse, libs actuallt believe the US should rely on the UN to smooth things over whenever terrorists kill.
  • libs never had the guts to confront evil - they think being nice will win the bastards over
  • I thought libs could take a joke - considering they went with Kerry in 04 and Pelosi in 06
  • I was beginning to think libs were not the only ones taking stupid pills
  • Libs are consistent when they ignore what they lecture the rest of us to do
  • Talking to a lib is like talking to a wall
  • Truth to a liberal is like sunshine to a vampire
  • Facts to a liberal is like Holy Water to the Devil
  • Libs suffer from a superiorty complex.
  • Dems are the ones who cannot properly fill out a ballot
  • Liberals really believe if you do not vote for them - you are stupid
  • With libs, good intentions are more important then actual results
  • Libs can never keep their lies straight

Even though I probably fit in the liberal category I truely find this funny. You have a great way of finishing your posts.
What can I say? I call them as I see them

Vote Democrat - It is easier then thinking
The old man was critically ill. Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer. "I want to become a Democrat. Get me a change of registration form." "You can do it", the lawyer said, "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a Democrat?" "That's my business! Get me the form!"

Four days later, the old man got his registration changed. His lawyer was at his bedside making sure his bill would be paid. Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing, and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to become a Democrat so badly before you died?" In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said: "One less Democrat".
Nice joke!

Here is one I heard, probably old though.

In the suthern. An old man in the early 1920'ith thought that he finally had made his younger wife pregnant. Of course his lack of anything manly had made her pregnant not with him, -but with his black driver.
Weeks went by and the worried young wife feared that the babys colour would reveal what had happened and when the day came she was worried sick. Her husband was walking back and forth on the other side of the door.

As it happened she had twins. The first baby came out and started to cry. White with blond curly hair. The man looked pleased. Then he was shown the twin. A black baby with curly black hair. The man stopped in the middle of a step. Looked at the baby and cried out:
- Isn't that sweet, he has already got a driver!

1. Any person with a valid Washington DC hunting license or a Federal Income Tax Return may harvest Democrats.
2. Taking of Democrats with traps or deadfalls is permitted. The use of currency as bait is prohibited.
3. Killing of Democrats with a vehicle is prohibited. If one is accidentally struck, remove the dead Democrat to side of the road and proceed to the nearest car wash.
4. It is unlawful to chase, herd, or harvest Democrats from limousines, Mercedes Benz's, the Metro, or Porsches.
5. It shall be unlawful to shout "pork barrel" or "free social programs" for the purpose of trapping Democrats.
6. It shall be unlawful to hunt Democrats within 100 feet of government buildings.
7. It shall be unlawful to use decision memos, draft legislation, conference reports, or RFP's to attract Democrats.
8. It shall be unlawful to hunt Democrats within 200 feet of Senate or House hearing rooms, libraries, whorehouses, massage parlors, special interest group offices, bars, or strip joints.
9. If an Democrat is elected to government office, it shall be a felony to hunt, trap, or possess it. It will also be a shame.
10. Stuffed or mounted Democrats must have a DC Health Department inspection certificate for rabies and vermin.
11. It shall be illegal for a hunter to disguise him or her self as a reporter, drug dealer, pimp, female congressional aide, male congressional aide, sheep, legislator, policy maker, bookie, lobbyist, or tax accountant for the purpose of hunting Democrats.
I hardly know ANY political jokes...

Number 9 is great. "Possess it". LOL

Is a Republican the opposite of a Democrat?
No, in most cases Dems are still living in the fantasy world children play in

I once applied for membership in my local Dem party. But alas, I was rejected. I passed the mental test
I am most probably a Democrat. (Not quite sure)
I'll try to grow up... and maybe I'll apply for membership on my deathbed!
I am most probably a Democrat. (Not quite sure)
I'll try to grow up... and maybe I'll apply for membership on my deathbed!

That is what makes America great Eric. Unlike the left I do not respond with hate, rage, and insults toward those who disagree with me

My jokes and one liners strike a nerve with the far lefties on this board. In order for sometrhing to be funny there must be an element of truth in the joke. One thing most libs hate is to see and/or hear the truth

I have to go to work now and help the booming Bush economy grow even more. When I get bac tonight I will post a test you can take to see if you are REALLY a liberal

Have a good day bud
So a Republican is just an older Democrat? You were one too?

