Ready To Admit You Made A Huggggge Mistake???

Gasoline, inflation, racism, Iran, Israel, spending.......and that's the least of it.

It's well established that you Biden voters can't name policies of Trump you voted against.....

...and you certainly won't claim to have voted for the mess we see as a direct result of the election....

Biden's Presidency: Disastrous Start | National Review

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start | National Review

Biden still pitching massive spending plans despite inflation surge​

10 big problems with Joe Biden's foreign policy — and one ...

Violence in Israel Challenges Biden's 'Stand Back ...

Violence in Israel Challenges Biden’s ‘Stand Back’ Approach

11 Trillion Reasons To Fear Joe Biden's Presidency ...

11 Trillion Reasons To Fear Joe Biden's Presidency

Here us the explanation for a Biden vote.....the only reason:

In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour. “I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

Want a doggie treat????

The scary part of this crap is that I don't believe that dementia Joe is, in any way, "in charge". All kidding aside, I believe that he is nothing more than a puppet to some group (I have no idea who).

But when a "President" of the United States states that "he is not allowed" to answer questions - who the hell has told him that!?!?! Who is "bigger" than the CiC?

Folks, with all due respect, we are in grave trouble's getting more serious each day...

Indeed, who is in charge of what Chyna Joey Xi tells America and the Press. From the lips of children and the Demented come truth..

The funny part is how PC thinks that _anyone_ here reads her unibomber manifestos.
:yes_text12: :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup::thup:
God I hate giving you a good rep but for ONCE,you spoke the truth and for the first time ever we are in agreement.
ahh poor baby the truth hurts. :itsok:you have to thrown insults because you and pc cant stand the truth that your hero Reagan was a mass murderer and ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time,when you cant stand toe to toe against those facts and links are provided instead of trying to refute them,sense you know its the truth,you put thumbs down and pc are an embarrassment to trump supporters and cant stand toe to toe on that.
The funny part is how PC thinks that _anyone_ here reads her unibomber manifestos.
:yes_text12: :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup::thup:
God I hate giving you a good rep but for ONCE,you spoke the truth and for the first time ever we are in agreement.
ahh poor baby the truth hurts. :itsok:you have to thrown insults because you and pc cant stand the truth that your hero Reagan was a mass murderer and ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time,when you cant stand toe to toe against those facts and links are provided instead of trying to refute them,sense you know its the truth,you put thumbs down and pc are an embarrassment to trump supporters and cant stand toe to toe on that.

On the contrary. You omit the actions of your favorite President Lyndon Baines Johnson. The mass murderer of Vietnamese, Americans soldiers and unborn children....
The funny part is how PC thinks that _anyone_ here reads her unibomber manifestos.
:yes_text12: :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup::thup:
God I hate giving you a good rep but for ONCE,you spoke the truth and for the first time ever we are in agreement.
ahh poor baby the truth hurts. :itsok:you have to thrown insults because you and pc cant stand the truth that your hero Reagan was a mass murderer and ran the most corrupt administration ever at the time,when you cant stand toe to toe against those facts and links are provided instead of trying to refute them,sense you know its the truth,you put thumbs down and pc are an embarrassment to trump supporters and cant stand toe to toe on that.

On the contrary. You omit the actions of your favorite President Lyndon Baines Johnson. The mass murderer of Vietnamese, Americans soldiers and unborn children....

wrong as always charlie.:abgg2q.jpg:
As always same as troll political chic,you deflect,thsts comedy gold that you change the subject to Johnson over facts of Reagan’s corruption and what’s really comedy gold about this post is everybody that knows me knows I have stated hundreds of times that kennedy was the greatest president of the 20th century and that was why the CIA killed him cause he was on the verge of getting us back to the constitution of the United States where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations that do now.your hero troll political chic will not accept that fact because of her bias towards the gop party and closed mind that her party the gop is not corrupt. :cuckoo: That is why she is a resident troll of usmb.

everybody that knows me knows I have posted hundreds of times that the elite wanted kennedy killed cause he was stepping on some powerful toes in Washington and knew that Johnson unlike kennedy,would be their willing puppet for them and unlike kennedy,do what they told him to do.

he made them very happy reversing Kennedy’s policys especially reversing his directive to pull out of Vietnam by 1965 and reversing his executive order thst would have banned the fed had he served a second term. Your hero Reagan as governor of california matter of fact participated in the coverup of the jfk assassination blocking a subpeona of Jim garrisons to subpeona Allen Dulles of the CIA,that was why both him and Gerald Ford were rewarded the prize of president for both participating in the coverup charlie.:abgg2q.jpg:

Your hero Reagan endorced the Warren commission as well same as his other fellow criminal murderer Gerald

This is the most comedy piece post of yours ever because if you were not asleep at the wheel and had bothered to go to the breaking news section to see my latest thread you would even see where in my comments in that post,where I brought up that Biden stealing the election from trump is November 22nd 1963 all over again where Johnson reversed Kennedy’s policy of withdrawel from Vietnam and to ban the fed,do try to keep up around here and get off that deserted island your living on.:itsok::itsok::abgg2q.jpg::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


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"Donald Trump slams ‘weak’ Biden for Israel-Gaza conflict & says Hamas wouldn’t dare fire rockets with him in charge

.... Biden showed an attitude of weakness during the conflict and said Hamas wouldn't have dared to fire rockets at Israel if he was still in office.

