Raytheon Wokeness


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?
What minorities does Raytheon kill?
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?
What minorities does Raytheon kill?
Are their weapons used on whites at all......
The program was started last year and you people are just now getting yer pantie's in a wad with what a private corporation does with it's employees?
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?
What minorities does Raytheon kill?
Are their weapons used on whites at all......
You said minorities, which minorities does Raytheon kill themselves? Not the weapons they produce for the military since the military uses their weapons. Now you are claiming Raytheon and the US military kill minorities, who are these minorities?

When did you become anti-corporation and anti-US military?
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?
What minorities does Raytheon kill?
Are their weapons used on whites at all......
Yes, if there are any in the kill zone.
Raytheon is a subsidiary of Texas Instruments, headquartered here in Dallas, Texas.
They have massive office complexes all over DFW and North Texas.
They also hold the #1 spot for government contracts for making the electronic workings that go inside all of the governments mass of weaponry that use "intelligent computers" to guide them and work their weapons programs.

I'm shocked that any Texas company would lower themselves to this level!!! What an abomination.
Raytheon is a subsidiary of Texas Instruments, headquartered here in Dallas, Texas.
They have massive office complexes all over DFW and North Texas.
They also hold the #1 spot for government contracts for making the electronic workings that go inside all of the governments mass of weaponry that use "intelligent computers" to guide them and work their weapons programs.

I'm shocked that any Texas company would lower themselves to this level!!! What an abomination.
I used to fix their industrial sized microwave systems in the early 1990's at Tyson's Foods...They do more than weapons systems, I am sorry you too hate the military and US corporations, you must be another CCP troll in out midst. They are not a subsidiary of TI, TI went broke and Raytheon bought them out, that was in 1997. TI again filed bankruptcy in 2009...
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt [sic] they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?

Sounds like a bunch of their white employees need to get together, hire a lawyer, and sue Raytheon for racial discrimination and workplace harassment.
Raytheon is a subsidiary of Texas Instruments, headquartered here in Dallas, Texas.
They have massive office complexes all over DFW and North Texas.
They also hold the #1 spot for government contracts for making the electronic workings that go inside all of the governments mass of weaponry that use "intelligent computers" to guide them and work their weapons programs.

I'm shocked that any Texas company would lower themselves to this level!!! What an abomination.
I used to fix their industrial sized microwave systems in the early 1990's at Tyson's Foods...They do more than weapons systems, I am sorry you too hate the military and US corporations, you must be another CCP troll in out midst. They are not a subsidiary of TI, TI went broke and Raytheon bought them out, that was in 1997. TI again filed bankruptcy in 2009...

-I never said they didn't have other industries they served.

-Show me EXACTLY where I have ever said I hate the military.

Another Dementorat reading something that isn't there, and that never was written!!

-So I got it reversed.......one bought the other.........big whoop.
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?
These corporations should be sued by their employees for epic stereotyping, racial hate mongering and creating a hostile work environment.
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?
What minorities does Raytheon kill?
Are their weapons used on whites at all......
When was the last time that you saw a war of "white on white" that was allowed to go on? The only wars that rage on unchecked are white on non-white.
Now if they want to get down to brass tacks shouldnt they close shop since their weapons kill minorities predominantly?

Wow, I know people who used to work for Raytheon and they ain't going to like this political bullcrap.

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