Ranking the WW2 armies, navies and AF ???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
1) Germany
2) USA
3) Russia

1) USA
2) UK
3) Japan

Air Forces
1) USA
2) UK
3) Germany

Am I right ??
I agree with the ranking of the Armies. As for the Navies, I would have put in Germany as number 2 (until later in the war). With regards to the Air Forces, I would place Germany as number 1, USA 2 and UK 3 (again, until later in the war).
Germany's big mistake was taking on too many nations at once. If Germany had continued honoring their treaty with Russia and publicly disavowed Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, the USA which actually preferred neutrality, might have stayed out of the European fracas, except for supplying the Brits. The WWII outcome could have been very different. Just as well, as it was a monstrously evil regime.
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
Indeed we had a smaller standing army than Greece at ww2 outbreak
.....every country had their good and bad units.....
.....Germany was one of the great ones
..Japan came up with the carrier group/etc...their pilots were very good --a lot of the experienced ones were killed at Midway
..the US was good, but they had logistics on their side -logistics is a huge part of the equation .....the US had a lot more civilians that were pilots/mechanics/engineers/etc before the war --so many more could ''easily'' learn/etc war time roles
...go to WW2Forums if you want some good WW2 discussions
Japan's Navy was a lot better than the UKs.......UK was using the Swordfish.....etc
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??
The German army was vastly better trained and equipped than the Russians !!!

My rankings refer to when each nation began the war , and the American military was weak before, but increased by leaps and bounds when they entered
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??
What you refer to I think is the 'Kindertransports'/
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??
What I think you refer to is the 'Kindertransports'. An organisation was set up in the UK to bring Jewish children from Nazi Germany. Austria. Chechoslovakia and the free port of Danzig (Gdansk) to the UK. This had Government backing and visa requirements for these transports were relaxed. Around 10,000 children were brought to Britain in the 9 months before the outbreak of war. The last transport left Czechoslovakia on 3 Sept 1939 but was turned back, when, because of Germany's invasion of Poland the borders were closed. It is believed that all the children on that transport perished.
British stockbroker Nicholas Winton, who went for a skiing holiday in Czechoslovakia but ended up personally saving nearly 700 Jewish Children, played a major role.
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??
What you refer to I think is the 'Kindertransports'/
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??
What I think you refer to is the 'Kindertransports'. An organisation was set up in the UK to bring Jewish children from Nazi Germany. Austria. Chechoslovakia and the free port of Danzig (Gdansk) to the UK. This had Government backing and visa requirements for these transports were relaxed. Around 10,000 children were brought to Britain in the 9 months before the outbreak of war. The last transport left Czechoslovakia on 3 Sept 1939 but was turned back, when, because of Germany's invasion of Poland the borders were closed. It is believed that all the children on that transport perished.
British stockbroker Nicholas Winton, who went for a skiing holiday in Czechoslovakia but ended up personally saving nearly 700 Jewish Children, played a major role.
And 2 million Hebrew kids died
Germany had the Army advantage in tech and prep at the start, but they lost that over time as our production and involvement increased greatly, so I would put us at 1, Germany at 2. I agree with the USSR at 3, but even though they're nowhere near top 3, I will point out that France's Army was probably in the second threesome; they were better than most people think, but got knocked out quickly by drawing the full attention of the #2 seed.

Navy ranking seemed about right. Germany had some frighteners at start, but they didn't last long, and their fearsome U-Boats had limitations.

I'm also good with your Air Forces. Great Britain cemented their #2 spot in the Battle of Britain.
How do you rank an army that lost the war and surrendered as #1?
The troops were the best trained and equipped of all the forces of the war....That they were misused, overdeployed, overextended, and the General staff was at the mercy of a madman hopped up on amphetamines, were all factors in them ending up the losers.
I would argue that leadership and tactics are intrinsic factors in evaluating the Army as a whole.
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??

And so what? The U.S. had immigration quotas on all countries in the 1930's, after allowing in so many millions in the late 1800's and early 1900's we had masses of unassimilated nationalities to deal with during a major Depression, including millions of Jews, so trying to make America look like a bad guy cuz Europeans couldn't solve its own problems is just silly. We owe nobody anything, certainly not apologies. We already had slums comparable to Calcutta's, including Jewish ghettos.

