Rand Paul Just Gained A Lot Of Respect From Me


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
He's not my man, but he is bright. Anybody that can put the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM in their place so quickly, so easily.......

Also, the DISGUSTING FILTH, in its ENTIRETY, is in full attack mode after he slammed the clueless reporters and reporterettes.... They're calling him sexist and unfunny and..... You get the drift

Paul Ask DNC If It s Okay To Kill 7-Pound Baby In The Womb The Daily Caller
“Why don’t we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a 7 pound baby in the uterus?” Paul reportedly said. ”You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s okay with killing a seven pound baby that is not born yet. Ask her when life begins, and you ask Debbie when it’s okay to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, get back to me.”

Also well worth reading;

Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
Ace of Spades HQ

Oh yes.

When quizzed on his about his views on abortion, Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul avoided the gotcha game and told NH1 reporter Paul Steinhauser to ask DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz if it was okay to "kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus."

"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a 7 pound baby in the uterus?" Paul reportedly said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's okay with killing a seven pound baby that is not born yet. Ask her when life begins, and you ask Debbie when it's okay to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, get back to me."

I was just writing about the need to do this, after the press could not stop talking about Scott Walker's non-answer on evolution.

Both parties, I noted, have unpopular, niche, even weird stuff in their agendas, because they both seek the support of fringe groups. And when I say "fringe," I do not mean it, as it is typically meant, in a derogatory way; I mean simply that these are groups whose preferred politics are not reflected in the existing politics.

They are Out Groups. They have failed to convince the Insiders to make their preferences policies (so far).

They have political agendas that do not match up with the mainstream; that is, in fact, why their political agendas are political agendas and not political facts -- why they have to ask for a policy, rather than already having their preferred policy in place.

Anyway, this piece discussed "men" -- women to men transsexuals -- who were complaining that abortion rights were discussed as a women's issue, when in fact, they asserted, many "men," such as themselves, could also get pregnant.

So they want abortion crusaders to say head-scratching things like any woman, or any man, who gets pregnant has the right to an abortion.

I noted then that the right media talks about such strange and florid agenda items on the left, but the Democrat-controlled media, of course, never does.

They want to discuss endlessly our odder-sounding or more "extreme" fringe demands; but they absolutely refuse to discuss the Democrats' oddest-sounding and most extreme fringe demands.

I was discussing this a few weeks ago with someone (forget who), in the context of the media's great interest in Scott Walker's views on evolution.
I pointed out that the media, if it really cares so much about evolution, could ask Keith Ellison about it; I don't know his actual views, but I know Muslims generally do not believe in evolution.

I also pointed out that, if the media really cared about candidates' views on religious doctrine, they could ask supposedly-Christian Democrats like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton if they really believed Christ died for our sins. Obviously, a Christian should have no problem answering this in the affirmative.

But a "Yes" answer from Hillary Clinton would be very problematic among her caucus, wouldn't it? (From what I can gather, Clinton really is a Christian, or at least bothers to go to church occasionally; still, the answer would be very embarrassing and difficult for her politically).

So if the media just wants to "find out what candidates" think, why not questions like that?

Anyway, the person I was talking to suggested a similar such question which would be very, very #Problematic for Hillary or Obama to answer:

How many Sexes are there?

See, the problem is, most Democrats are not batshit crazy Gender Warriors who believe the answer is three or seven or 3 pi -- some number greater than 2, in any event. Most Democrats, and all independents, think the answer is "2," and would think anyone thinking the answer is anything but 2 is a crazyperson.

But the incredibly militant sexual left is insistent that there are many genders.

So such a question is difficult for a Democrat to answer. It's a politically relevant question, given the changes in the law and the claims (probably right) that the "Trans" sexuality issue is going to be "the next civil rights issue," as many on the left predict, but the media will not ask the question, precisely because no answer is a good answer for a Democrat, and any answer will tend to alienate either the extreme militant sexual-left base, or the moderates needed to win elections.

They love asking exactly that sort of question of Republicans -- the evolution question is designed to force Republicans to choose between their Biblical literalist supporters and their less literalist supporters -- but they absolutely refuse to ask Democrats designed to produce the same sort of cleavage in their fragile coalition.

So, any one out there who likes putting microphones in front of politician's faces: Ask Democrats how many genders their are.

Let's start making these Wedge Issue/Gaffe controversies ourselves for the Democrats, given that the DNC owned-and-operated media will not oblige us.

I think Rand Paul did a smart thing here. He's not my guy, but he definitely did something smart.

This should be the standard answer to any media question about the fringier parts of the Republican coalition: I will answer your question the very moment you ask the Democrats about this analogous fringe demand of the Democrat Party.

Come back to me with an answer, and I'll answer your question.

Oh, and caveat: If you ask the Democrat the question in an obligatory manner, and don't bother to ask the obvious follow-up questions to get past the first answer (which is always a hot ball of stinky gas), then that's the exact sort of answer I'll give you, refusing to answer the follow-up questions you wish to ask me but not your Beloved Democrat Politician.

