Recording of Biden being bribed.

No. I’ve read some of their stuff. I can’t recall any specific things though. Is there a problem with them?

What’s your “go to source?”
Actual media sources like the NY Times, Washington Post...
At any rate, Biden will not face any prosecution or penalty for his corruption while in office.
What corruption?

Remember, you have no specific evidence of a single illegal act. You have accusations you can't back up factually.

So why would Biden face prosecution or penalty for your accusations, backed by no evidence?
Durham was charged to investigate the reason the Trump / Russia investigation was initiated. He determined that there was nothing credible which led to it.

He also stated that the FBI ignored evidence which did not support the collusion narrative

"In short, it is the Office's assessment that the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia," the report says. "An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for Crossfire Hurricane, but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes. Unfortunately, it did not."
Did durham talk to paul manafort?

Look into the trump tower meeting?

He was a joke.
Did durham talk to paul manafort?

Look into the trump tower meeting?

He was a joke.
whoever he talked to led him to determine that the Trump/Russia collusion investigation was not started based on any evidence, just political concerns.

For them, all that matters is the accusation. Then they jump online, spread it, and they all run with it.


Its how the right wing echo chamber works: make shit up, repeat the fantasy you invented until you die. No evidence required.

Alas, the bug of their imagination hits the windshield of reality most firmly in the courts.

Which is why Trump is under 71 felony indictments. And Biden isn't be charged with so much as a parking ticket.
whoever he talked to led him to determine that the Trump/Russia collusion investigation was not started based on any evidence, just political concerns.

Durham's investigation became a criminal investigation a year into his preliminary review.

He had nearly 3 YEARS where Durham lead a criminal investigation.

And yet he found jack shit.
Durham's investigation became a criminal investigation a year into his preliminary review.

He had nearly 3 YEARS where Durham lead a criminal investigation.

And yet he found jack shit.
The ham sandwich won.
Its how the right wing echo chamber works: make shit up, repeat the fantasy you invented until you die. No evidence required.

Alas, the bug of their imagination hits the windshield of reality most firmly in the courts.

Which is why Trump is under 71 felony indictments. And Biden isn't be charged with so much as a parking ticket.
The numbers just get more and more ridiculous.
The indictments continue to flow for the GQP. More on the way.

The Dems? Not so much.

I know, I know. Fake news. Everyone is corrupt but you guys.

It is a fact that government has become remarkably more corrupt over the last couple of years. It’s so corrupt that any attempts to expose it are obstructed then vilified.

The more informed one becomes the more they see this corruption. In some cases the corruption is joked or bragged about.
The indictments continue to flow for the GQP. More on the way.

The Dems? Not so much.

I know, I know. Fake news. Everyone is corrupt but you guys.


Mueller investigating Trump's ilk? More than 30 indictments, dozens and dozens of charges, 8 people convicted, 23 standing indictment, millions in fines.

Time: 18 months.

Jack Smith investigating Trump's ilk? 43 felony charges, 2 people charged, with many more possible.

Time 7 months.

Durham investigating Democrats? 3 indictments, 2 humiliating acquittals, and one plea deal for community service.

Time: 4 YEARS.
It is a fact that government has become remarkably more corrupt over the last couple of years.

Says who?

You keep accepting accusations alone as facts. You START with your conspiracy and then desperately scramble for evidence to support it.

That shit may work in the right-wing echo chamber. But its laughed out of court.

Can you see why you Trump is under 71 indictments. And Biden hasn't even gotten a parking ticket?
Just checking in.

Do we have the recordings yet?

I've lost count of how many desperate hoaxes Comer has tried to pull off in order to create as much smoke and noise to distract from Dear Leader's crimes.

Comer's scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
Just checking in.

Do we have the recordings yet?

I've lost count of how many desperate hoaxes Comer has tried to pull off in order to create as much smoke and noise to distract from Dear Leader's crimes.

Comer's scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

And when do these unsubsantiated claims that the GOP keep making qualify as a 'witch hunt' by their own standards?

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