Rand Paul gets standing ovation at UC Berkeley.

Cozying up to the liberal kooks at UC-Berkeley won't win many conservative voters that had thoughts about voting for Rand Paul.

Becoming a kook like his dad is a dead end career.

He is speaking the truth to all audiences. His message is the same no matter who he is talking to. the kids at berkley got it, too bad its over your head.
What is pauls belief in clean water, food, air and modern civilization in general?

Naturally, he thinks those who believe in such things should be cast away into a fiery pit in Hell because all sentient, logical, intelligent thinkers know that nobody who cherishes individual freedom and liberty believes in any of those things....
Of course, a kook like you believes the NSA shouldn't gather signals intelligence to ensure we aren't attacked by terrorists, Russia, etc....:eusa_whistle:

Rand Paul is a newbie to my world.

Cozying up to the liberal kooks at UC-Berkeley won't win many conservative voters that had thoughts about voting for Rand Paul.

Becoming a kook like his dad is a dead end career.

He is speaking the truth to all audiences. His message is the same no matter who he is talking to. the kids at berkley got it, too bad its over your head.
Of course, a kook like you believes the NSA shouldn't gather signals intelligence to ensure we aren't attacked by terrorists, Russia, etc....:eusa_whistle:

Rand Paul is a newbie to my world.

Cozying up to the liberal kooks at UC-Berkeley won't win many conservative voters that had thoughts about voting for Rand Paul.

Becoming a kook like his dad is a dead end career.

He is speaking the truth to all audiences. His message is the same no matter who he is talking to. the kids at berkley got it, too bad its over your head.

gathering intel from would-be terrorists is a far cry from collecting the text messages from every teenager in the US.

If the NSA suspects someone, they should get a warrant and then tap his lines. The govt does not have a blanket warrant to look at every one of us.
This reflects the miserable failure of the Obama presidency; pretender, and chief! As the Bush swagger, and his financial mismanagement drove voters towards the charismatic orator; hopey changey thingy - without proper vetting. Obama's economy, and nightmarecare has repulsed the youth / prospectors to the opposing philosophy!

I sincerely believe that Obama has doomed the democrats for 2016, as Bush did in 2008, considering the polarity of Rand Paul / Obama - the kids want a future, and recognize a defeated administration; they cannot afford to be liberal - ideology is out the window - they want pay dirt! Anyone who loves this country, and realizes it's decline is in tune to the Paul voice. :eusa_clap:
Rand Paul got standing ovations and kicked butt at CPAC. Now, let's go to the complete opposite side of the political spectrum; Rand Paul went to speak at UC Berkeley and got standing ovations. Oh, and Rand plans to speak before the NAACP. Rand got standing ovations from students at arguably the most leftist area in America, Berkeley. With that in mind, I highly doubt any Democrat can beat Rand Paul if he runs for president. Rand Paul has more to worry about from the Republican Party by being stabbed in the back by the likes of America-hating trash like Karl Rove and his establishment thugs.


Wow, Cant wait until you post another "the left are intolerant" posts so I can post what you said about Paul getting a standing Ovation in the most leftist area in America.

What would happen if a Dem went to speak at the most right area in America? The right are soo open minded

Depending on the topic or situation, you might not be waiting long. Given the hatred and intolerance in this thread by lefties, when in future posts I mention leftist intolerance, my proclamations will be validified. Hey, just take a look further in this reply where I quote a hateful intolerant, racist leftist Sallow.

Before getting to that part - before you make a statement such as you have, perhaps you should practice what you preach. Interestingly, you conveniently changed your signature from this:


to what your current signature is. How interesting, you preach how tolerant leftists are, yet you declare a war on women with your previous sig, and at the same time show profound intolerance for any source of news outside of the Democrat party's mouthpieces - ABC, CBS, NBS, MSDNC and CNN.

There is a reason I refer to you as ClosedMinded instead of ClosedCaption. Your reply to me has zero weight, it makes about as much sense as a snake with size D breasts.

Sallow said:

Rand Paul is a "Classical" Liberal.

He would like to see Black Americans back in chains, women barefoot and pregnant and white Christian landowners ruling this country.

