Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

The FLCCC website has some great info on treatment protocols. The vitamins and neutraceuticals are good for immune support in general.

I have been taking C, D, zinc and NAC for years, Recently, I've added Quercetin, Curcumin, black cumin seed and honey everyday...and have stash of ivermectin just in case.

Full disclosure --- I have a quart of Ivermectin, unopened (sheep), because the whole shearing thing got complex last year: my husband with terrible arthritis and a NEW shearer after all these years with the Scotsman ---- a lot of people don't know that if you are willing to work with sheep and experienced, you have easy access to a green card here, but finally, he had to retire. In addition, nearly a whole tube of Ivermectin horse wormer which I DID sort of have a good dab of in . . . I think 2018 because of some issues. I mean a good inch from the tube. Nummy, nummy. Didn't do me any harm, or frankly, any good for that issue. I say this for you all because people with a lot of familiarity with Ivermectin for decades are probably not thick on the ground. Sheep, okay, horses, okay, dogs, I killed one once with it. There is a known problem with dogs. People are supposed to be okay with it ---------- though if I were you, I wouldn't go crazy with it.

I haven't been able in this five+ weeks to deal with Ivermectin, maybe I should have. Okay, okay, I'll take some vitamins!!
The FLCCC website has some great info on treatment protocols. The vitamins and neutraceuticals are good for immune support in general.

I have been taking C, D, zinc and NAC for years, Recently, I've added Quercetin, Curcumin, black cumin seed and honey everyday...and have stash of ivermectin just in case.

USMB search 'quercitin.' This should retrieve the posts mentioning binding positions of quercitin to the spike of the virus.
The FLCCC website has some great info on treatment protocols. The vitamins and neutraceuticals are good for immune support in general.

I have been taking C, D, zinc and NAC for years, Recently, I've added Quercetin, Curcumin, black cumin seed and honey everyday...and have stash of ivermectin just in case.

That's mostly been my regimen the past two years. Zinc, Vit C&D, Quercetin,NAC and Melatonin at night.

Feel the best I've felt in years! Asleep by 10pm and up at 4:30am - 6am feeling refreshed. Never wore a mask and never had the covid. The Zalenko protocol works

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Thanks for the good wishes! I thought it would be milder --- I mean, all the Internet sites said 5 to 7 days, right?? Darn, five weeks now. I'd have bet against it being this bad, but I'd have been wrong. Of course, mine is Delta if it's Covid at all because five weeks ago, Omicron wasn't in the country. So I do hope Omicron is mild and quick.
Well said!!
Why does anyone listen to these idiots anymore? Maks and vaccine passports are totally useless.

You would think LA County could figure this out, but they do what never worked.

This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Should anyone be surprised?
There are no reports being censored. If you think there are then be specific. I don't have time to respond to all the traffic on this forum and so must be brief and to the point on what hearsay i can accept.
Trump has been able to rise above the nonsense politics and you should too.
Yer shilling for the Left and lefties.You are no more a fan of President Trump
than a homeless ragamuffin parading the streets of San Fransico.
You are using the opportunity of Trump making a statement about how he
just got a booster and so should everyone else.
The Left { always up to playing Games like Rules for Radicals and Gaslighting }
see this as an opportunity to Pigeonhole Trump.
Use him to force Trump voters and Conservatives to agree with
Fauci and Biden.By citing Trump as advocate numero uno on Vaccines and
Boosters.It's a cruddy ploy.
The more we know about Vaccines the less they become safe.
Trump is relying too much on Billo O'Reilly.
And O'Reilly is taking advantage of Trump's huge popularity.
O'Reilly uses anyone and everyone to step up the ladder of success.

You did not Bear the Shame
You Resisted
Sacrificing Your Life
For Freedom,Justice and Honor
From the German Resistance Memorial,Berlin
closing credits from - Valkyrie - { 2008 }
That's mostly been my regimen the past two years. Zinc, Vit C&D, Quercetin,NAC and Melatonin at night.

