Ready To Pay the Biden Administration Money For Every Mile You Drive YOUR Car?

Administration Mulls Mileage Tax to Fund $3 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

To pay for the $3 - $4 TRILLION NON-Shovel-Ready Project Fleecing of Tax payers FURTHER, on top of the $1.9 TRILLION 'COVID-19 Relief' Bill (in which $1.7 Trillion had nothing to do with COVID Relief and instead consisted of Democrat Wish-List Pork spending), Biden and his handlers are thinking of every way possible to tax the ever-living shite out the American people to pay for these Democrat Porkulus liberal Extremist assault on America.

So, whose in favor of paying the Biden administration a monetary tax for every single mile you drive your car every single day?

Hey, New Jersey residents who already live in the state with the highest tax rate in the country, on top of paying all those tolls to drive on the parkways, whose in favor of paying an ADDITIONAL financial tax for every mile youdrive on the toll-taxed road you are driving on?

Every time the local govt wants to build a bridge, pave a road, or do some Construction they pass a 'Penny Tax', and usually at the end of the project that 'Penny Tax' never goes away. The idea that I should be have to pay the US govt for every mile I drive my car, that I have to pay taxes on already every year.

This tax, for me, rates right up there with having to pay my local /state govt money for ME to build something on MY property.

The United States is well Over $25 TRILLION in debt...meaning the US govt is not BROKE - NO MONEY - we are $25+ Trillion in DEBT....and Biden and the Democrats want to go all-in on 'drowning the baby', not on tying to save it.

From lying about the Tax Rate ($400k down to $200k) to now considering taxing Americans on every mile we drive our own cars, the Socialists are 'bleeding' the people dry to pay for their radical socialist agenda.....

Joe and the other CCP puppets are trying to increase the amount we owe to China and bankrupt the company for them, or at least help the CCP replace the US dollar as the world's currency.

It's an idea that been around a while..charge those that use the roads most.. pay (tax) for the repairs based on the miles you put on them. It has poor people who have to drive a lot of miles to work, but that can be adjusted maybe a tax deduction based on the road tax you paid.
It's an idea that been around a while..charge those that use the roads most.. pay (tax) for the repairs based on the miles you put on them. It has poor people who have to drive a lot of miles to work, but that can be adjusted maybe a tax deduction based on the road tax you paid.

You're right - it is a failed Socialist idea that has been around a long time but has never been implemented because no Democrat has been either desperate enough or brazenly Socialist enough to implement it based on how much it would hurt poor / middle class Americans.
You are clueless.

This is about an infrastructure bill that a Congress would have to pass. Administration has no power to unilateraly issue new taxes/spending.

And yet so many unconstitutional mandates are being signed by some sort of automatron posing as an president.....and people are taking them seriously.
If we're paying attention, the communists who have acquired political power through deception are effectively doing whatever they want and the underinformed quislings in the general public are running interference for them by pretending they have the authority to do whatever they want at the direction of what has effectively become state run media. These people don't even understand the role of government, much less the strict limitations that are placed on it. Not even vaguely. Yet they recite things they clearly don't even grasp. It's laughable.

The Founders slit throats for less.

What these people are doing is effectively treasonous. The communists are literally overthrowing the Republic. Trying to anyway. They won't succeed, of course. If they think they will, well, someone had way too much to dream last night. Heh heh.

I think it's fair to say that eventually it's going to come to a crossroads. Americans simply aren't going to accept it. Sure, they'll let it go for a while, and that's bad enough, but there is a limit. It's human nature.
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You are clueless.

This is about an infrastructure bill that a Congress would have to pass. Administration has no power to unilateraly issue new taxes/spending.

And yet so many unconstitutional mandates are being signed by some sort of automatron posing as an president.....and people are taking them seriously.

What mandates? What automatron?
Supreme Court has long ago ruled that Congress can tax and spend on pretty much whatever the f it wants to, so long as it does so uniformly across the states.

Alright, well, after you find apportionment in Article 1; Section 8 for oddball you can work on finding judicial review in Article III.

Good? We'll be in the neighborhood.

Supreme Court is the final word on these constitutional matters and your little half-baked legal opinions are worth exactly nothing.
If we're paying attention, the communists who have acquired political power through deception are effectively doing whatever they want and the underinformed quislings in the general public are running interference for them by pretending they have the authority to do whatever they want at the direction of what has effectively become state run media. These people don't even understand the role of government, much less the strict limitations that are placed on it. Not even vaguely. Yet they recite things they clearly don't even grasp. It's laughable.

The Founders slit throats for less.

What these people are doing is effectively treasonous. The communists are literally overthrowing the Republic. Trying to anyway. They won't succeed, of course. If they think they will, well, someone had way too much to dream last night. Heh heh.