Update: Who's "Extreme" Here?


Update: Rand Gets Results.


I have ALWAYS said that it isn't dimocraps that are the enemy of Americans and all humanity....

It is the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lamd Stream Media. Without whom, dimocraps could never win a national election.


The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is nothing more than the Josef Goebbels arm of the dimocrap party. They lie for them, they do their best to make their competition (patriots) look bad.

They are truly the ones we need to defeat..... dimocraps are a minor annoyance, the real evil in this World is the DISGUSTING FILTH in the American Media.
Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
“Here’s an answer,” said Schultz. “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ‘shushing’ me.”
Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
“Here’s an answer,” said Schultz. “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ‘shushing’ me.”

Is this an actual quote, or are you just projecting?
Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
“Here’s an answer,” said Schultz. “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ‘shushing’ me.”
And that answer would put her squarely at odds with most voters, which is why the sycophant media will never ask her the question.
Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
“Here’s an answer,” said Schultz. “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ‘shushing’ me.”

Is this an actual quote, or are you just projecting?
Obviously you feel Schultz put Ayn Rand Paul in her place or you wouldn't be challenging the quote.

Rand Paul Go Ask the DNC About Abortion - Bloomberg Politics

UPDATE: After this item was published, the Democratic National Committee sent Bloomberg News a statement from party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"Here’s an answer," said Schultz. "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ’shushing’ me."
Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
“Here’s an answer,” said Schultz. “I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ‘shushing’ me.”

Is this an actual quote, or are you just projecting?
Obviously you feel Schultz put Ayn Rand Paul in her place or you wouldn't be challenging the quote.

Rand Paul Go Ask the DNC About Abortion - Bloomberg Politics

UPDATE: After this item was published, the Democratic National Committee sent Bloomberg News a statement from party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

"Here’s an answer," said Schultz. "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ’shushing’ me."

Typical extremist abortion rights response, which is to ignore what actually occurs, and respond with another question.
He's not my man, but he is bright. Anybody that can put the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM in their place so quickly, so easily.......

Also, the DISGUSTING FILTH, in its ENTIRETY, is in full attack mode after he slammed the clueless reporters and reporterettes.... They're calling him sexist and unfunny and..... You get the drift

Paul Ask DNC If It s Okay To Kill 7-Pound Baby In The Womb The Daily Caller
“Why don’t we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a 7 pound baby in the uterus?” Paul reportedly said. ”You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s okay with killing a seven pound baby that is not born yet. Ask her when life begins, and you ask Debbie when it’s okay to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, get back to me.”

Also well worth reading;

Rand Paul: I'll Answer Your Wedge-Issue Question About Abortion, The Moment You Ask Debbie Wasserman-Schultz if It's Okay to "Kill a Seven-Pound Baby That Isn't Born Yet"
Ace of Spades HQ

Oh yes.

When quizzed on his about his views on abortion, Republican Kentucky Senator Rand Paul avoided the gotcha game and told NH1 reporter Paul Steinhauser to ask DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz if it was okay to "kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus."

"Why don't we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a 7 pound baby in the uterus?" Paul reportedly said. "You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's okay with killing a seven pound baby that is not born yet. Ask her when life begins, and you ask Debbie when it's okay to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, get back to me."

I was just writing about the need to do this, after the press could not stop talking about Scott Walker's non-answer on evolution.

Both parties, I noted, have unpopular, niche, even weird stuff in their agendas, because they both seek the support of fringe groups. And when I say "fringe," I do not mean it, as it is typically meant, in a derogatory way; I mean simply that these are groups whose preferred politics are not reflected in the existing politics.

They are Out Groups. They have failed to convince the Insiders to make their preferences policies (so far).

They have political agendas that do not match up with the mainstream; that is, in fact, why their political agendas are political agendas and not political facts -- why they have to ask for a policy, rather than already having their preferred policy in place.

Anyway, this piece discussed "men" -- women to men transsexuals -- who were complaining that abortion rights were discussed as a women's issue, when in fact, they asserted, many "men," such as themselves, could also get pregnant.

So they want abortion crusaders to say head-scratching things like any woman, or any man, who gets pregnant has the right to an abortion.

I noted then that the right media talks about such strange and florid agenda items on the left, but the Democrat-controlled media, of course, never does.

They want to discuss endlessly our odder-sounding or more "extreme" fringe demands; but they absolutely refuse to discuss the Democrats' oddest-sounding and most extreme fringe demands.

I was discussing this a few weeks ago with someone (forget who), in the context of the media's great interest in Scott Walker's views on evolution.
I pointed out that the media, if it really cares so much about evolution, could ask Keith Ellison about it; I don't know his actual views, but I know Muslims generally do not believe in evolution.

I also pointed out that, if the media really cared about candidates' views on religious doctrine, they could ask supposedly-Christian Democrats like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton if they really believed Christ died for our sins. Obviously, a Christian should have no problem answering this in the affirmative.