Feel the best I've felt in years! Asleep by 10pm and up at 4:30am - 6am feeling refreshed. Never wore a mask and never had the covid. The Zalenko protocol works

Zelenko is contradicting the crucial timing of hydroxychloroquine when suggesting the timing in the protocol posted here. HCQ is most effective as the virus attempts fo infect, not after the fact, and it cannot be known when this happens. Waiting for any length of time is dangerous. That's why prophylaxis was practiced in Uttar Pradesh to achieve their remarkable results. Epigallocatechin gallate from green tea should be mixed with Throat Coat (Traditional Medicinals) containing slippery elm (Ulmus rubra).
Yer shilling for the Left and lefties.You are no more a fan of President Trump

I'm a fan of Trump's awakening to see the light on the vaccines. What can I say to you people that won't just stick in your craws?
Ya'all need to learn to accept the new Trump when it comes to vaccine questions. Otherwise, he'a sick puppy and a psychopath!
I'm a fan of Trump's awakening to see the light on the vaccines. What can I say to you people that won't just stick in your craws?
Ya'all need to learn to accept the new Trump when it comes to vaccine questions. Otherwise, he'a sick puppy and a psychopath!
Dint take long to figger out yer Rattler skin shedding.
That's what happens when a Poser gits outted.Even on yer best behavior
you little more than a peeved adult shrew who must find a food source
and quick otherwise they perish.
Shrew cannot survive w/o food { must eat within half a day's time or will
fall asleep and never wake up. }
I just got diagnosed today. I blame China. I am thankful that it was not a Democrat in the White House in 2020 when COVID hit US. It would have taken longer for a vaccine to be available, the economy would be worse, and the border would be worse. Trump has been gone almost a year. Harris-Biden ran on ending COVID…. They own it now.
I just got diagnosed today. I blame China. I am thankful that it was not a Democrat in the White House in 2020 when COVID hit US. It would have taken longer for a vaccine to be available, the economy would be worse, and the border would be worse. Trump has been gone almost a year. Harris-Biden ran on ending COVID…. They own it now.
There is NO vaccine available, there never has been, the data coming in is devastating, 79% of all US wuhan flu cases are in the double jabbed, this corresponds perfectly with what is playing out in Israel, Denmark, and apparently the UK, 80% or better of all new cases are in the idiots who bowed heads to China, Gates, and Fauci! More good news, if you are double jabbed, and most of you are, then you are now 3 x more likely to become infected then those who are not jabbed, not even a single jab!!!

Not enough good news for you yet, according to Malone, who appeared on Rogan podcast yesterday, and the Columbia University study, if you have been double jabbed and get infected, which you will, and its a bad dose which demands hospitalization, your mortality rate explodes upward to 6.3% compared to a general population mortality rate in the unjabbed of just 0.03 - 0.05%!

Oh, and one other piece of very good news, the jabs, even with just one, but especially after two or more, in 40-60 days the effacy becomes negative, that really caught my attention as it explains exactly what the fuck we are seeing before eyes in real time, the effacy going negative means "it then favors the virus, greatly enhancing its ability to infect you!"

But hey, Dr Malone is just a quack..... :auiqs.jpg:
Should anyone be surprised?
He isn't capable of making a sentence, much less if he even knows what the truth is anymore, especially if it were to tickle his wretched old ears. He'd say Brandon is that you ?
There is NO vaccine available, there never has been, the data coming in is devastating, 79% of all US wuhan flu cases are in the double jabbed, this corresponds perfectly with what is playing out in Israel, Denmark, and apparently the UK, 80% or better of all new cases are in the idiots who bowed heads to China, Gates, and Fauci! More good news, if you are double jabbed, and most of you are, then you are now 3 x more likely to become infected then those who are not jabbed, not even a single jab!!!

Not enough good news for you yet, according to Malone, who appeared on Rogan podcast yesterday, and the Columbia University study, if you have been double jabbed and get infected, which you will, and its a bad dose which demands hospitalization, your mortality rate explodes upward to 6.3% compared to a general population mortality rate in the unjabbed of just 0.03 - 0.05%!

Oh, and one other piece of very good news, the jabs, even with just one, but especially after two or more, in 40-60 days the effacy becomes negative, that really caught my attention as it explains exactly what the fuck we are seeing before eyes in real time, the effacy going negative means "it then favors the virus, greatly enhancing its ability to infect you!"

But hey, Dr Malone is just a quack..... :auiqs.jpg:
My daughter was forced by a company to get the jab, even though she had already had COVID around 4 months ago. Sick situation. They put her through a bout with COVID symptoms for 24 hours again, even though she had already got over the thing naturally before. She had to alternate Tylenol and Motrin for fever, and she had cold chills all the way to her bones.

