Reagan on the unions

Chris is an obvious troll, folks. He never actually engages with anybody. He just writes some hackish one liner and leaves. Why waste your time on him?
"They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost."

Public sector employees should NEVER be able to collectively bargain because it leaves us (the tax paying employer) out of the equation.... THAT REAGAN NEVER ENDORSED!

There's nothing wrong with public sector employees bargaining collectively as long as the elected officials that they bargain with are given a message that they work for the tax payers and not for those who lobby for either labor OR industry.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater - elect leaders instead of politicians.

The problem is not unionization per se, the problem is the short-sighted, limp-dick son's-o'-bitches we've had negotiating for the tax payers.

Another option is to let teachers bill the system like doctors on a per child / per procedure basis from private facilities.

Fat chance Joe.... fat chance!
Those son of a bitches always end up siding with their pocketbooks, and to Hell with the tax payers they represent. How the FUCK do you think we got where we are now?

. "I can just as easily say \"Fuck you!\" with positive rep."
Whenever the rich and powerful want to consolidate their power, the first thing they do is abolish the unions.

And so it is today...

Public Sector Unions? You bet. There is no representation from the Taxpayers in negotiations, and the taxpayer gets screwed for paying these people far more than they are worth as compared to same job(s) in the private sector.

So Chris, again? You're talking out yer ass as usual. Your citing Reagan without understanding the times and what we were fighting back then was ill-informed, uneducated, and just plain dopey as most of what you post is. You just don't research much, do you?

Consider your ass handed to you sport.
Chris is an obvious troll, folks. He never actually engages with anybody. He just writes some hackish one liner and leaves. Why waste your time on him?
Not to mention he leaves out the historical context from his OP regarding Reagan and Poland that were fighting for their freedom from an opressive Communist regime...
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"These are the values inspiring those brave workers in Poland. . . They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost. They remind us that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. You and I must protect and preserve freedom here or it will not be passed on to our children."

- Ronald Reagan, Labor Day speech, 9/01/80

An observation.

You quote a man you despise in an attempt to make your point. If you actually had a valid point, or were actually capable of critical thinking, you would not need to resort to quotes taken out of context.
Chris is an obvious troll, folks. He never actually engages with anybody. He just writes some hackish one liner and leaves. Why waste your time on him?
Not to mention he leaves out the historical context from his OP regarding Reagan and Poland that were fighting for their freedom from an opressive Communist regime...

Well since yourself and others claim we're currently living under a communist regime, it's all the more reason to follow Reagan's sage words and organize labor.

oh wait...
Whenever the rich and powerful want to consolidate their power, the first thing they do is abolish the unions.

And so it is today...

wait Chris your slipping.....Dean is going to be pissed at you let me tell you......your sentence is supposed to read like this...........

Whenever the rich and powerful... REPUBLICANS.... want to consolidate their power, the first thing they do is abolish the dont have to thank me....
Chris is an obvious troll, folks. He never actually engages with anybody. He just writes some hackish one liner and leaves. Why waste your time on him?
Not to mention he leaves out the historical context from his OP regarding Reagan and Poland that were fighting for their freedom from an opressive Communist regime...

Well since yourself and others claim we're currently living under a communist regime, it's all the more reason to follow Reagan's sage words and organize labor.

oh wait...

Oh wait indeed. I didn't write that nor CLAIM that now did I?

Are you this stupid in real life? Nice try at twisting my words Karl.:eusa_hand:

No Sale...and that makes you a what? L I A R.
Not to mention he leaves out the historical context from his OP regarding Reagan and Poland that were fighting for their freedom from an opressive Communist regime...

Well since yourself and others claim we're currently living under a communist regime, it's all the more reason to follow Reagan's sage words and organize labor.

oh wait...

Oh wait indeed. I didn't write that nor CLAIM that now did I?

Are you this stupid in real life? Nice try at twisting my words Karl.:eusa_hand:

No Sale...and that makes you a what? L I A R.

LOL! You're saying you've never said the Obama administration was communist?

Have a sip of that drink before you respond, tommy.
Well since yourself and others claim we're currently living under a communist regime, it's all the more reason to follow Reagan's sage words and organize labor.

oh wait...

Oh wait indeed. I didn't write that nor CLAIM that now did I?

Are you this stupid in real life? Nice try at twisting my words Karl.:eusa_hand:

No Sale...and that makes you a what? L I A R.

LOL! You're saying you've never said the Obama administration was communist?

Have a sip of that drink before you respond, tommy.

Son? I posted in reference to the OP, and the ill-conceived attack upon Reagan when he uttered his support for the Polish Shipyard Unions apart from a Communist regime.

You aren't going to obfuscate my words no matter how hard you try.

FOCUS seem to lack that skill.
Oh wait indeed. I didn't write that nor CLAIM that now did I?

Are you this stupid in real life? Nice try at twisting my words Karl.:eusa_hand:

No Sale...and that makes you a what? L I A R.

LOL! You're saying you've never said the Obama administration was communist?

Have a sip of that drink before you respond, tommy.

Son? I posted in reference to the OP, and the ill-conceived attack upon Reagan when he uttered his support for the Polish Shipyard Unions apart from a Communist regime.

You aren't going to obfuscate my words no matter how hard you try.

FOCUS seem to lack that skill.
You claimed Reagan was only speaking in the context of a Communist regime, something you believe the Obama administration to be.

