Random Truths

The topic was about FDR. I assumed you being such an expert on FDR and WWII would know the lies you got caught telling were about FDR and the "Southern Strategy" referred to was the one used in his era and the subject or referred to in three of your threads. It never occurred to me that your dim witted imagination would jump forward over twenty years after FDR died and leap into a topic of the '60's. That really does show just how little you know about the topics you pretend to be an expert on.

1. So...your latest fall-back position is that you are stupid???

You never recognized the phrase 'southern strategy' as having a specific meaning??


2. Where is a quote...from me....saying something about FDR and the 'Southern Strategy'??
There aren't any, are there.

What a gall you lying Liberals have....you lie and claim I said it.

3. ".....'the lies you got caught telling were about FDR and the "Southern Strategy"
As I just caught you lying about this.....
...clearly you've just helped prove that I never lie.
Heck, I forgot I caught you in another lie right here in this thread. I exposed your lie in post #70 with a link. You get caught in so many lies they are hard to keep up with.

So....you're running away from your claim that I said anything about FDR and the 'Southern Strategy.'

You're admitting you lied.

Exactly what I keep saying about you.
I gave three of your threads dedicated to what you refer to as the "second front" in those threads which was also the southern strategy. You simply refuse to concede that what you call the second front was a southern strategy.

You claimed, and I quote, "How about your thread about FDR prolonging the war by not having a southern strategy."

The fact that you couldn't find any such quote by me indicates that you are a pure, unmitigated, inveterate, congenital liar.
I did not quote you. I said you had started a thread that FDR prolonged the war by not having a southern strategy. You wrote about the southern strategy not being used and hence, prolonging the war. You called it a "second front". Whether one calls it second front of southern strategy is irrelevant. You blamed both Eisenhower and FDR for prolonging the war because they were influenced and controlled by Stalin. The threads are there for the reading. I gave the titles and dates you posted them in the history forum.
Bill ayers ? Lol! He blew up the statue. If he such an evil genius why isn't he in jail?

It's clear that this discussion is way, way above your pay grade.

Great non responce !

It is the exact appropriate response your post deserved.

If you want a serious response,.....get an education, and work hard at constructing a post fundamentally different from one any six year old could have produced.
PC I seriously doubt you have ever had an extended conversation with a liberal about politics.

Wow, Political Chic has run off with her tail between her legs so many times she's regularly followed and tracked by Korean chefs.

i think politicalchic would cute with her tail between her legs, if she had a tail.

And these are called leftist arguments. Only tails between legs seems to be yours.
Heck, I forgot I caught you in another lie right here in this thread. I exposed your lie in post #70 with a link. You get caught in so many lies they are hard to keep up with.

What you're imagining and what really happened are two different things. Easy on shrooms, bro.

Btw, "southern strategy" has nothing to do with FDR.
Heck, I forgot I caught you in another lie right here in this thread. I exposed your lie in post #70 with a link. You get caught in so many lies they are hard to keep up with.

What you're imagining and what really happened are two different things. Easy on shrooms, bro.

Btw, "southern strategy" has nothing to do with FDR.
You are talking out of you ass. If you go to post #70 you would see that I am calling PC a liar for her distortion of a letter written by Keynes to FDR where she claims he infers he is a dunce. I provided a link that gives his actual letter and it is clear he gives great respect to the President and does not infer that he is a dunce. No rational human being can read that letter and make the conclusion PC is promoting. She used the letter as a source for her opinion. I provided the entire letter to show she was lying.

In regards to a southern strategy, you are not following the thread. Your mind is so tuned to the southern strategy in reference to 1960's and '70 American politics that you blank out any other use of the term. During WWII there were numerous "southern strategies by virtually every command and side in every theater. If you were to read the PC threads I suggested you would understand what the "second front" she focuses on to portray and suggest some weird thesis or concepts are in fact the southern strategy being suggested by commanders in the Italian campaign. She particularly focuses on a strategy suggested as the allies were finishing the war in Norther Italy. A plan was devised to link allies from the Italian campaign with the USSR in southeastern Europe and attack Germany through Austria. That was the southern strategy I reference. Again, if you read PC's threads you would have known that.
Bill ayers ? Lol! He blew up the statue. If he such an evil genius why isn't he in jail?