That was ridiculous. Then we hear how the vaxed are getting COVID left and right now. Well at least we know that she fought it off naturally once, and hopefully she can do it again if she has too.
My daughter was forced by a company to get the jab, even though she had already had COVID around 4 months ago. Sick situation. They put her through a bout with COVID symptoms for 24 hours again, even though she had already got over the thing naturally before. She had to alternate Tylenol and Motrin for fever, and she had cold chills all the way to her bones.

That was ridiculous. Then we hear how the vaxed are getting COVID left and right now. Well at least we know that she fought it off naturally once, and hopefully she can do it again if she has too.
They talked about just such pressures being brought to bear upon the population who has already had covid, its NOT good news, it lowers their immune responses to a virus they were now all but immune to, even more importantly, "they have a much higher prevalence of the worst of the worst mRNA side effects, which means higher incidences of heart attack, stroke, paralysis, and other terrible effects that can be both permanent, and crippling, some experts, and the emergent data supports them, think you could still suffer enhanced risk for stroke/heart attack long after completing the jabs, and it only gets worse with three, or four, or more of them."

Anyone, anyone at all, who has recovered from the virus, is orders of magnitude better protected against the virus than the deadly mRNA jabs at the absolute best could provide them! One other thing, the Columbia study concluded that the mRNA jabs alone, between Feb 2021 & Dec 2021, just one years time, killed between 130,000 - 187,000 men, women, and children, just in the USA! Under no circumstances should any decent parent allow their children to be tagged with these murderous jabs!

I would urge all those with three digit IQ's, and not suffering from any fascist democrat applied intellectual impairment's, to listen to the entire 3.5 hour Rogan podcast where he interviews Dr Malone, do not submit to any further jabs in yourselves, and under no circumstance allow them to jab your children....

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They talked about just such pressures being brought to bear upon the population who has already had covid, its NOT good news, it lowers their immune responses to a virus they were now all but immune to, even more importantly, "they have a much higher prevalence of the worst or the worst mRNA side effects, which means higher incidences of heart attack, stroke, paralysis, and other terrible effects that can be both permanent, and crippling, some experts, and the emergent data supports them, think you could still suffer enhanced risk for stroke/heart attack long after completing the jabs, and it only gets worse with three, or four, or more of them."

Anyone, anyone at all, who has recovered from the virus, is orders or magnitude better protected against the virus than the deadly mRNA jabs at the absolute best could provide them! One other thing, the Columbia study concluded that the mRNA jabs alone, between Feb 2021 & Dec 2021, just one years time, killed between 130,000 - 187,000 men, women, and children, just in the USA! Under no circumstances should any decent parent allow their children to be tagged with these murderous jabs!

I would urge all those with three digit IQ's, and not suffering from any fascist democrat applied intellectual impairment's, to listen to the entire 3.5 hour Rogan podcast where he interviews Dr Malone, do not submit to any further jabs in yourselves, and under no circumstance allow them to jab your children....
Yes, I thought it ridiculous for the company to require her to get the jab for hiring purposes, and if she has any side effects, then its going to be on them because they forced her.
They talked about just such pressures being brought to bear upon the population who has already had covid, its NOT good news, it lowers their immune responses to a virus they were now all but immune to, even more importantly, "they have a much higher prevalence of the worst of the worst mRNA side effects, which means higher incidences of heart attack, stroke, paralysis, and other terrible effects that can be both permanent, and crippling, some experts, and the emergent data supports them, think you could still suffer enhanced risk for stroke/heart attack long after completing the jabs, and it only gets worse with three, or four, or more of them."

Anyone, anyone at all, who has recovered from the virus, is orders of magnitude better protected against the virus than the deadly mRNA jabs at the absolute best could provide them! One other thing, the Columbia study concluded that the mRNA jabs alone, between Feb 2021 & Dec 2021, just one years time, killed between 130,000 - 187,000 men, women, and children, just in the USA! Under no circumstances should any decent parent allow their children to be tagged with these murderous jabs!

I would urge all those with three digit IQ's, and not suffering from any fascist democrat applied intellectual impairment's, to listen to the entire 3.5 hour Rogan podcast where he interviews Dr Malone, do not submit to any further jabs in yourselves, and under no circumstance allow them to jab your children....

Most of this post straight up lunatic bin bullshit.

Boosted people show least Omnicron symptoms and serious adverse effects from vaccinations are extremely rare, certainly much more rare than Omnicron complications.

The bit about "killed 180,000 people" is pure fabrication, FDA would never clear anything of the sort.

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