I'm just gonna say it. I truly believe Sallow is a hard core racist who has white sheets and a hood in his closet, and when times are right where it won't get caught, also burns crosses.

Anyone who puts this much hatred into to trying to label someone else a racist is only trying to cover up their own deeply embedded racist views.
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Rand Paul got standing ovations and kicked butt at CPAC. Now, let's go to the complete opposite side of the political spectrum; Rand Paul went to speak at UC Berkeley and got standing ovations. Oh, and Rand plans to speak before the NAACP. Rand got standing ovations from students at arguably the most leftist area in America, Berkeley. With that in mind, I highly doubt any Democrat can beat Rand Paul if he runs for president. Rand Paul has more to worry about from the Republican Party by being stabbed in the back by the likes of America-hating trash like Karl Rove and his establishment thugs.

. I believe there are people who say they are liberal but are really conservative. They just don't know it.
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Rand Paul got standing ovations and kicked butt at CPAC. Now, let's go to the complete opposite side of the political spectrum; Rand Paul went to speak at UC Berkeley and got standing ovations. Oh, and Rand plans to speak before the NAACP. Rand got standing ovations from students at arguably the most leftist area in America, Berkeley. With that in mind, I highly doubt any Democrat can beat Rand Paul if he runs for president. Rand Paul has more to worry about from the Republican Party by being stabbed in the back by the likes of America-hating trash like Karl Rove and his establishment thugs.


Very good news!! I've been behind him and his dad for years. It's about time that folks are beginning to wake up. The left has gone so far left that they've reached the right (in a roundabout way). We'll see if the far left has finally had enough of the idiocy oozing from the Obamas, Gores, Franks, Boxers, Feinsteins, and Clintons of the world.
"Paul’s address at the Berkeley Forum on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley focused on the National Security Agency’s collection of telephone metadata and the debate over privacy."

Paul is not libertarian; he is a solid anti-NSA guy but weak on other civil liberties.

The first appeals to both sides of the political spectrum.

Had he attacked the 1964 and 1965 civil liberties legislation, the audience may have hunted him down, boxed him up, and sent him snail mail to DC.
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No comparison. Ron Paul, love him or hate him, did not pander, did not work the crowd, stayed on track and didn't kiss ass. I'm sure he's wondering how he spawned this trollope of the Tea Baggers.

Oh please, no one panders like democrats. Hilary Clinton and her fake southern accent when talking to blacks, it's a fucking joke and of course they have issues for specific groups instead of for all people

Gore was big on that phony accent when he was in a black church....

Very true,
Rand Paul got standing ovations and kicked butt at CPAC. Now, let's go to the complete opposite side of the political spectrum; Rand Paul went to speak at UC Berkeley and got standing ovations. Oh, and Rand plans to speak before the NAACP. Rand got standing ovations from students at arguably the most leftist area in America, Berkeley. With that in mind, I highly doubt any Democrat can beat Rand Paul if he runs for president. Rand Paul has more to worry about from the Republican Party by being stabbed in the back by the likes of America-hating trash like Karl Rove and his establishment thugs.

He also supports Mitch McConnell for reelection.....Yea you vote for him I will want someone more honest.
Just say NO to small government and yes to smart, efficient government!

Care to point when in history that worked out?
efficient government is like jumbo shrimp....classic oxymoron....

I beg to differ. There have been numerous examples in history of government running things quite efficiently. Shall we cite them? It gets ugly.

The thing is, we don't want government run efficiently. At least not in the same way that we want a business run efficiently. Government is an institution with a completely different set of concerns and a completely different means of achieving them. With government, justice should be the chief concern, not efficiency.
Care to point when in history that worked out?
efficient government is like jumbo shrimp....classic oxymoron....

I beg to differ. There have been numerous examples in history of government running things quite efficiently. Shall we cite them? It gets ugly.

The thing is, we don't want government run efficiently. At least not in the same way that we want a business run efficiently. Government is an institution with a completely different set of concerns and a completely different means of achieving them. With government, justice should be the chief concern, not efficiency.
Cite away. I can show you in each case where it wasn't as efficient, and that many more people would have been enslaved if the government was more efficient.
Define "efficient" in terms of government.

The word clearly will have different meanings depending on the venue being judged and values of the judges.

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