It's clear that this discussion is way, way above your pay grade.

Great non responce !

It is the exact appropriate response your post deserved.

If you want a serious response,.....get an education, and work hard at constructing a post fundamentally different from one any six year old could have produced.

What's the matter? Not used to having your stock neocon talking points challenged ?

Bill fucking Ayers! Lol. Give it up . Dude was a hippee vandal . The charges against him were thrown out .
You always lie. You routinely get caught and called on lying. Posts are made with links proving you lie and you simply ignore them and continue. Some of the lies you have told have been exposed on numerous occasions in numerous threads over long periods of time. You are the most proven liar on this board. Multiple posters have proven you to be a liar.

Lying and then brazenly denying having lied is right out of the troll handbook.

No, it's out of the Obama handbook.

Yup....like this:

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, and an example of one more flaw in your character and other foolish partisan hacks.

You always lie. You routinely get caught and called on lying. Posts are made with links proving you lie and you simply ignore them and continue. Some of the lies you have told have been exposed on numerous occasions in numerous threads over long periods of time. You are the most proven liar on this board. Multiple posters have proven you to be a liar.

Lying and then brazenly denying having lied is right out of the troll handbook.

No, it's out of the Obama handbook.

Yup....like this:

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, and an example of one more flaw in your character and other foolish partisan hacks.

Gads....you stick both feet in your mouth every time you try to post.

"A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, blah blah blah...."

Now, lets expose Obama as a liar, and you as fool:

1. Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with Bill Ayers as casual and arm's-length:” just a guy in my neighborhood.” Now it is clear that the relationship was close, he went so far as to claim he knew Ayers simply because his kids went to school with Obama's.

They worked together for years.

When the terrorist Wm. Ayers chose him to implement the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, doling out over $100,000,000 to improve the education of Chicago youth, he skipped projects aimed at improving math and science achievement, and gave the money depending on the degree the group preached a radical political agenda.

2. In February of 2008, Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod said:
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school … They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together." He called Ayers current defense of his 1960s bombings "objectionable, and I think Barack would also say that was objectionable. I don't think he's ever had an in-depth discussion [with Ayers] about them."
Politico, Ax on Ayers, by Ben Smith, February 26, 2008

"“Bill Ayers' kids were 23 years older than Obama's kids."
Don’t investigate Obama unless you can pay the tab

3. "In 1995, Ayers and Dohrn hosted a fundraiser at their home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors and political allies as Obama prepared to make his first run for the Illinois state senate. (This fundraiser was likely organized by the socialist New Party.) Also presentat the meeting were Alice Palmer and Quentin Young.

There is strong evidence suggesting that Ayers wroteDreams from My Father, Barack Obama's 1995 memoir."
Bill Ayers - Discover the Networks

Author Christopher Andersen says in a newly released book that former domestic terrorist William Ayers helped Barack Obama write the president’s highly acclaimed memoir “Dreams from My Father.”

Andersen, in “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage” writes that Obama was faced with a deadline with the Time Books division of Random House to submit his manuscript after already having canceled a contract with Simon & Schuster. Confronted with the threat of a second failure, his wife, Michelle, suggested he seek the help of “his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers.” In the end, Ayers’s contribution to Barack’s “Dreams from My Father” would be significant – so much so that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’s own writing. Andersen relied on inside sources, quite possibly Michelle Obama, to describe how “Dreams” was published.
Andersen, in“Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,”

"...just a guy in my neighborhood.”
This is fish in a barrel!

You Liberals should never be forgiven for putting this lying,incompetent, ideologue in the White House.

Your stupidity is not a defense.

