Recording of Biden being bribed.

Look at you. Not an original thought in your head. Just a guy who copies and pastes pictures.

No wonder you are so easily hoaxed!
I do this because all the pretty colors might make an impression on your delusional mind.
Republicans do not weaponize govt agencies and abuse their powers to attempt to eliminate political opponents as Democrats do.


They don't weaponize agencies but all Ive seen from them is a bunch of talk. Sure, we know the biden crime syndicate is rolling along and has for years but where are the Rs to prosecute this?
you know what i mean even if you don't want to admit it. You not only drank the leftist kool aid, you bathe in it.
I know you fell for a hoax and then advertised your credulity in this topic.

You then began throwing out red herrings to distract from the fact you fell for a hoax, but it isn't working.

Nice try. But this is what you rubes do. Rather than EVER admit you were hoaxed, you double down.

And that's really sad. It is making you sicker and sicker.
Just like they claimed Hunter Paid Joe rent, when that was a lie
or the magic whistle blower that has suddenly vanished
or Pizza gate
or the fake uranium one scandal
or all the other fake GOP scandals.

one thing for certain, every republican funded scandal has all failed miserably and wasted billions in tax dollars now.
Where is Comer and Grassley's proof that Joe Biden ever did anything on behalf of Burisma?

"Pay for play?" Where's the play? Show us, rubes.

Also, they have the timeline all fucked up. Shokin investigated Burisma TWO YEARS BEFORE Hunter was on the board.

Fox News lies and tries to make it look like these events were concurrent. They are lying.
The partisan hacks in Congress like Comer and Grassley are hoping the rubes don't notice they don't have any evidence of Joe Biden doing any work on behalf of Burisma to get them what they wanted.

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