Everything Is Sexism Now. With Obama It Was Racism. Now You Can't Call Hillary By Her Name


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.

The DNC will have nothing to cheer about come next summer. Remember how boring and pathetic their 2012 convention was? even then they had nothing to gloat about. what will be the theme this time? Gay Rights? Meanwhile Iran is building Nukes.
The DNC will have nothing to cheer about come next summer. Remember how boring and pathetic their 2012 convention was? even then they had nothing to gloat about. what will be the theme this time? Gay Rights? Meanwhile Iran is building Nukes.
I have some popcorn, can I nuke it in Iran's nuker?
no wonder men were racing to Sarah Palins rallies. They would pay to see her breasts and legs! but does anyone know a guy just dying to see Hillary in Pants?
Israel and the Saudi's could be bombing Iraq during the 2016 DNC Convention, meanwhile Debbie Wasserman will be at the podium complain about the rights of Transgenders and gloating of the success of Obama-Care.
The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.

and all this crap about equal rights/pay for women. Really? How about giving them jobs!!!! no wonder they are all on match.com!
The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.

You know, I was thinking this just the other day.

My folks returned from the yearly sojourn down south, and my son and I went to have dinner with them. Some how the question of HRC's candidacy came up. Generally, I don't like to discuss politics with my parents. We usually never see eye to eye. They hate to be reminded of the corruption in American politics. But in regards to a HRC candidacy, we had a rare moment of agreement.

They are traditional conservatives, and they know that ever since my days studying elite politics at University, have I strayed from the political roots of the community in which I was raised. I noted that, for all the really BIG issues that will have a major impact on the economy, security, trade, civil rights and liberties, there is not a dimes worth of difference between the policy positions on where HRC and Jeb Bush stand on issues. So what choice do American voters really have? What difference does voting really have?

I could then sense the helplessness and hopelessness in my mothers eyes as she looked at her grandson. This was a totally antithetical thought to her and my father, and one she certainly didn't want conveyed to her thirteen year old grandson. Yet it was one that could not be denied. Her only response was that she felt some law should be passed keeping family dynasties froming ruling America. We laughed off uncomfortable truths and talked of other matters.

But the truth here is that it doesn't matter which elite carries out the global agenda. Now elections are about changing cultural norms. This last one was about creating an atmosphere of racial divide. This next one will be about creating a further disintegration of traditional roles in society.

Where once mothers day was to be looked forward to and the greatest role a woman could possibly hope to ever become would be was a mother. . . . Now the media and the culture will have us believe that mother's day is a not so great anymore, and that we don't need our mom's.

The NANNY STATE. . . . Will be, quite literally now, all about the BIG MAMA taking care of you.


It will be about women leaving children to the state, and getting them all working into the corporate-state complex. With the idea that the state can raise them better than a family can. With the idea that women 'deserve' more than being just brood mares.

This will be good news for conservatives that have been always against the image of the "welfare mom." Because in this era, that mom is going to work, and those kids will not have a mom anymore, they will all be in head-start programs, after school programs, and have their little minds common cored out by feminazis. Muahahahahah.

Look for a war on porn and the disappearance of strip joints as well. The de-masculinization of America that has been going on will reach it's zenith.
Sexism is in the latest talking points memo. Even Rand Paul is sexist because he had a heated exchange with 2 female reporters. Doesn't matter he also had one with a male reporter the same day, as well.

Checked out thinkprogress, daily kos, and media matters and
they all have articles suggesting sexism and Rand Paul.
The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.

You know, I was thinking this just the other day.

My folks returned from the yearly sojourn down south, and my son and I went to have dinner with them. Some how the question of HRC's candidacy came up. Generally, I don't like to discuss politics with my parents. We usually never see eye to eye. They hate to be reminded of the corruption in American politics. But in regards to a HRC candidacy, we had a rare moment of agreement.

They are traditional conservatives, and they know that ever since my days studying elite politics at University, have I strayed from the political roots of the community in which I was raised. I noted that, for all the really BIG issues that will have a major impact on the economy, security, trade, civil rights and liberties, there is not a dimes worth of difference between the policy positions on where HRC and Jeb Bush stand on issues. So what choice do American voters really have? What difference does voting really have?

I could then sense the helplessness and hopelessness in my mothers eyes as she looked at her grandson. This was a totally antithetical thought to her and my father, and one she certainly didn't want conveyed to her thirteen year old grandson. Yet it was one that could not be denied. Her only response was that she felt some law should be passed keeping family dynasties froming ruling America. We laughed off uncomfortable truths and talked of other matters.