You never have evidence, and your allegations are always supported by an appeal to some obscure authority, framed by an obsessive ideology alien to any honorable ethic. Character assassination is your game and while your genre is unique to the Internet, it was pretty much captured by Dr. Eric Berne.

You seem to have have a life-long pattern of grandiosity (in behavior and in your fantasy life), a desperate need for admiration and are wholly lacking empathy.

In clinical terms your are off your Axis, known by the average person and even those of us highly educated and experienced as one very sick puppy.
Lying and then brazenly denying having lied is right out of the troll handbook.

No, it's out of the Obama handbook.

Yup....like this:

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, and an example of one more flaw in your character and other foolish partisan hacks.

Lying and then brazenly denying having lied is right out of the troll handbook.

No, it's out of the Obama handbook.

Yup....like this:

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, and an example of one more flaw in your character and other foolish partisan hacks.

Gads....you stick both feet in your mouth every time you try to post.

"A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, blah blah blah...."

Now, lets expose Obama as a liar, and you as fool:

1. Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with Bill Ayers as casual and arm's-length:” just a guy in my neighborhood.” Now it is clear that the relationship was close, he went so far as to claim he knew Ayers simply because his kids went to school with Obama's.

They worked together for years.

When the terrorist Wm. Ayers chose him to implement the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, doling out over $100,000,000 to improve the education of Chicago youth, he skipped projects aimed at improving math and science achievement, and gave the money depending on the degree the group preached a radical political agenda.

2. In February of 2008, Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod said:
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school … They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together." He called Ayers current defense of his 1960s bombings "objectionable, and I think Barack would also say that was objectionable. I don't think he's ever had an in-depth discussion [with Ayers] about them."
Politico, Ax on Ayers, by Ben Smith, February 26, 2008

"“Bill Ayers' kids were 23 years older than Obama's kids."
Don’t investigate Obama unless you can pay the tab

3. "In 1995, Ayers and Dohrn hosted a fundraiser at their home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors and political allies as Obama prepared to make his first run for the Illinois state senate. (This fundraiser was likely organized by the socialist New Party.) Also presentat the meeting were Alice Palmer and Quentin Young.

There is strong evidence suggesting that Ayers wroteDreams from My Father, Barack Obama's 1995 memoir."
Bill Ayers - Discover the Networks

Author Christopher Andersen says in a newly released book that former domestic terrorist William Ayers helped Barack Obama write the president’s highly acclaimed memoir “Dreams from My Father.”

Andersen, in “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage” writes that Obama was faced with a deadline with the Time Books division of Random House to submit his manuscript after already having canceled a contract with Simon & Schuster. Confronted with the threat of a second failure, his wife, Michelle, suggested he seek the help of “his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers.” In the end, Ayers’s contribution to Barack’s “Dreams from My Father” would be significant – so much so that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’s own writing. Andersen relied on inside sources, quite possibly Michelle Obama, to describe how “Dreams” was published.
Andersen, in“Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,”

"...just a guy in my neighborhood.”
This is fish in a barrel!

You Liberals should never be forgiven for putting this lying,incompetent, ideologue in the White House.

Your stupidity is not a defense.

You never have evidence, and your allegations are always supported by an appeal to some obscure authority, framed by an obsessive ideology alien to any honorable ethic. Character assassination is your game and while your genre is unique to the Internet, it was pretty much captured by Dr. Eric Berne.

You seem to have have a life-long pattern of grandiosity (in behavior and in your fantasy life), a desperate need for admiration and are wholly lacking empathy.

In clinical terms your are off your Axis, known by the average person and even those of us highly educated and experienced as one very sick puppy.

Translation: I kicked your post about what a 'lie' is right down your Lock-Step Liberal throat.

Obama; the Liar-in-Chief
You....Lover of Liberal Liars

But.....my style...my posting....
....it is one of my vanities. I find it satisfying to perform, convivial, competitive, absorbing and even artistic.