I can't be held accountable for you stupidity and hypocrisy.
LOL! You're saying you've never said the Obama administration was communist?

Have a sip of that drink before you respond, tommy.

Son? I posted in reference to the OP, and the ill-conceived attack upon Reagan when he uttered his support for the Polish Shipyard Unions apart from a Communist regime.

You aren't going to obfuscate my words no matter how hard you try.

FOCUS seem to lack that skill.
You claimed Reagan was only speaking in the context of a Communist regime, something you believe the Obama administration to be.

I can't be held accountable for you stupidity and hypocrisy.

That's correct...and what was Reagan fighting against? WHAT was his FOCUS...? (Gee there's that word again).

Go look at History Karl...The facts won't be kind to all.
Son? I posted in reference to the OP, and the ill-conceived attack upon Reagan when he uttered his support for the Polish Shipyard Unions apart from a Communist regime.

You aren't going to obfuscate my words no matter how hard you try.

FOCUS seem to lack that skill.
You claimed Reagan was only speaking in the context of a Communist regime, something you believe the Obama administration to be.

I can't be held accountable for you stupidity and hypocrisy.

That's correct...and what was Reagan fighting against? WHAT was his FOCUS...? (Gee there's that word again).

He was fighting against the very thing you claim Obama IS - communists...and he saw the importance of unions in that fight.

I'm sure even you can piece together the logic here, Thomas.
You claimed Reagan was only speaking in the context of a Communist regime, something you believe the Obama administration to be.

I can't be held accountable for you stupidity and hypocrisy.

That's correct...and what was Reagan fighting against? WHAT was his FOCUS...? (Gee there's that word again).

He was fighting against the very thing you claim Obama IS - communists...and he saw the importance of unions in that fight.

I'm sure even you can piece together the logic here, Thomas.

I claimed NO such thing of Obama or ever mentioned the Ossiah.

YOU are dreaming...

FDR saw the pitfalls of collective bargaining power of public sector employees, too, and was against it.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a hero of the American left, and vilified by the American right. With his massive government spending, government expansion, and entitlement programs, he brought America into its current progressive era of big government and enormous tax rates for the “rich.”

However, it may surprise many readers to learn that FDR was staunchly opposed to collective bargaining rights for public sector workers.Why you ask? The reasons are simple --- When private sector workers strike, the do so for a larger share of company profits. When public workers strike, they do so for larger shares of tax revenues. In other words, they strike against taxpayers.

Another reason is the inherent corruption in collective bargaining for public sector workers. The moral trap is obvious; politicians will promise public unions sweetheart deals (that are fiscally unsustainable) in exchange for votes and campaign donations (paid with union dues).

The fact that these sweetheart deals are commonplace is proven when comparing federal worker pay in the USA to that pay earned by private sector workers.

Was FDR really against the alleged
That's correct...and what was Reagan fighting against? WHAT was his FOCUS...? (Gee there's that word again).

He was fighting against the very thing you claim Obama IS - communists...and he saw the importance of unions in that fight.

I'm sure even you can piece together the logic here, Thomas.

I claimed NO such thing of Obama or ever mentioned the Ossiah.

Let me get this straight - you're saying you've never claimed Obama and his administration are communists?

You know message boards save old posts, right? And they can be searched?
He was fighting against the very thing you claim Obama IS - communists...and he saw the importance of unions in that fight.

I'm sure even you can piece together the logic here, Thomas.

I claimed NO such thing of Obama or ever mentioned the Ossiah.

Let me get this straight - you're saying you've never claimed Obama and his administration are communists?

You know message boards save old posts, right? And they can be searched?

Son? FOCUS in CONTEXT of this thread. I know it's very difficult for you to do...but do TRY? Stop being an ass, and being disingenuous. It isn't that hard, Karl.
I claimed NO such thing of Obama or ever mentioned the Ossiah.

Let me get this straight - you're saying you've never claimed Obama and his administration are communists?

You know message boards save old posts, right? And they can be searched?

Son? FOCUS in CONTEXT of this thread. I know it's very difficult for you to do...but do TRY? Stop being an ass, and being disingenuous. It isn't that hard, Karl.

Thomas, you said that Reagan supported unions as part of an opposition to a communist regime.

you also claim Obama's administration is communist. Every thing flows from that stupidity.

Even you can put two and two together, Thomas. Go ahead, try it.
FDR saw the pitfalls of collective bargaining power of public sector employees, too, and was against it.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a hero of the American left, and vilified by the American right. With his massive government spending, government expansion, and entitlement programs, he brought America into its current progressive era of big government and enormous tax rates for the “rich.”

However, it may surprise many readers to learn that FDR was staunchly opposed to collective bargaining rights for public sector workers.Why you ask? The reasons are simple --- When private sector workers strike, the do so for a larger share of company profits. When public workers strike, they do so for larger shares of tax revenues. In other words, they strike against taxpayers.

Another reason is the inherent corruption in collective bargaining for public sector workers. The moral trap is obvious; politicians will promise public unions sweetheart deals (that are fiscally unsustainable) in exchange for votes and campaign donations (paid with union dues).

The fact that these sweetheart deals are commonplace is proven when comparing federal worker pay in the USA to that pay earned by private sector workers.

Was FDR really against the alleged

FDR also didn't want blacks to have access to government programs.

And this is relevant...why, exactly?

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