It is a political trend. The Democrats appeal to emotion and have a bunch of snappy one-liners. Younger voters are more likely to fall for this argument, since they are pretty much born emotional, but have not fully developed their ability to think logically. As one gets more mature, he tends to be able to see the bigger picture as well as use logic to see through the emotion and realize that the emotional argument has little to no merit. The older Democrats are the ones who a) never matured, b) are seeking to use liberalism to gain power, or c) have believed the lies so long that they are no longer capable of challenging them.
Here are ten simple questions written to determine if you are liberal

1) Dan Rather was set up by Karl Rove with forged documents

2) Dennis Kucinich is right when he says America should eliminate the Defense Dep and replace it with the Dept of Peace

3) The rich get richer on the backs of the poor

4) Al Qaeda terrorists are really freedom fighters

5) Pres Bush knew about 9-11 in advance

6) "Global warming" is caused by people driving SUV's

7) Taxes are to low and need to be increased for the "common good"

8) America can be taxed into prosperity

9) Government creates jobs not businesses

10) Our troops in Iraq are baby killers yet you support abortion and partial birth abortion
Man, this is going to be tough. I know a little to little on some subjects, but I'll do my best. I'll also try to do this without much of elaboration. So where you read a "yes" or "no" there might be a whole lot to say about it.

Here goes:

Here are ten simple questions written to determine if you are liberal

1) Dan Rather was set up by Karl Rove with forged documents
Know nothing about this but generally low confidence about conspiracies: No.

2) Dennis Kucinich is right when he says America should eliminate the Defense Dep and replace it with the Dept of Peace
Know nothing about this but a namechange seems outmost stupid: No

3) The rich get richer on the backs of the poor

4) Al Qaeda terrorists are really freedom fighters

5) Pres Bush knew about 9-11 in advance

6) "Global warming" is caused by people driving SUV's

7) Taxes are to low and need to be increased for the "common good"

8) America can be taxed into prosperity

9) Government creates jobs not businesses

10) Our troops in Iraq are baby killers yet you support abortion and partial birth abortion
Hey I have a question about government.

My country has 9 million people. Your has like 300 million. My government operates on an american state-level regarding logistics, economy and people.

I am beginning to think that some functions that is on a government level in my country are matched on a state-level in the US. I wonder if this sometimes confuse the debate. My government is "bigger" than that of US, but it also covers any state-level policies or laws.

An example is this: Should the government decide wether to build a very expensive bridge?
Your country "no" (State level desicion?)
My country "yes"
Hey I have a question about government.

My country has 9 million people. Your has like 300 million. My government operates on an american state-level regarding logistics, economy and people.

I am beginning to think that some functions that is on a government level in my country are matched on a state-level in the US. I wonder if this sometimes confuse the debate. My government is "bigger" than that of US, but it also covers any state-level policies or laws.

An example is this: Should the government decide wether to build a very expensive bridge?
Your country "no" (State level desicion?)
My country "yes"

Our constitution actually mandates that anything not specified TO the powers of the national government, are under the auspices of each state. Unfortunately the system has been corrupted over time, thus you'll notice threads/posts regarding 'state's rights'.
Our constitution actually mandates that anything not specified TO the powers of the national government, are under the auspices of each state. Unfortunately the system has been corrupted over time, thus you'll notice threads/posts regarding 'state's rights'.

So... on what level would a desicion over a bridge (for instance) be made?
I am most probably a Democrat. (Not quite sure)
I'll try to grow up... and maybe I'll apply for membership on my deathbed!

This is a quote that is generally attributed to Churchill but I have read recently that there is doubt about that. I found that it was very true for me.

Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.
Show me a young conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.

Kind of explains Red States's premiss that liberals have never grown up. There are other explanations according to individual experiences. Hollywood movie people tend to feel guilty about making such an obscene amount of money for reading other people's lines so they try to make up for it by playing the role of a liberal, when push comes to shove though they do love having their money and won't give it up for anyone. There are some that went to war when they were young and had the whole political thing reversed on them..... they decided that war was wrong for whatever reason and stopped thinking realistically from then on and only wanted to live in a utopian world that doesn't exist...... you may see some of that in some of our posters here.

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