
Just do it!
The Republican Party's leadership has shown complete disdain for the will of the people for change, and continues to thwart efforts by the Democrats in Congress to provide universal healthcare to all Americans.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent to wage war on terror, a freaking noun, without a peep from the chicken hawks as to its cost in blood and treasure.
Yet today the same fiscal neophytes on the right claim Obama&Co are breaking the bank by working towards the reform of how we pay for healhcare.
Worse, the Palin/Gingrich fringe run around doing the Henny Penny Polka, stirring up anger with divisive rhetoric and laying the blame on Democrats who were elected to fix the myriad of problems our nation faces today.

Yeah, they are such fucking hypocrites. spending billions to kill and destroy and send money overseas is perfectly fine and acceptable. Spending money to help americans is horrible.

Scum some of these people are, absolute ideology over reality scumbags

Yep, we're the scum that want to run the country according to the principles on which it was founded. We bad.

No. You're not bad or evil, simply conservative. The principles (the Mission Statement) of our country is written very clearly in the preamble to our Constitution:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Conservatives care not for the essence of these words, they (you) focus only on that which supports your ideology, which may be summerized by this: I've got mine, screw you!
Reconciliation is allowed under federal law, Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 641(e)(2))

The nuclear option is something right wing loons came up with that is not law.

I know it's hard for many of you to grasp...but there is a difference. And Reconciliation has been used over 20 times in the past...even by *gasp* Republicans.
Yes it has...For BUDGET bills, Sally simpleton.

Even Robert Byrd (y'know the guy who AUTHORED reconciliation) knows that using it to ram legislation through goes against it's intended purpose...After all, he made that very point when the dems considered pulling this stunt with Hillarycare.
A health care bill isn't a budget bill? :cuckoo: You really are dumber than paint...and that is an insult to paint.
I love how 3 Cons jumped on to thank you for this false information.

Bush tax cuts - Cost 2x+ as much as proposed bill - Passed by reconciliation.
Tax cuts don't "cost" anything, and were passed a part of a budget bill.

That's true, but by that logic the HC bill doesn't cost anything either, the CBO estimates it will save money. Granted, it's paid for by raising certain taxes, so there's some difference there.

Is that you skiing? Just curious.
I think Bush's tax cuts cost 1.8 Trillion...
Are you being purposefully dense?

I said popular with the people, not popular with the Senate... Of course the Democratics hated it...:cuckoo:
Here is a poll on it from the time period. It did not enjoy widespread popular support.

Americans More Optimistic About Economy, But Not Bush Tax Cut: Summary of Findings - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Reading this link, the results of the poll show people were skeptical of the results of tax cuts, not that they opposed it...

The raw data shows more approve (481) than disapprove (448).

(see the second graphic)
Thank you for admitting it wasn't a widely popular bill. Jeesh, it's like pulling teeth.
Reconciliation is allowed under federal law, Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 641(e)(2))

The nuclear option is something right wing loons came up with that is not law.

I know it's hard for many of you to grasp...but there is a difference. And Reconciliation has been used over 20 times in the past...even by *gasp* Republicans.
Yes it has...For BUDGET bills, Sally simpleton.

Even Robert Byrd (y'know the guy who AUTHORED reconciliation) knows that using it to ram legislation through goes against it's intended purpose...After all, he made that very point when the dems considered pulling this stunt with Hillarycare.
A health care bill isn't a budget bill? :cuckoo: You really are dumber than paint...and that is an insult to paint.
No, it's not a budget bill...It's legislation, Miss Dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers.
Reconciliation is only for increasing or decreasing spending and taxes. It was never meant for policy. ObamaCare is full of Manadates, Requires, Prohibits - the full panoply of favorite Progressive Terms.
Reconciliation is allowed under federal law, Congressional Budget Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. § 641(e)(2))

The nuclear option is something right wing loons came up with that is not law.