I think it's fair to say that eventually it's going to come to a crossroads. Americans simply aren't going to accept it. Sure, they'll let it go for a while, and that's bad enough, but there is a limit. It's human nature.

"literally overthrowing the Republic"....??

By winning elections, dully passing laws in Congress and winning legal cases in courts?

Supreme Court has long ago ruled that Congress can tax and spend on pretty much whatever the f it wants to, so long as it does so uniformly across the states.

Alright, well, after you find apportionment in Article 1; Section 8 for oddball you can work on finding judicial review in Article III.

Good? We'll be in the neighborhood.

Supreme Court is the final word on these constitutional matters and your little half-baked legal opinions are worth exactly nothing.

Technically speaking, the only half-baked legal opinions in the thread are those which have been injected by you.

You should strive to educate yourself. You look foolish.

We're still waiting for you to find you find apportionment in Article 1; Section 8 and judicial review in Article III, by the way.

What's the hold up?

Administration Mulls Mileage Tax to Fund $3 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

To pay for the $3 - $4 TRILLION NON-Shovel-Ready Project Fleecing of Tax payers FURTHER, on top of the $1.9 TRILLION 'COVID-19 Relief' Bill (in which $1.7 Trillion had nothing to do with COVID Relief and instead consisted of Democrat Wish-List Pork spending), Biden and his handlers are thinking of every way possible to tax the ever-living shite out the American people to pay for these Democrat Porkulus liberal Extremist assault on America.

So, whose in favor of paying the Biden administration a monetary tax for every single mile you drive your car every single day?

Hey, New Jersey residents who already live in the state with the highest tax rate in the country, on top of paying all those tolls to drive on the parkways, whose in favor of paying an ADDITIONAL financial tax for every mile youdrive on the toll-taxed road you are driving on?

Every time the local govt wants to build a bridge, pave a road, or do some Construction they pass a 'Penny Tax', and usually at the end of the project that 'Penny Tax' never goes away. The idea that I should be have to pay the US govt for every mile I drive my car, that I have to pay taxes on already every year.

This tax, for me, rates right up there with having to pay my local /state govt money for ME to build something on MY property.

The United States is well Over $25 TRILLION in debt...meaning the US govt is not BROKE - NO MONEY - we are $25+ Trillion in DEBT....and Biden and the Democrats want to go all-in on 'drowning the baby', not on tying to save it.

From lying about the Tax Rate ($400k down to $200k) to now considering taxing Americans on every mile we drive our own cars, the Socialists are 'bleeding' the people dry to pay for their radical socialist agenda.....

Joe and the other CCP puppets are trying to increase the amount we owe to China and bankrupt the company for them, or at least help the CCP replace the US dollar as the world's currency.

Faux Biden and his Puppet Master Xi will have America looking like China and us all riding bicycles before his disaster of a term is over.
"literally overthrowing the Republic"....??


Oh, you have a meme to share. That's very cute.

Unfortunately, it simply does not provide the information we asked for from you to support your claim.

Alright, then. I suppose we'll go ahead and assume that this is your way of telling us that you have nothing to support your claim. Heh heh. A defense mechanism of sorts? Kind of like how Kamala cackles when met with the same situation?

I'll cut you a break and let you slide. I can see where it can be uncomfortable for you. You aren't the first. Won't be the last.
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Supreme Court has long ago ruled that Congress can tax and spend on pretty much whatever the f it wants to, so long as it does so uniformly across the states.

Alright, well, after you find apportionment in Article 1; Section 8 for oddball you can work on finding judicial review in Article III.

Good? We'll be in the neighborhood.

Supreme Court is the final word on these constitutional matters and your little half-baked legal opinions are worth exactly nothing.

Technically speaking, the only half-baked legal opinions in the thread are those which have been injected by you.

You should strive to educate yourself. You look foolish.

We're still waiting for you to find you find apportionment in Article 1; Section 8 and judicial review in Article III, by the way.

What's the hold up?

Supreme court have long ago held that Feds have broad powers to tax and spend.

It's not a very complex concept, so what part of that you are you having trouble coming to terms with?
Did you actually read the Constitution?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;


General Welfare Clause exists to limit congress.

Do you read it?

In the interest of convenience and as a courtesy to the casual passer-by who may be interested in the facts rather than uninformed conjecture, I'll borrow and share a snip from one of my previous postings on the topic elsewhere on the board explaining it.

The mention of the general Welfare in the Preamble was intended to serve as a limit in effect on the use of those delegated powers.

The only other mention of general Welfare is found in Article I, Sec. 8. There, too, the words were meant to serve as a limit in effect. A limit of the power granted under that clause. It does not empower the congress to spend tax money for any and all purpose arbitrarily on a pretense or even a belief that it is for the general welfare, and certainly not to Individuals and localities.

