Read The Pre-Riot Transcript


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Funny how you shit stains don't have video.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Funny how you shit stains don't have video.
I'm sorry that anything longer than a tweet is too taxing for your brain.
Think carefully about the kind of speech we want to censor.

Think very carefully.

If anyone could point out an intermediate and yet a tenable position between the complete independence and the entire servitude of opinion, I should perhaps be inclined to adopt it, but the difficulty is to discover this intermediate position. Intending to correct the licentiousness of the press and to restore the use of orderly language, you first try the offender by a jury; but if the jury acquits him, the opinion which was that of a single individual becomes the opinion of the whole country. Too much and too little has therefore been done; go farther, then. You bring the delinquent before permanent magistrates; but even here the cause must be heard before it can be decided; and the very principles which no book would have ventured to avow are blazoned forth in the pleadings, and what was obscurely hinted at in a single composition is thus repeated in a multitude of other publications. The language is only the expression and, if I may so speak, the body of the thought, but it is not the thought itself. Tribunals may condemn the body, but the sense, the spirit of the work is too subtle for their authority. Too much has still been done to recede, too little to attain your end; you must go still farther. Establish a censorship of the press. But the tongue of the public speaker will still make itself heard, and your purpose is not yet accomplished; you have only increased the mischief. Thought is not, like physical strength, dependent upon the number of its agents; nor can authors be counted like the troops that compose an army. On the contrary, the authority of a principle is often increased by the small number of men by whom it is expressed. The words of one strong-minded man addressed to the passions of a listening assembly have more power than the vociferations of a thousand orators; and if it be allowed to speak freely in any one public place, the consequence is the same as if free speaking was allowed in every village. The liberty of speech must therefore be destroyed as well as the liberty of the press. And now you have succeeded, everybody is reduced to silence. But your object was to repress the abuses of liberty, and you are brought to the feet of a despot. You have been led from the extreme of independence to the extreme of servitude without finding a single tenable position on the way at which you could stop.

Tocqueville: Book 1 Chapter 11
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Funny how you shit stains don't have video.
I'm sorry that anything longer than a tweet is too taxing for your brain.
No shit stain, anyone can edit text. No way to know who wrote that BULLSHIT you posted.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Wait a minute, you think that it is an out of control mob but all they needed was a speech to calm them down what broadcast over police bullhorn?

Hun, it was trump supporters walking to the capital and instigators (probably soros paid) inside already destroying property and breaking windows...
Nancey P and the rest of the democrats in congress know this. However, they are not going to let a crisis go to waste.
Well, five people died. A policeman was beat to death and several other police officers were hospitalized. They want someone held to account, and this is understandable.

But even if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight, I would expect due process.

This is not due process.
Rather than listen to your side's version of events and ignore the other side's version of events, it would be a good idea to read Donald Trump's speech to the crowd prior to the riot for yourselves.

Here it is: Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev

Read ALL of it. The whole thing.

Then ask yourself if it is an incitement to riot. Ask yourselves honestly.

Ask yourself if this kind of speech should be banned or against the law.

I have heard much worse rhetoric on the radio and on TV. Much worse. Much worse.

All Trump's speech is is a long list of old grievances and new lies and new fraud. At no point does he tell the crowd to behave in a violent manner.

In fact, he plainly says, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

Donald Trump's biggest failing on January 6 was in not immediately speaking out against the violence. He waited hours.

This is a guy who is obsessed with TV. He was watching live TV coverage of the event and couldn't be troubled to be pulled away to calm the crowd down.

If I were a member of Congress, I would support censure but not impeachment. This is a textbook rush to judgement.

Thank you, and God bless America.
Wait a minute, you think that it is an out of control mob but all they needed was a speech to calm them down what broadcast over police bullhorn?

Hun, it was trump supporters walking to the capital and instigators (probably soros paid) inside already destroying property and breaking windows...
If Trump had walked to the Capitol, the crowd would have parted like the Red Sea for him.
Trump said in his speech he was going to walk to the Capitol with the crowd. But he didn't.

The outcome would probably have been very different if he had.
I turned it on the TV for 5 minutes and could not take it anymore. It is like Congress a special needs Romper Room. The same people over and over who actually let a few new ones into their Club of Anxiety to dispense justice from their version of how things should be.
Nancey P and the rest of the democrats in congress know this. However, they are not going to let a crisis go to waste.
Well, five people died. A policeman was beat to death and several other police officers were hospitalized. They want someone held to account, and this is understandable.

But even if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight, I would expect due process.

This is not due process.

What a classic RACIST you are.
Look at you coming to the defense of WHITE officer Sicknick. I guarantee you can't link us to your posts showing your condemnation of the murder of BLACK officer David Dorn during the BurnLootMurder picnics...CAN YOU?
Shameless fucking RACIST!

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