Read 'em ad weap..(those lazy, shiftless whitefolk)


Mr. Forgot-it-All
Jun 5, 2008
Owsley County, Kentucky is a community of about 5,000, residents earning the lowest median household income in the country outside of Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Census.


White alone, percent, 2012 (a) 98.5%

Black or African American alone, percent definition and source info Black or African American alone, percent, 2012 (a) 0.5%

Households, 2008-2012 1,642
Persons per household definition and source info Persons per household, 2008-2012 2.84

Per capita money income in past 12 months (2012 dollars) definition and source info Per capita money income in past 12 months (2012 dollars), 2008-2012 $13,111

Median household income definition and source info Median household income, 2008-2012 $19,624

Persons below poverty level, percent definition and source info Persons below poverty level, percent, 2008-2012 36.4%

My point?

Well.. many points actually.

1. There are still more WHITES living in poverty than minorities

2. They are, just like the other poor folk in this nation, largely poor because their parents were./are poor.

3. The socio-economic circumstances of the HISTORY of the place where they live is the number cause of their continued poverty.

4 HISTORY is the number cause of poverty..generally some disaster occurred in the past that insured that the place, (ergo the people) will continue not to thrive.
Times many have changed but I remember one of my first jobs out of college (temporary) was selling encyclopedias, in the rural Appalachia of east Tennessee. I called on anyone, black white rich poor.
This was the late '70s.

Some folks who for sure couldn't afford them and most likely couldn't read. Oh the stories.

No matter their race, I especially remember the poor families who didn't have jack shit but were happy and content. Their wealth was in family, pride, and principals.

Today, wealth is measured in dollars and the poor are far from happy. They are measured by and compared to the dollars of others. They're constantly reminded of their need to rely on government, not themselves. This creates a hole, a void, where none existed decades ago. They're barraged by the notion of class and class warfare and the urgency to take the government handouts for that is the most expedient exit from their rags to the riches of others.

It's really sad and pathetic.
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"Weap"? Is that a verb derived from "weapon"?

What is your point?

1. So what? Why should anyone care about the race of the poor? Since so-called "African-Americans" comprise only 12% of the population (or thereabouts), it is not surprising that there are more poor "whites" than poor African-Americans. Again, so what?

2. Agreed. People whose parents were "poor" economically are more likely to be "poor" themselves. Same goes for "rich," no matter how you define it. So what? Under Marxist/Leninist communism, EVERYBODY but party apparatchiks is poor. Is this what you advocate? Everybody is equally "rich" in Cuba, where the average per capital income is less than US$100/month. Move there if you don't like your prospects in the U.S.

3, 4. You need to re-read your posts before clicking the "post" button. I assume you mean "...number [one]..." in 3 and 4.

The wonderful thing about the economic climate in this country is that even though you may have been born poor, there are many ways of elevating your economic circumstances despite your lack of resources - and millions of people do just that in the course of their working lives.

Whining about "inequality," as your posting basically does, accomplishes nothing, and implies that there is something the Government should be doing to improve some people's life circumstances (at the expense of other people). Happily, the United States Constitution makes no provision for such economic leveling, and one must rely on (a) free public education through a graduate degree for those who qualify, and (b) infinite economic opportunities for those who seek them out.

Have any other suggestions? DO tell.

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