Rasmussen: 45% of Democrats want the unvaccinated forced into "designated facilities," -- that is, concentration camps

As he pointed out, these polls are only responded to by people who were too dumb to enroll on the do not call list.
More Dimwingers were surveyed than Republicans.

Create an overreactive and overreaching Lie and imprision people for not thinking that it’s real
Lib 101
If you are unvaccinated:
55% of Democrats want to fine you
59% want you confined to your home
48% want you fined/imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy,
45% want you forced into "designated facilities,"
46% want you digitally tracked
29% want to take your children.

I'm not sure if this is an illustration of the ignorance of democrats, their inherent authoritarian disposition, or both.


Sheesh, some concentration camp.

You can hear the coughing from here.
Only because it makes you and your people look bad.
Note how you have not excepted from the percentages presented.
I did no polls. That does not mean I have to believe the polls, except the polls done in the voting booths on election day.

Sheesh, some concentration camp.

You can hear the coughing from here.
When the nazis built their death camps they said similar things. Democrats, just like their nazi predecessors, support putting people in camps.

This should scare black Americans the most. You will go to black only camps run by white liberals. Probably a bad place to be....
We have thousands of FEMA Reeducation Camps where the unvaccinated can be with their own.

We can even have them dig their own graves
Ole rightie, your vaccinated heart condition could come soon. I'll be just fine believe I had covid last week. Three days of not feeling good, doing great after that. I'm unvaccinated!
When the nazis built their death camps they said similar things. Democrats, just like their nazi predecessors, support putting people in camps.

This should scare black Americans the most. You will go to black only camps run by white liberals. Probably a bad place to be....
I know, they won't get any special treatment in there.
As he pointed out, these polls are only responded to by people who were too dumb to enroll on the do not call list.
That's a losing game, because they just call you from a different state. It's not even worth trying to stop them from calling you.
When the nazis built their death camps they said similar things. Democrats, just like their nazi predecessors, support putting people in camps.

This should scare black Americans the most. You will go to black only camps run by white liberals. Probably a bad place to be....

Yes, Democrats are literally Hitler.

Look at the propagandist deflect and lie.

If anything, these numbers are to low.

I hope Americans are waking up to the threat Democrats pose to America.
I hope they remain aware of the threats from both the two main political parties, but I suspect that is only for independents. Partisan much?

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