Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

responsible for supervising all government-funded AIDS treatment research programs. In the name of right, you make decisions that cost the lives of others. I call that murder.

He didn't kill them people the virus did.
You couldn't have just said this, when your party attempt's to say that the gun is the killer, and not the one holding the gun. Otherwise you just apply it everything eh ? lol
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there are all kinds of stories about fauci now, the republicans invented them.

old story.

I get it now.

Read the village voice article, hun.

But if you need more, here's it is straight from one of your favorite sources, no doubt.

He also experimented on black orphans:

This report is like USA Today's blm-linked biased reporting, especially the pics on its front page every day. Where are the racial stats for the orphans? A names list of the dead who were experimented upon has been compiled from the Gates of Heaven cemetery, so races and ethnicities will eventually come to light.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

No actually the " Unbelievable " part was as simple as Simon says.
The Democrats and the MSM did more than just downplay the use and
dire need for therapeutics, especially Hydroxychloroqine with Zinc.
Plus our government could easily have given away free Vitamin D3 supplements
since the cost of that Vitamin is extremely inexpensive.
But Nooooooooooooooooooooooo { Think John Belushi }.
They were not only entirely closed to the very thought of trying therapeutics
but went one insane step further.They Mocked and did everything possible
to laugh off Hydroxychloroqine and then went another step.
Making sure Doctors and pharmacies did not make it available.
That must be a first in American Medical history.
But the Left did it,appluaded it and made ordinary citizens feel like
Pyriah for even thinking about trying options to ward off Covid.
History is not nor should not look kindly on this type penultimate peer pressure.
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No, don't have to be that harsh. A simple $500 refundable tax credit to anyone that is vaccinated, and a $500 penalty to anyone that refuses, should turn the tide. If nothing else, all the anti-vaxers are about the Benjamins. That should do the trick. They would take out their own mother for a few extra bucks.
Biden has done something. It's not on him that stupid fuck right wingers refuse to be vaccinated.
This isn't a Vaccine.That the first thing rational humans need to fully understand.
A true Vaccine takes years { at least 5 for development and testing }.
A Vaccine is a one shot method of guaranteeing a person won't
get stricken.There is no Vaccine for the common cold or the Flu.
Or Aids.
No actually the " Unbelievable " part was as simple as Simon says.
The Democrats and the MSM did more than just downplay the use and
dire need for therapeutics, especially Hydroxychloroqine with Zinc.
Plus our government could easily have given away free Vitamin D3 supplements
since the cost of that Vitamin is extremely inexpensive.
But Nooooooooooooooooooooooo { Think John Belushi }.
They were not only entirely closed to the very thought of trying therapeutics
but went one insane step further.They Mocked and did everything possible
to laugh off Hydroxychloroqine and then went another step.
Making sure Doctors and pharmacies did not make it available.
That must be a first in American Medical history.
But the Left did it,appluaded it and made ordinary citizens feel like
Pyriah for even thinking about trying options to ward off Covid.
History is not nor should not look kindly on this type penultimate peer pressure.
You have to keep in mind all the exFDA wonks who lobby for Big Pharma now and all in Congress who have stock in these vax companies.....the there's Fauci's patent.

That's more important than therapeutics any old day.
Posters will continue to spin their wheels until they link HIV to SARS-CoV, and review Fau Chi's video where he gets the SARS-CoV-2 mutation D614G, backwards. That is the precise mutation that links to VSV pseudoparticles, which we link to HIV, here:

'....Huh-7 cells have been found to express a high level of SARS-CoV receptor ACE2 and could be effectively infected by HIV/SARS. We have also demonstrated that Huh-7 cells could be infected by pseudotype particles bearing the vesicular stomatitis virus G glycoprotein (VSV-G, our unpublished data).

As shown in Fig. 5A, the sera of convalescent SARS patients had an obvious neutralizing activity on HIV/SARS but failed to neutralize HIV/VSV-G, whereas healthy human sera could not neutralize either of these two pseudoviruses. This suggested that our neutralization assay could be used to detect SARS-CoV-specific neutralizing antibodies.'
Trump has cleared himself of any responsibility going forward by clearly stating that the vaccines are both safe and effective.

He can never dodge his guilt on not making that statement earlier.

To the point of the topic, Biden made himself clear years earlier that everybody should be vaccinated.

Trump, for some reason found it necessary to cut the legs out from under his faithful supporters, at their knees. It can no longer be a political debate.

Everyone needs to turn the page to the professional medical evidence.
As was done in the rest of the world's countries years ago.
No actually the " Unbelievable " part was as simple as Simon says.
The Democrats and the MSM did more than just downplay the use and
dire need for therapeutics, especially Hydroxychloroqine with Zinc.
Plus our government could easily have given away free Vitamin D3 supplements
since the cost of that Vitamin is extremely inexpensive.
But Nooooooooooooooooooooooo { Think John Belushi }.
They were not only entirely closed to the very thought of trying therapeutics
but went one insane step further.They Mocked and did everything possible
to laugh off Hydroxychloroqine and then went another step.
Making sure Doctors and pharmacies did not make it available.
That must be a first in American Medical history.
But the Left did it,appluaded it and made ordinary citizens feel like
Pyriah for even thinking about trying options to ward off Covid.
History is not nor should not look kindly on this type penultimate peer pressure.
It was all to smear and derail Trump.
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

What do YOU think the President should do that he is not already doing?

Wait!, I know, he can DuhDumbass it, just like Ronnie, PRETEND it's all better then disappear for a month.

Abject cowardice. The GOP way.
Same thing Trump should have done. After all, you lefties said Trump did nothing to stop it.

YOU voted for this fucking child molester who said he could shut down the fucking virus. YOU tell me what he should do.
You're the one bitchin Sally.
You have to keep in mind all the exFDA wonks who lobby for Big Pharma now and all in Congress who have stock in these vax companies.....the there's Fauci's patent.

That's more important than therapeutics any old day.
Well one thing is blatantly obvious now.This Covid Vaccine { cure } was
a bust.We the People where lecturred and tormented by False advertising
of a Vaccine that was Not a Vaccine but an experimental Protein drug that
only got as far as Emergency FDA approval.That didn't stop but instead only motivated those
like MSNBC Propagandist { Rachel Maddow } touting those Covid Vaccines as a Shield
from catching or passing on Covid.We now that the be a firstclass Lie.
Of course Big Pharma is not to be trusted.But like the way all Vitamin C distributed in
the United States comes from China,what's a populace to do.
There are ways to actually brew-up a batch of Hydroxychloroquine.
It involved the skins of Grapefruits and Lemons.Somewhat labor intensive.
There's little doubt that the majority of those who were antivaxxers are going to follow Trump's good advice to be vaccinated.
But there's also little doubt that a small fringe minority will dig in their heels and continue to resist. This forum is a great place to come to find that fringe minority.

Better to remain polite and to the point, as opposed to arguing their nonsense.
Piglosi, et al, grifted the system for millions with Phizer and Moderna option calls, so mission accomplished, hmm?

Yeah ok, some kids had some heart attacks, and soccer players are dropping dead on the field (they're such drama queens anyway). But Nanzi can buy another handful of Lupe's to clean the 15 shitters in her mansion. It's important.

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