I know it's hard for many of you to grasp...but there is a difference. And Reconciliation has been used over 20 times in the past...even by *gasp* Republicans.
Yes it has...For BUDGET bills, Sally simpleton.

Even Robert Byrd (y'know the guy who AUTHORED reconciliation) knows that using it to ram legislation through goes against it's intended purpose...After all, he made that very point when the dems considered pulling this stunt with Hillarycare.
A health care bill isn't a budget bill? :cuckoo: You really are dumber than paint...and that is an insult to paint.

It's not about the budget, it's about legislating a new entitlement, like SS, and Medicare through the process of a nuclear option. Two entirely different beasts.

Reading this link, the results of the poll show people were skeptical of the results of tax cuts, not that they opposed it...

The raw data shows more approve (481) than disapprove (448).

(see the second graphic)
Thank you for admitting it wasn't a widely popular bill. Jeesh, it's like pulling teeth.

Thats NOT what the poll said and I admitted no such thing.. You either know that or are fucking stupid...

It said they were skeptical as to whether it would work...

The majority in the poll approved of the tax cuts...
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Yeah, they are such fucking hypocrites. spending billions to kill and destroy and send money overseas is perfectly fine and acceptable. Spending money to help americans is horrible.

Scum some of these people are, absolute ideology over reality scumbags

Yep, we're the scum that want to run the country according to the principles on which it was founded. We bad.

No. You're not bad or evil, simply conservative. The principles (the Mission Statement) of our country is written very clearly in the preamble to our Constitution:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Conservatives care not for the essence of these words, they (you) focus only on that which supports your ideology, which may be summerized by this: I've got mine, screw you!

85% of "We the People" are happy with their healthcare, wry.
over 50% of "We the People" do not want this particuliar healthcare bill.

I can't make it any simpler for you, wry. Please take off your partisan glasses for 15 seconds and try to understand what "We the People" really want.
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I am amused that the liberals here expect me to ignore the polls which show the public is not interested in being "saved" by this bill. Further, they want me to find merit in using reconciliation in the manner it is being suggested. Never mind there is absolutely no record of it being used like this ever before.

Now doctors will be reducing the number of medicare patients they have with the new reductions in payments. I suppose I am to ignore this as well, even though it will impact how doctors get paid. Doctors will just have those of us with private insurance pay more. A direct result of government policy, not the public or those who don't have coverage.

Pelosi doesn't have the votes to get it done period. The longer it takes the less likely Democrats can get anything done on this. Instead of playing the party of discord, Democrats need to wake up to the new reality of deficit and unemployment politics.
Reconciliation is only for increasing or decreasing spending and taxes. It was never meant for policy. ObamaCare is full of Manadates, Requires, Prohibits - the full panoply of favorite Progressive Terms.

I've said this 1000 times on here, and I never get a response. Perk your ears up for just a few seconds here.


There you have it. If they JUST PASS THE SENATE BILL IN THE HOUSE AND LEAVE IT AS IT IS, NO RECONCILIATION IS NECESSARY. They are not, mmm, NOT, using reconciliation to circumvent legislative procedure!
I am amused that the liberals here expect me to ignore the polls which show the public is not interested in being "saved" by this bill. Further, they want me to find merit in using reconciliation in the manner it is being suggested. Never mind there is absolutely no record of it being used like this ever before.

Now doctors will be reducing the number of medicare patients they have with the new reductions in payments. I suppose I am to ignore this as well, even though it will impact how doctors get paid. Doctors will just have those of us with private insurance pay more. A direct result of government policy, not the public or those who don't have coverage.

Pelosi doesn't have the votes to get it done period. The longer it takes the less likely Democrats can get anything done on this. Instead of playing the party of discord, Democrats need to wake up to the new reality of deficit and unemployment politics.

People disapprove of the bill because they don't understand it, and they've been fed all the same bad information that you have.

