Where are Sleepy Joe's clean energy jobs?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

I'm ready for Joe's free wall-to-wall roof solar panel that he promised to put on every home.
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

Darling, change is in the works and does not happen overnight. You don't have projects just to support jobs. The pipeline workers knew that the job was temporary and that $100,000 per year paychecks would never last. There are a plethora of jobs available.
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

Darling, change is in the works and does not happen overnight. You don't have projects just to support jobs. The pipeline workers knew that the job was temporary and that $100,000 per year paychecks would never last. There are a plethora of jobs available.
The company I retired from last year, Evraz, has jobs available in Oregon and Colorado. Entry level pay is $20 an hour. A tradesman can easily make 100K working for them. There are numerous jobs open.
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

oh really? They're starving? I guess that's what passes as "fact" for Republiscum.
The only jobs Joe will ever create are bureaucracy positions which service his ever growing welfare state.
No facts support this pure-propaganda nonsense post.

In fact, many jobs are being created in the clean energy sector, and that will increase. The entire world is transitioning away from fossil fuels. Republiklan voters apparently don't understand this, since they get all their "information" from lying fascist sources.
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

I'm ready for Joe's free wall-to-wall roof solar panel that he promised to put on every home.
So... you're a socialist waiting for a handout?

Why don't you convert your facilities to solar and stop whining like a little bitch, eh?
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

What Biden is doing will create a huge amount of jobs and will not happen first thing in the morning. The pipeline was a temporary job and there are plenty of jobs available, as you know if you can read.
As you also should know, the world is turning away from fossil energy due to climate problems.
Trump opposes clean energy because he won't be able to line his pockets and the windmills "kill the birds" that he could care less about. Consider your health that is affected by pollution.
Clean energy is expanding, and jobs are being created. Therefore, your nonsense is 100% LIE... and so, clearly, you voted for Trumpolini to "Make America Great Again Again", right? Halfwitted treasonous fool.
Fact; from 2016-2020 and beyond the left were treasonous-it was even in their movement name and admissions to the coup.
Fact: I don't vote because as I said before the election, they are always rigged towards foreign money grubbers (candidates are usually in the cfa and cfr where there's big money play), and I warned what they were doing with the crisis to push mail in ballots and how they were gonna cheat through that system.
You really need to read their rules for radicals handbook to see everything they are doing is to cause chaos to steal from the haves and give to the have nots (socialism) and the dumb corporations and Billionaires that helped them are in for a rude awakening when they realize they supported a network that wants to kill them and steal their wealth.
In 1948 the Communist party decided the term communism had to negative a connotation here in the States, so they decided to change the term in the U.S. to progressive liberalism, and ran as a seperate progressive party back in 1948.
Look up their platform (socialized medicine), sound familiar? In the 80's a Russian insider warned the "slow" plan takes at least 50 years to impliment because it takes a generation to get the hippies into running the schools, into political position, media and corporate heads, etc.
The rush to impliment Saul Alinski's radical progressive techniques and schemes is because the window on those drug damaged brain hippies is in that single generation, and their time to act is limited as they age.
Which is also why the indoctrination of our youth, in attempts at keeping these radical ideas and methods alive. Attempting a complete collapse of our system and you are assisting that collapse with your parroted propaganda and ignorance of what is taking place, therefore you are the treasonous ones.
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.
The men are still idle and starving.
I'm ready for Joe's free wall-to-wall roof solar panel that he promised to put on every home.
So... you're a socialist waiting for a handout? Why don't you convert your facilities to solar and stop whining like a little bitch, eh?

I've forgive that stupid remark because you are only two days old here and don't know I'm probably one of the most hard right conservatives here, and your remark sounds a little conservative.

You're off to a good start.
He had the pipeline workers stand down, with the explanation they would have high paying tremendous jobs in green energy.

The men are still idle and starving.

The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

Viruses can only survive in Clean Air, which is the most toxic of all for humans. Before auto emissions, mankind was swept clean with plague after plague. Put two and two together and never listen to any scientist who thinks that Nature is beneficial. By definition, Nature is not supernatural. It is a crime against humanity.
Evraz Steel in Pueblo, Colorado, is going solar. And they are hiring people at every level. Here in Portland, Oregon, Evraz Steel has a direct line to Bonneville Dam, so we are already green. And we are also hiring people. Starting pay $20 an hr. The last ten years I worked there I made about 100K a year. They also have Apprenticeship programs for millwrights and electricians. Some of the electricians with training in drives and computer coding make a lot more than 100K annually. So if those pipeline workers are starving, it is their fault. There are plenty of jobs out there, especially for craftsmen.

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