Real bad day at TESLA! Oooops!

Can hardly wait for the lemming Tesla supporters to come here...…………, for their silly rationalizations to read...…..
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Tesla is collapsing, the stock is doomed. The company will go bankrupt. But what about the billions of tons material Tesla has had heavy industry manufacture. Will there be an accounting of all the CO2 created which the non-science thinking idiots believe cause the planet to over-heat.

Will we see all the pollution, the toxic waste, accounted for! Forget about the CO2, what about all the coal, and oil tesla has used creating this monster.

What about all our natural resources, wasted.

Estimated August passenger car sales from indicate that only four passenger car models sold better than the Tesla Model 3 in August. Those cars were only from Honda and Toyota. They were the Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, Honda Accord and Toyota Corolla.

This was at the 5000 car per week level for the Model 3. If the Model 3 reaches 7000 cars per week then it will be the second best selling car model. It would only be behind the Toyota Camry. If the Model 3 reaches 8000 cars per week then it will become the top selling car in the USA.

The Toyota Camry sells for $29,000 to 34,000.

The three available versions of the Model 3 are $49,000 to $64,000 in price.

Tesla Model 3 top selling US passenger car model in terms of August revenue and fifth in cars sold

Whatever happens with Musk personally, the Tesla auto company will survive. Someone will pick it up. The sales are simply too strong for some company not to take over and become one of the major auto brands in the world.
Again, we have an American company, producing an American product almost 100% here in the US, and the 'Conservatives' hate it. They hate it even more because no one else in the world can compete with it. They would rather we all buy European or Japanese vehicles. Why do 'Conservatives' hate America and love Putin?

Estimated August passenger car sales from indicate that only four passenger car models sold better than the Tesla Model 3 in August. Those cars were only from Honda and Toyota. They were the Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, Honda Accord and Toyota Corolla.

This was at the 5000 car per week level for the Model 3. If the Model 3 reaches 7000 cars per week then it will be the second best selling car model. It would only be behind the Toyota Camry. If the Model 3 reaches 8000 cars per week then it will become the top selling car in the USA.

The Toyota Camry sells for $29,000 to 34,000.

The three available versions of the Model 3 are $49,000 to $64,000 in price.

Tesla Model 3 top selling US passenger car model in terms of August revenue and fifth in cars sold

Whatever happens with Musk personally, the Tesla auto company will survive. Someone will pick it up. The sales are simply too strong for some company not to take over and become one of the major auto brands in the world.

Too damn easy to check

Tesla didn't even make the Top 20

Top Selling Cars in 2018 in the USA -- not a single one comes with taxpayer subsidized sticker price

1. Ford F-Series: 451,138 sold in 2018. Change from the same date in 2017 +4.9% .
2. Chevrolet Silverado: 291,074. +10.7%
3. Ram Pickup: 233,539. - 6.7%
4. Nissan Rogue : 215,202. +10.0%
5. Toyota RAV4: 198,390. +7.4%
6. Honda CR-V: 179,580. - 4.1%
7. Toyota Camry: 178,795. +1.1%
8. Honda Civic: 176,242. +0.3%
9. Chevrolet Equinox 156,365. +17.2%

10. Toyota Corolla: 149,805. -9.5%
11. Ford Escape: 144,627. -7.9%
12. Honda Accord: 138,290. -13.6%
13. Jeep Wrangler: 133,492. +34.9%
14. Ford Explorer: 128,706. -5.0%
15. Nissan Altima: 123,792. -15.4%

16. Toyota Tacoma: 116,266. +2.8%
17. Nissan Sentra: 115,676. +2.8%
18. Toyota Highlander: 114,254. +14.3%
19. Jeep Cherokee: 113,719.+ 39.8%

20. Jeep Grand Cherokee: 109,313 Down 6.1%

Source These are the 20 best-selling cars and trucks in America in 2018

I admit, probably not as authorative as "good car bad car .com" but call me old-fashioned for looking for business facts in a business journal and not a green propaganda sheet.

Again, we have an American company, producing an American product almost 100% here in the US, and the 'Conservatives' hate it. They hate it even more because no one else in the world can compete with it. They would rather we all buy European or Japanese vehicles. Why do 'Conservatives' hate America and love Putin?

Ahhhhhh....the lament of the side that's not winning.

Let me translate the title of the thread.....


Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?
Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Actually....we dont care much because we see that nobody is caring about the electric car. Those on the right or left. Nobody is buying them. In fact Ford sold more Focus's last year than all electric vehicles combined. I mean how laughable is that?:2up:
Again, we have an American company, producing an American product almost 100% here in the US, and the 'Conservatives' hate it. They hate it even more because no one else in the world can compete with it. They would rather we all buy European or Japanese vehicles. Why do 'Conservatives' hate America and love Putin?

To bad telsa don't pay Union wages ...


Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are

Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Actually....we dont care much because we see that nobody is caring about the electric car. Those on the right or left. Nobody is buying them. In fact Ford sold more Focus's last year than all electric vehicles combined. I mean how laughable is that?:2up:
I'm asking why is the very idea of an electric car so troublesome.

No technology emerges wholly formed like a potted geranium. Technology develops over time. Should a viable electric car be developed, why would it pose a problem?

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