Interestingly... When polled on the individual aspects of the bill, people approve overwhelmingly. Why do they disapprove? They've been told the bill is designed to kill granny when she gets too expensive (or maybe they are granny in many cases) and to take their tax dollars to pay for abortions for illegal immigrant crack whores.
Just do it!
The Republican Party's leadership has shown complete disdain for the will of the people for change, and continues to thwart efforts by the Democrats in Congress to provide universal healthcare to all Americans.Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent to wage war on terror, a freaking noun, without a peep from the chicken hawks as to its cost in blood and treasure.
Yet today the same fiscal neophytes on the right claim Obama&Co are breaking the bank by working towards the reform of how we pay for healhcare.
Worse, the Palin/Gingrich fringe run around doing the Henny Penny Polka, stirring up anger with divisive rhetoric and laying the blame on Democrats who were elected to fix the myriad of problems our nation faces today.

Scott Brown
I don't think the Democratics will ever get over the fact that a Republican took the seat once held by a Kennedy and won it based upon his promise to be the 41st vote to stop the health care vote in the Senate. :lol: The nutzoids over at the Democratic Underground forum were making pleas for that to not happen - that it would be unfair and a travesty to have a "repuke" taking Teddy's seat. :lol: :lol:

Get use to disappointment liberals. :)
Just do it!
The Republican Party's leadership has shown complete disdain for the will of the people for change, and continues to thwart efforts by the Democrats in Congress to provide universal healthcare to all Americans.Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent to wage war on terror, a freaking noun, without a peep from the chicken hawks as to its cost in blood and treasure.
Yet today the same fiscal neophytes on the right claim Obama&Co are breaking the bank by working towards the reform of how we pay for healhcare.
Worse, the Palin/Gingrich fringe run around doing the Henny Penny Polka, stirring up anger with divisive rhetoric and laying the blame on Democrats who were elected to fix the myriad of problems our nation faces today.

Scott Brown
I don't think the Democratics will ever get over the fact that a Republican took the seat once held by a Kennedy and won it based upon his promise to be the 41st vote to stop the health care vote in the Senate. :lol: The nutzoids over at the Democratic Underground forum were making pleas for that to not happen - that it would be unfair and a travesty to have a "Repuke" taking Teddy's seat. :lol: :lol:

Get use to disappointment liberals. :)
First of all, it doesn't affect 17% our economy.

Now answer the question. Was it wrong for Clinton to just do whatever the polls told him or not?

And while we're at it, why did Bush get so much praise from the right for not going with the polls?

Uhhhh..., it does. Health care spending was 17.3% of the economy in 2009. The ObamaCare bill addresses virtually every aspect of health care via mandates, taxes, fees, fines, etc.

Perhaps it leaves homeopathy and ear candling alone, but these can't amount to much.

Except that the bill does not affect every single bit of healthcare. I know for example that the bill wouldn't really have any effect on my healthcare plan.
Except after a couple of years you would lose your healthcare plan and be forced onto the public option.
Yeah, they are such fucking hypocrites. spending billions to kill and destroy and send money overseas is perfectly fine and acceptable. Spending money to help americans is horrible.

Scum some of these people are, absolute ideology over reality scumbags

Yep, we're the scum that want to run the country according to the principles on which it was founded. We bad.

No. You're not bad or evil, simply conservative. The principles (the Mission Statement) of our country is written very clearly in the preamble to our Constitution:
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Conservatives care not for the essence of these words, they (you) focus only on that which supports your ideology, which may be summerized by this: I've got mine, screw you!

Wrong dog breath. The conservative ideology can be summarized by this: I've got mine, so can You!
Repubs have used reconciliation 14 times since 1980, Dems have used it 8. Time that we caught up. Let's see,

1. Health Care.
2. Address global warming.
3. Pollution laws.
4. Banking regulations.
5. Regulating Wall Street.
6. A 50% tax on the wealthy until we once again achieve a balanced budget.

Did I leave anything out that might cause apolexy in Conservatives. If I did, I apologize.

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