The former president said: "He's shown such weakness. They have planes flying over Taiwan now. You wouldn't have had this problem in Israel.

""They didn’t shoot rockets. They are shooting thousands of rockets into Israel – that wouldn’t have happened with me."
Gasoline, inflation, racism, Iran, Israel, spending.......and that's the least of it.

It's well established that you Biden voters can't name policies of Trump you voted against.....

...and you certainly won't claim to have voted for the mess we see as a direct result of the election....

Biden's Presidency: Disastrous Start | National Review

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start | National Review

Biden still pitching massive spending plans despite inflation surge​

10 big problems with Joe Biden's foreign policy — and one ...

Violence in Israel Challenges Biden's 'Stand Back ...

Violence in Israel Challenges Biden’s ‘Stand Back’ Approach

11 Trillion Reasons To Fear Joe Biden's Presidency ...

11 Trillion Reasons To Fear Joe Biden's Presidency

Here us the explanation for a Biden vote.....the only reason:

In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour. “I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin.Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”… Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

Want a doggie treat????

PC always lets us know what the latest Russian propaganda is, by instantly and faithfully reposting it for us. So she's useful in that respect.


To appear as though you were an adult, first and foremost.....drop any reference to Putin and Russia.

That plot was exploded by the Mueller fiasco.

If there was any doubt who Putin favored as President….the dossier was a Russian attempt to sink the Trump campaign., being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with

Third,....the Democrat Party today stands for all of the aims of the Communist Party.

Succinctly put.....rules #1 and #2

Rule #1 Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Democrat Jerry Nadler’s ties to Russia

Now….vat about moose and skwerril????

"Is Jimmy Carter Back, or What?

A Flash of Inflation Signals a Warning, But . . .

Is Jimmy Carter back, or what? There’s a big inflation report today — another 0.6% in May. That’s 8.4% at an annual rate over the past three months. It’s 6.5% at an annual rate for the first five months of this year. The Federal Reserve’s target used to be 2%, which is what we had for over 20 years. It sounds really ominous.

... if Uncle Joe gets his Green Workers Paradise Soviet-style Bulgarian economic policies of tax increases, social spending, destroying the fossil fuel energy sector, then the dollar will collapse and leaping tax rates will choke-off economic growth.

Call it the 1970s with a socialist spin. In that case we would have permanently higher inflation and a weaker economy.

Right now we’re still operating under Trump rules. That is, tax cuts, minimal regulation, and energy independence. Hence the vaccinated V-shaped recovery. More people working is a good thing. Prosperity should be a great American goal — not the 1.8% economic growth baseline that Team Biden published as a pathetic defense of their left-wing redistributionist policies. So, we will see about this inflation story. I don't think it’s there yet, but it sure is a threat."
The inflation started under Trump with his massive tariffs on products. Lumber tariff doubled right after Biden was president.

But don't worry Trump's legacy of ruining the economy will be well remembered as the period of inflation due to his National Health Emergency edicts he activated which caused states to follow suit and shut down the economy. Inflation is the capitalists' way of making us pay for their shutdown.
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Economists Bruce Meyer, from the University of Chicago, and James Sullivan of the University of Notre Dame found that the poverty rate increased by 2.4 percentage points during the latter half of 2020 as the U.S. continued to suffer the economic impacts from Covid-19.

U.S. Suffers Sharpest Rise in Poverty Rate in More Than 50 Years​

The inflation started under Trump with his massive tariffs on products. Lumber tariff doubled right after Biden was president.

But don't worry Trump's legacy of ruining the economy will be well remembered as the period of inflation due to his National Health Emergency edicts he activated which cause states to follow suit and shut down the economy. Inflation is the capitalists' way of making us pay for their shutdown.

Wrong again.....
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The inflation started under Trump with his massive tariffs on products. Lumber tariff doubled right after Biden was president.
nope, never happened. Tariffs are on the importers, not on the tax system. Flat out lie, ass!!!
The inflation started under Trump with his massive tariffs on products. Lumber tariff doubled right after Biden was president.

But don't worry Trump's legacy of ruining the economy will be well remembered as the period of inflation due to his National Health Emergency edicts he activated which cause states to follow suit and shut down the economy. Inflation is the capitalists' way of making us pay for their shutdown.

Wrong again.....

The inflation started under Trump with his massive tariffs on products. Lumber tariff doubled right after Biden was president.

But don't worry Trump's legacy of ruining the economy will be well remembered as the period of inflation due to his National Health Emergency edicts he activated which cause states to follow suit and shut down the economy. Inflation is the capitalists' way of making us pay for their shutdown.

Wrong again.....
thanks. facts are that dudes kryptonite.

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