What amazes me is that poets don't rush home, unpack their pens, and write odes....paeans.... to my posts!
Hey shitstain, you keep bragging about it and someone will probably believe in it as much as you do.

My current check for the pay period ending 9/30/2015:

Gross Pay: $10,374.93
YTD pay: $102,737.10 (includes my last check period ending 12/31/2014)

Taxes and Deductions: YTD
Federal taxes withheld: $14,248.52
State taxes withheld: $4,243.53
Kaiser health: $697.80
Delta Dental: $$232.30

Kaiser and Dental pay for both my wife and me.

Our combined income does not include Social Security, nor does it include my wife's 401k as a retired VP with a major financial services company.

For clarity.....is it your position that the more one makes, the more correct, astute, insightful one is?

Careful here, Liberal.....'cause, according to my accountant, I beat you twelve ways to Sunday....

That's interesting from someone who doesn't have a job.

I do have a job.....I spin straw into gold, and in my spare time I educate the ignorant.

Why pretend you work?

and btw, saying you educate the ignorant is a bit awkward don't you think, given that in your profile you show your occupation as a homeschooler...

1. Why does whether or not I work at a job matter vis-a-vis the post?

2. Why is whether or not I work any of your business?
My current check for the pay period ending 9/30/2015:

Gross Pay: $10,374.93
YTD pay: $102,737.10 (includes my last check period ending 12/31/2014)

Taxes and Deductions: YTD
Federal taxes withheld: $14,248.52
State taxes withheld: $4,243.53
Kaiser health: $697.80
Delta Dental: $$232.30

Kaiser and Dental pay for both my wife and me.

Our combined income does not include Social Security, nor does it include my wife's 401k as a retired VP with a major financial services company.

For clarity.....is it your position that the more one makes, the more correct, astute, insightful one is?

Careful here, Liberal.....'cause, according to my accountant, I beat you twelve ways to Sunday....

That's interesting from someone who doesn't have a job.

I do have a job.....I spin straw into gold, and in my spare time I educate the ignorant.

Why pretend you work?

and btw, saying you educate the ignorant is a bit awkward don't you think, given that in your profile you show your occupation as a homeschooler...

1. Why does whether or not I work at a job matter vis-a-vis the post?

2. Why is whether or not I work any of your business?

A. It matters not to me, unless of course you pilot a public conveyance, teach in a public school or have the power and control over others.
Lying and then brazenly denying having lied is right out of the troll handbook.

No, it's out of the Obama handbook.

Yup....like this:

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, and an example of one more flaw in your character and other foolish partisan hacks.

Lying and then brazenly denying having lied is right out of the troll handbook.

No, it's out of the Obama handbook.

Yup....like this:

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
[VIDEO]Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, and an example of one more flaw in your character and other foolish partisan hacks.

Gads....you stick both feet in your mouth every time you try to post.

"A lie is an attempt to mislead; it's what you do in every thread you have posted.

A mistake, an error in judgment is not an attempt to mislead; to continue to use this quote as something President Obama did intentionally without a bit of evidence is despicable, blah blah blah...."

Now, lets expose Obama as a liar, and you as fool:

1. Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with Bill Ayers as casual and arm's-length:” just a guy in my neighborhood.” Now it is clear that the relationship was close, he went so far as to claim he knew Ayers simply because his kids went to school with Obama's.

They worked together for years.

When the terrorist Wm. Ayers chose him to implement the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, doling out over $100,000,000 to improve the education of Chicago youth, he skipped projects aimed at improving math and science achievement, and gave the money depending on the degree the group preached a radical political agenda.

2. In February of 2008, Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod said:
"Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school … They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together." He called Ayers current defense of his 1960s bombings "objectionable, and I think Barack would also say that was objectionable. I don't think he's ever had an in-depth discussion [with Ayers] about them."
Politico, Ax on Ayers, by Ben Smith, February 26, 2008

"“Bill Ayers' kids were 23 years older than Obama's kids."
Don’t investigate Obama unless you can pay the tab

3. "In 1995, Ayers and Dohrn hosted a fundraiser at their home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors and political allies as Obama prepared to make his first run for the Illinois state senate. (This fundraiser was likely organized by the socialist New Party.) Also presentat the meeting were Alice Palmer and Quentin Young.