But the truth here is that it doesn't matter which elite carries out the global agenda. Now elections are about changing cultural norms. This last one was about creating an atmosphere of racial divide. This next one will be about creating a further disintegration of traditional roles in society.

Where once mothers day was to be looked forward to and the greatest role a woman could possibly hope to ever become would be was a mother. . . . Now the media and the culture will have us believe that mother's day is a not so great anymore, and that we don't need our mom's.

The NANNY STATE. . . . Will be, quite literally now, all about the BIG MAMA taking care of you.


It will be about women leaving children to the state, and getting them all working into the corporate-state complex. With the idea that the state can raise them better than a family can. With the idea that women 'deserve' more than being just brood mares.

This will be good news for conservatives that have been always against the image of the "welfare mom." Because in this era, that mom is going to work, and those kids will not have a mom anymore, they will all be in head-start programs, after school programs, and have their little minds common cored out by feminazis. Muahahahahah.

Look for a war on porn and the disappearance of strip joints as well. The de-masculinization of America that has been going on will reach it's zenith.
Excellent points.

The left loves to appear generous at the same time they're destroying something. So basically they're demanding that we all change with the times, not taking into account the unintended consequences.

Another thing, they want women to be treated the same as men, but then turn around and demand that you make concessions for them because of their class or group, using identity politics. They don't like profiling, but they profile the fuck out of everyone and every thing.
Today, everyone is telling Rand Paul how he was supposed to act, but they also have totally forgotten the way Obama acts whenever he isn't being asked questions by some journalist that is pandering to him. I'm a little fed up with this constant double-standard.

Who can forget how argumentative Obama becomes when a journalist asks him a valid question he doesn't want to answer. Rand Paul did no worse. As a matter of fact he was asking that they ask questions instead of reading prepared statements intended to attack him. Why is it okay for Obama to act this way but not anyone else?
The media is done hammering Hillary for obstruction of justice with her emails. She's had her meeting with Obama, and they've dropped it like a bad habit. Now every Republican is being accused of sexism.

The latest proclamation from the Hillary camp is "You're being sexist if you call her Hillary". Doesn't matter if she has her first name plastered all over the place. Good God....I am just fed up with these people.


Sexism appears to be the new racism. This is why only a woman need run as a Democrat.
After a dust up with a female Today Show host Rand Paul was warned to be careful when talking to women by Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd.
Rand Paul was being interviewed.....well, not interviewed.....but lectured to by Today co-host Savannah Guthrie repeatedly who badgered him over his views on foreign policy following his presidential announcement.

Quote: Things got so heated during the discussion that Paul had to tell Guthrie “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question.”

After discussing whether or not he had presidential ambitions growing up, the interview got combative over whether or not Senator Paul would ever support a U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. Despite explaining that “part of the problem” is that Iran has interpreted the nuclear framework differently than the United States, Guthrie interrupted the Tea Party senator and demanded that he “take that issue off the table.”

The Today co-host eventually allowed Senator Paul to answer her question but then proceeded to lecture him on how his foreign policy positions have evolved over the years:

You have had views in the past on foreign policy that are somewhat unorthodox, but you seem to have changed over the years. You once said Iran was not a threat, now you say it is. You once proposed ending foreign aid to Israel, you now support it at least for the time being…You wanted to cut defense spending and now you want to increase it 16%. So I just wonder if you’ve mellowed out.

For his part, Paul objected to Savannah Guthrie’s editorializing on his foreign policy positions and asked her to “let me explain instead of talking over me." Paul then told her “before we go through a litany of things you say I’ve changed on, why don't you ask me a question? Have I changed my opinion? That would be sort of a better way to approach an interview.”

Guthrie continued to interrupt the senator without letting him articulate what his actual foreign policy views were and Paul once again asked her to just let him answer the question.

You have editorialized. Let me answer a question. You ask a question and you say have your views changed instead of editorializing and saying my views have changed.

Eventually the NBCer allowed her Republican guest to answer her question but she made sure to take one final shot at his foreign policy views:

I think the question I was getting at in general is just that when you came to Washington and you realized I am going to run for president, have you mellowed or tempered your views at all?