But a "Yes" answer from Hillary Clinton would be very problematic among her caucus, wouldn't it? (From what I can gather, Clinton really is a Christian, or at least bothers to go to church occasionally; still, the answer would be very embarrassing and difficult for her politically).

So if the media just wants to "find out what candidates" think, why not questions like that?

Anyway, the person I was talking to suggested a similar such question which would be very, very #Problematic for Hillary or Obama to answer:

How many Sexes are there?

See, the problem is, most Democrats are not batshit crazy Gender Warriors who believe the answer is three or seven or 3 pi -- some number greater than 2, in any event. Most Democrats, and all independents, think the answer is "2," and would think anyone thinking the answer is anything but 2 is a crazyperson.

But the incredibly militant sexual left is insistent that there are many genders.

So such a question is difficult for a Democrat to answer. It's a politically relevant question, given the changes in the law and the claims (probably right) that the "Trans" sexuality issue is going to be "the next civil rights issue," as many on the left predict, but the media will not ask the question, precisely because no answer is a good answer for a Democrat, and any answer will tend to alienate either the extreme militant sexual-left base, or the moderates needed to win elections.

They love asking exactly that sort of question of Republicans -- the evolution question is designed to force Republicans to choose between their Biblical literalist supporters and their less literalist supporters -- but they absolutely refuse to ask Democrats designed to produce the same sort of cleavage in their fragile coalition.

So, any one out there who likes putting microphones in front of politician's faces: Ask Democrats how many genders their are.

Let's start making these Wedge Issue/Gaffe controversies ourselves for the Democrats, given that the DNC owned-and-operated media will not oblige us.

I think Rand Paul did a smart thing here. He's not my guy, but he definitely did something smart.

This should be the standard answer to any media question about the fringier parts of the Republican coalition: I will answer your question the very moment you ask the Democrats about this analogous fringe demand of the Democrat Party.

Come back to me with an answer, and I'll answer your question.

Oh, and caveat: If you ask the Democrat the question in an obligatory manner, and don't bother to ask the obvious follow-up questions to get past the first answer (which is always a hot ball of stinky gas), then that's the exact sort of answer I'll give you, refusing to answer the follow-up questions you wish to ask me but not your Beloved Democrat Politician.

Update: Who's "Extreme" Here?


Update: Rand Gets Results.


I have ALWAYS said that it isn't dimocraps that are the enemy of Americans and all humanity....

It is the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lamd Stream Media. Without whom, dimocraps could never win a national election.


The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is nothing more than the Josef Goebbels arm of the dimocrap party. They lie for them, they do their best to make their competition (patriots) look bad.

They are truly the ones we need to defeat..... dimocraps are a minor annoyance, the real evil in this World is the DISGUSTING FILTH in the American Media.

You always seem so angry

This is just politics you know, no reason to remain is such a state of constant rage

Have you considered medications?
"Here’s an answer," said Schultz. "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ’shushing’ me."

Typical extremist abortion rights response, which is to ignore what actually occurs, and respond with another question.
Actually if you could understand English you would have seen she ANSWERED Ayn's question thoroughly before asking her question, unlike Ayn who didn't answer the question and ONLY responded with another question, which you had no problem with when Ayn did it, you hypocrite!
My stance on abortion:

I believe that any dimocrap douche that wants an abortion should be given one.

And $5 dollars from CrimeStop.
"Here’s an answer," said Schultz. "I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved. Period. End of story. Now your turn, Senator Paul. We know you want to allow government officials like yourself to make this decision for women — but do you stand by your opposition to any exceptions, even when it comes to rape, incest, or life of the mother? Or do we just have different definitions of ‘personal liberty’? And I’d appreciate it if you could respond without ’shushing’ me."

Typical extremist abortion rights response, which is to ignore what actually occurs, and respond with another question.
Actually if you could understand English you would have seen she ANSWERED Ayn's question thoroughly before asking her question, unlike Ayn who didn't answer the question and ONLY responded with another question, which you had no problem with when Ayn did it, you hypocrite!

She didn't acknowledge what actually happens in a late term abortion. As a person who doesn't really care what a person does up to week 20 or so, or what happens in cases of medical emergency at any time,you can't paint me as some anti-abortion nutter. What I do refuse to do is turn a blind eye to the fact that abortion is killing something, which is something abortion rights people want to sweep under the rug.

Kudos for Paul for turning this onto the Media and their Dem overlords.
Actually if you could understand English you would have seen she ANSWERED Ayn's question thoroughly before asking her question, unlike Ayn who didn't answer the question and ONLY responded with another question, which you had no problem with when Ayn did it, you hypocrite!

I know you think you're being cute but all you're doing is showing your stupidity.....

Ayn Rand HATED Libertarians. With a passion. She hated Liberturdians more than she hated communists. And she REALLY hated communists.

Almost as much as I do...... And I think communists should be executed on sight. Without remorse. Every last one of them.

Educate yourself. Or use notes....

Upon further thought, don't bother.

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