Congress possesses no ''general legislative authority.'' See Federalist #83, by Hamilton of all people, for clarification.

All who ratified the Constitution were in agreement on the limited and limiting meaning of ''general welfare'' in the Taxing Clause.

As Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton contended for the first time in 1791 ("Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States") in favor of a broader interpretation of this clause than he had formerly espoused and broader than that which Madison, with Hamilton's agreement, had presented in 1788 in The Federalist (especially number 41) as reflecting the controlling intent of the Framing Convention, which Madison and Jefferson consistently supported. Hamilton did not claim, however, that this clause gives to the Federal government any power, through taxing-spending, so as in effect to control directly or indirectly anything or anybody, or any activities of the people or of the State governments. Despite his assertion that this clause gives Congress a separate and substantive spending power, Hamilton cautioned expressly (Report on "Manufactures," 1791) that it only authorizes taxing and spending within the limits of what would serve the "general welfare" and does not imply a power to do whatever else should appear to Congress conducive to the "general welfare" that it does "not carry a power to do any other thing not authorized in the Constitution, either expressly or by fair implication."

See also the Supreme Court's 1936 decision ascertaining and defining the original, controlling intent. That would be the 1936 Carter case.

"Congress, entirely apart from those powers delegated by the Constitution, may enact laws to promote the general welfare, have never been accepted but always definitely rejected by this court."

It also decided that the Framing Convention "made no grant of authority to Congress to legislate substantively for the general welfare (citing 1936 Butler case) and no such authority exists, save as the general welfare may be promoted by the exercise of the powers which are granted."

The American people have never amended the Constitution so as to change the limited and limiting meaning of the words "general Welfare" in the Taxing Clause, as originally intended by The Framers and Adopters in 1787-1788.

I'm gonna go ahead and call checkmate ahead of time so the usual suspects know not to waste their time.

Supreme Court has long ago ruled that Congress can tax and spend on pretty much whatever the f it wants to, so long as it does so uniformly across the states.

Welcome to reality, can you deal with it in sane ways?
Will it pay for your government issued bicycle when Faux Biden confiscates your car?
"literally overthrowing the Republic"....??


Oh, you have a meme to share. That's very cute.

Alright, then. I suppose we'll assume this is your way of telling us that you have nothing to support your claim. Heh heh.

I'll cut you a break and let you slide. I can see where it can be uncomfortable for you. You aren't the first. Won't be the last.

No silly, it's my way of telling you that you are fucking nuts.

There is no "literall overthrow of the Republic" there is just you and your insane rhetoric.

Administration Mulls Mileage Tax to Fund $3 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

To pay for the $3 - $4 TRILLION NON-Shovel-Ready Project Fleecing of Tax payers FURTHER, on top of the $1.9 TRILLION 'COVID-19 Relief' Bill (in which $1.7 Trillion had nothing to do with COVID Relief and instead consisted of Democrat Wish-List Pork spending), Biden and his handlers are thinking of every way possible to tax the ever-living shite out the American people to pay for these Democrat Porkulus liberal Extremist assault on America.

So, whose in favor of paying the Biden administration a monetary tax for every single mile you drive your car every single day?

Hey, New Jersey residents who already live in the state with the highest tax rate in the country, on top of paying all those tolls to drive on the parkways, whose in favor of paying an ADDITIONAL financial tax for every mile youdrive on the toll-taxed road you are driving on?

Every time the local govt wants to build a bridge, pave a road, or do some Construction they pass a 'Penny Tax', and usually at the end of the project that 'Penny Tax' never goes away. The idea that I should be have to pay the US govt for every mile I drive my car, that I have to pay taxes on already every year.

This tax, for me, rates right up there with having to pay my local /state govt money for ME to build something on MY property.

The United States is well Over $25 TRILLION in debt...meaning the US govt is not BROKE - NO MONEY - we are $25+ Trillion in DEBT....and Biden and the Democrats want to go all-in on 'drowning the baby', not on tying to save it.

From lying about the Tax Rate ($400k down to $200k) to now considering taxing Americans on every mile we drive our own cars, the Socialists are 'bleeding' the people dry to pay for their radical socialist agenda.....

Joe and the other CCP puppets are trying to increase the amount we owe to China and bankrupt the company for them, or at least help the CCP replace the US dollar as the world's currency.

Biden is looking at any possible way to punish poor and working class Americans, who will of course bear the brunt of this new tax.
Unconstitutional as fuck.

Did you actually read the Constitution?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;


Try reading clause 3 commie. It prohibits direct taxes.

Unconstitutional as fuck.