There is strong evidence suggesting that Ayers wroteDreams from My Father, Barack Obama's 1995 memoir."
Bill Ayers - Discover the Networks

Author Christopher Andersen says in a newly released book that former domestic terrorist William Ayers helped Barack Obama write the president’s highly acclaimed memoir “Dreams from My Father.”

Andersen, in “Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage” writes that Obama was faced with a deadline with the Time Books division of Random House to submit his manuscript after already having canceled a contract with Simon & Schuster. Confronted with the threat of a second failure, his wife, Michelle, suggested he seek the help of “his friend and Hyde Park neighbor Bill Ayers.” In the end, Ayers’s contribution to Barack’s “Dreams from My Father” would be significant – so much so that the book’s language, oddly specific references, literary devices, and themes would bear a jarring similarity to Ayers’s own writing. Andersen relied on inside sources, quite possibly Michelle Obama, to describe how “Dreams” was published.
Andersen, in“Barack and Michelle: Portrait of a Marriage,”

"...just a guy in my neighborhood.”
This is fish in a barrel!

You Liberals should never be forgiven for putting this lying,incompetent, ideologue in the White House.

Your stupidity is not a defense.

You never have evidence, and your allegations are always supported by an appeal to some obscure authority, framed by an obsessive ideology alien to any honorable ethic. Character assassination is your game and while your genre is unique to the Internet, it was pretty much captured by Dr. Eric Berne.

You seem to have have a life-long pattern of grandiosity (in behavior and in your fantasy life), a desperate need for admiration and are wholly lacking empathy.

In clinical terms your are off your Axis, known by the average person and even those of us highly educated and experienced as one very sick puppy.
If you really want someone out of your life or for them to stop bothering you, then shut the fuck up and don't talk to them or talk about them!
Heck, I forgot I caught you in another lie right here in this thread. I exposed your lie in post #70 with a link. You get caught in so many lies they are hard to keep up with.

What you're imagining and what really happened are two different things. Easy on shrooms, bro.

Btw, "southern strategy" has nothing to do with FDR.
You are talking out of you ass. If you go to post #70 you would see that I am calling PC a liar for her distortion of a letter written by Keynes to FDR where she claims he infers he is a dunce. I provided a link that gives his actual letter and it is clear he gives great respect to the President and does not infer that he is a dunce. No rational human being can read that letter and make the conclusion PC is promoting. She used the letter as a source for her opinion. I provided the entire letter to show she was lying.

In regards to a southern strategy, you are not following the thread. Your mind is so tuned to the southern strategy in reference to 1960's and '70 American politics that you blank out any other use of the term. During WWII there were numerous "southern strategies by virtually every command and side in every theater. If you were to read the PC threads I suggested you would understand what the "second front" she focuses on to portray and suggest some weird thesis or concepts are in fact the southern strategy being suggested by commanders in the Italian campaign. She particularly focuses on a strategy suggested as the allies were finishing the war in Norther Italy. A plan was devised to link allies from the Italian campaign with the USSR in southeastern Europe and attack Germany through Austria. That was the southern strategy I reference. Again, if you read PC's threads you would have known that.

You're still mixing up "southern strategy" and "second front". Get your shit straight, and reminder - easy on shrooms.
Women don't mind men thinking they are superior because the only thing they can beat us in is physical strength (and even that is not true 100% of the time)
Women don't mind men thinking they are superior because the only thing they can beat us in is physical strength (and even that is not true 100% of the time)
sure; all talk and no action in the non-porn sector, like usual. some of us don't mind letting women oil wrestle us to see who gets to be on top in the relationship for the week.

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