If America started trying to send 10's of millions of its citizens to Europe or the ME what do you think would be the result? Most of the planet would slaughter them on sight, including Israelis.

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Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??

And so what? The U.S. had immigration quotas on all countries in the 1930's, after allowing in so many millions in the late 1900's and early 1900's we had masses of unassimilated nationalities to deal with during a major Depression, including millions of Jews, so trying to make America look like a bad guy cuz Europeans couldn't solve its own problems is just silly. We owe nobody anything, certainly not apologies.

If America started trying to send 10's of millions of its citizens to Europe or the ME what do you think would be the result? Most of the planet would slaughter them on sight, including Israelis.

These Jews were facing extermination and were very educated and skilled
Obviously the U.S. was Number One in all categories. We not only produced a logistical miracle re getting our own troops to both Europe and Japan, we kept the Brits and Soviets in the war, while fighting on three fronts of our own. This shows both excellent leadership and extraordinary military organization, matched by no one in history, not even the Romans or the Mongols were comparable.
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How do you rank an army that lost the war and surrendered as #1?
The troops were the best trained and equipped of all the forces of the war....That they were misused, overdeployed, overextended, and the General staff was at the mercy of a madman hopped up on amphetamines, were all factors in them ending up the losers.
I would argue that leadership and tactics are intrinsic factors in evaluating the Army as a whole.
Fair argument.....Though tactical training regimen is done from the brigadeer and colonel level down, while the strategy is done by staff Generals...Germany had poor strategy, not poor training and equipment.
Obviously the U.S. was Number One in all categories. We nor only produced a logistical miracle re getting our own troops to both Europe and Japan, we kept the Brits and Soviets in the war, while fighting on three fronts of our own. This shows both excellent leadership and extraordinary military organization, matched by no one in history, not even the Romans or the Mongols were comparable.
Homer analysis.
Wrong the USA didn't have any standing professional Army to speak of at the start of WWII. It was only later with conscription.
The Soviet Army was by far the biggest, Hitler may have had great success initially but that was because the vast majority of Soviet troops were behind the Urals from Siberia to Mongolia. Once they had been mobilised and brought west the Germans were always going to lose.
Navy? Again the US Navy and German were tiny in comparison with the British.
The Germans had two state of the art capitol ships they had only just built, the Bismark and Graf Spay, Both were sunk by the British in the first few months (Graf Spay was sunk by its own captain who then committed suicide in the River Plate after being surrounded by the Brits.) Germany brought its few remaining ships back to ports and relied on U-boats. The US started to build their fleet during the war and ended up as the biggest fleet by the war's end.
Air Force? Again the US had very few planes at the start but mass-manufactured them during the war. The Luftwaffe was the biggest and Britain second at the start.
I read that only the UK allowed Germany to send it a few thousand Jewish children .
The USA refused any Jew !!
Whatever happened to the kids ??

And so what? The U.S. had immigration quotas on all countries in the 1930's, after allowing in so many millions in the late 1900's and early 1900's we had masses of unassimilated nationalities to deal with during a major Depression, including millions of Jews, so trying to make America look like a bad guy cuz Europeans couldn't solve its own problems is just silly. We owe nobody anything, certainly not apologies.

If America started trying to send 10's of millions of its citizens to Europe or the ME what do you think would be the result? Most of the planet would slaughter them on sight, including Israelis.

These Jews were facing extermination and were very educated and skilled
So were lots of Americans. What's your point, that Jews are so special everybody should have pandered to their every whims at all times? If they were so educated and skilled they wouldn't have ended up in such predicaments, and in any case eastern European Jews were active in communist and socialist gangs, which made them unpopular even with American labor unionists. Self-made Jews already here discriminated against them as well, probably more so than WASP Americans ever did.

The fact is the 'evul racist U.S.' had far more than its share of 'refugees' long before WW II, and like all mass immigration waves they did more harm than good to those already here and struggling in the decades since 1820, which is why the country finally got fed up and imposed immigration quotas in the 1920's. You want to snivel about Europe and Asia's problems go blame India, or Zimbabwe, or Kuwait, or Brazil for not taking in 20 million people all at once.

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