Guthrie's harsh treatment of Senator Paul was in stark contrast to a recent interview she conducted with liberal Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. During the March 31 discussion, Guthrie repeatedly urged Warren to run for president, even to the point of wondering whether or not Hillary Clinton was liberal enough for the modern Democratic Party.

Rand Paul to Savannah Guthrie Instead of Editorializing Ask Me A Question

The sexism is flying....but from the liberal side. Salon got into it and made a point of saying that "Rand Paul got into it with another woman....." as if he's some kind of male chauvinistic jerk. How dare he talk down to woman reporters!!!

If that isn't sexist, I don't know what is. They assume that women journalists need protection from the big...bad Republican bully.

Rand Paul clashes with another woman news anchor for daring to ask him a real question

If you've ever sat through an interview with Obama, Barney Frank, or any other liberal on Fox News, every single one of them reacts the same exact way that Rand Paul did. Not only that, but every single Democrat pundit I've seen tries to filibuster the discussion and refuses to answer questions. They have their talking points and they stick with them, and if shouting over everyone else will make their point, or confuse the discussion, so be it. This is just the liberal media is throwing shit on the wall and hoping it sticks. They're accusing Rand Paul of doing something wrong when in fact they know it is a tactic they use religiously.

You know, I was thinking this just the other day.

My folks returned from the yearly sojourn down south, and my son and I went to have dinner with them. Some how the question of HRC's candidacy came up. Generally, I don't like to discuss politics with my parents. We usually never see eye to eye. They hate to be reminded of the corruption in American politics. But in regards to a HRC candidacy, we had a rare moment of agreement.

They are traditional conservatives, and they know that ever since my days studying elite politics at University, have I strayed from the political roots of the community in which I was raised. I noted that, for all the really BIG issues that will have a major impact on the economy, security, trade, civil rights and liberties, there is not a dimes worth of difference between the policy positions on where HRC and Jeb Bush stand on issues. So what choice do American voters really have? What difference does voting really have?

I could then sense the helplessness and hopelessness in my mothers eyes as she looked at her grandson. This was a totally antithetical thought to her and my father, and one she certainly didn't want conveyed to her thirteen year old grandson. Yet it was one that could not be denied. Her only response was that she felt some law should be passed keeping family dynasties froming ruling America. We laughed off uncomfortable truths and talked of other matters.

But the truth here is that it doesn't matter which elite carries out the global agenda. Now elections are about changing cultural norms. This last one was about creating an atmosphere of racial divide. This next one will be about creating a further disintegration of traditional roles in society.

Where once mothers day was to be looked forward to and the greatest role a woman could possibly hope to ever become would be was a mother. . . . Now the media and the culture will have us believe that mother's day is a not so great anymore, and that we don't need our mom's.

The NANNY STATE. . . . Will be, quite literally now, all about the BIG MAMA taking care of you.


It will be about women leaving children to the state, and getting them all working into the corporate-state complex. With the idea that the state can raise them better than a family can. With the idea that women 'deserve' more than being just brood mares.

This will be good news for conservatives that have been always against the image of the "welfare mom." Because in this era, that mom is going to work, and those kids will not have a mom anymore, they will all be in head-start programs, after school programs, and have their little minds common cored out by feminazis. Muahahahahah.

Look for a war on porn and the disappearance of strip joints as well. The de-masculinization of America that has been going on will reach it's zenith.
Excellent points.

The left loves to appear generous at the same time they're destroying something. So basically they're demanding that we all change with the times, not taking into account the unintended consequences.

Another thing, they want women to be treated the same as men, but then turn around and demand that you make concessions for them because of their class or group, using identity politics. They don't like profiling, but they profile the fuck out of everyone and every thing.
We hear this nearly every time they want to join a typically male dominated sphere. "It's too hard, lower the standards!" Police, firemen, the military, and on it goes.
As a woman, I am offended that the people crying sexism think women can't hold their own, and must be protected by the likes of them.

Wow, why does that have a parallel ring of familiarity?
no wonder men were racing to Sarah Palins rallies. They would pay to see her breasts and legs! but does anyone know a guy just dying to see Hillary in Pants?

You know, I'm not partisan, and I don't care for either, so I can objectively say this. However, if truth be told, if we compared Hillary and Sarah at similar ages, I think Hillary is probably better looking.



But I guess that is all personal preference. I mean, just compare their husbands. Which husband do more women desire? That will give you a gauge of which woman was more desirable in her prime.

Once Sarah's looks fade, will she have the intellectual heft to remain relevant?

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