Did you actually read the Constitution?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;


Try reading clause 3 commie. It prohibits direct taxes.


You mean direct taxes I pay every effin day to the Feds? Thats what you think is prohibited?
Unconstitutional as fuck.

Did you actually read the Constitution?

Article I, Section 8, Clause 1:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;


Try reading clause 3 commie. It prohibits direct taxes.


You mean direct taxes I pay every effin day to the Feds? Thats what you think is prohibited?

Figures you being a commie and all, that you have no clue what the difference is between pass through taxes and direct taxes.


Administration Mulls Mileage Tax to Fund $3 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

To pay for the $3 - $4 TRILLION NON-Shovel-Ready Project Fleecing of Tax payers FURTHER, on top of the $1.9 TRILLION 'COVID-19 Relief' Bill (in which $1.7 Trillion had nothing to do with COVID Relief and instead consisted of Democrat Wish-List Pork spending), Biden and his handlers are thinking of every way possible to tax the ever-living shite out the American people to pay for these Democrat Porkulus liberal Extremist assault on America.

So, whose in favor of paying the Biden administration a monetary tax for every single mile you drive your car every single day?

Hey, New Jersey residents who already live in the state with the highest tax rate in the country, on top of paying all those tolls to drive on the parkways, whose in favor of paying an ADDITIONAL financial tax for every mile youdrive on the toll-taxed road you are driving on?

Every time the local govt wants to build a bridge, pave a road, or do some Construction they pass a 'Penny Tax', and usually at the end of the project that 'Penny Tax' never goes away. The idea that I should be have to pay the US govt for every mile I drive my car, that I have to pay taxes on already every year.

This tax, for me, rates right up there with having to pay my local /state govt money for ME to build something on MY property.

The United States is well Over $25 TRILLION in debt...meaning the US govt is not BROKE - NO MONEY - we are $25+ Trillion in DEBT....and Biden and the Democrats want to go all-in on 'drowning the baby', not on tying to save it.

From lying about the Tax Rate ($400k down to $200k) to now considering taxing Americans on every mile we drive our own cars, the Socialists are 'bleeding' the people dry to pay for their radical socialist agenda.....

Joe and the other CCP puppets are trying to increase the amount we owe to China and bankrupt the company for them, or at least help the CCP replace the US dollar as the world's currency.

It's an idea that been around a while..charge those that use the roads most.. pay (tax) for the repairs based on the miles you put on them. It has poor people who have to drive a lot of miles to work, but that can be adjusted maybe a tax deduction based on the road tax you paid.

Of course you know, this would be a disincentive for people to buy expensive-but-fuel-efficient cars, right (assuming the road tax replaces the fuel tax)?
Supreme Court has long ago ruled that Congress can tax and spend on pretty much whatever the f it wants to, so long as it does so uniformly across the states.

Alright, well, after you find apportionment in Article 1; Section 8 for oddball you can work on finding judicial review in Article III.

Good? We'll be in the neighborhood.

Supreme Court is the final word on these constitutional matters and your little half-baked legal opinions are worth exactly nothing.

Yes, we can't POSSIBLY disagree with the Supreme Court. They say it, therefore the rest of us peons should shut up and accept that OF COURSE it's right and good. How DARE we think we get to have opinions about how our masters and overlords decide things?

1. Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857): Hands down the worst Supreme Court decision ever, Dred Scott held that African Americans, whether free men or slaves, could not be considered American citizens. The ruling undid the Missouri Compromise, barred laws that would free slaves, and all but guaranteed that there would be no political solution to slavery. The opinion even included a ridiculous "parade of horribles" that would appear if Scott were recognized as a citizen, unspeakable scenarios like African Americans being able to vacation, hold public meetings, and exercise their free speech rights.

2. Buck v. Bell (1927): "Eugenics? Yes, please!" the Court declared in this terrible decision which still stands as good law. In an 8-1 decision written by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, the Court upheld the forced sterilization of those with intellectual disabilities "for the protection and health of the state." Justice Holmes ruled that "society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind" and ended the opinion by declaring that "three generations of imbeciles are enough."

3. Korematsu v. United States (1944): Here, the Supreme Court upheld the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, finding that the need to protect against espionage outweighed the individual rights of American citizens. In a cruel and ironic twist, this was also the first time the Court applied strict scrutiny to racial discrimination by the U.S. government, belying the idea that strict scrutiny is "strict in theory, fatal in fact."

4. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896): The Court's famous "separate but equal" ruling upheld state segregation laws. In doing so, the Court made sure that the gains of the post-Civil War reconstruction era were quickly replaced by decades of Jim Crow laws.

But hey, "The Supreme Court says so, and they are much smarter than you peasants!!"

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