Rally to Demand Justice for Jan. 6 ‘Political Prisoners’ Planned for US Capitol

Horseshit. Nobody invited anyone in to the Senate or House chambers and that action was specifically addressed in my link. Six months, five grand. When that entry is gained by force or violence, which most certainly happened in this case, the charge jumps to a felony, which is five years in jail and a quarter of a million dollar fine. Better yet, impeding a Congressional proceeding, WHICH WAS THE STATED PURPOSE OF THE WHOLE RIOT, is a FELONY, punishable with five years of active prison time. If that act is conducted using intimidation or coercion, "We are coming for you Nancy", actively displaying nooses, that type of thing, it becomes punishable with up to eight years of jail time. Those morons sitting in jail might as well get used to it.
Capitol police removed barriers and ultimately allowed a tour inside the chamber.
You need to vet your propaganda.
Capitol police removed barriers and ultimately allowed a tour inside the chamber.
You need to vet your propaganda.
You are dumber than a box of rocks. There are no "tours" inside the chambers while Congress is in session. Access is severely limited. Does this look like an invitation to come on in?

And we won't know until they get to trial, something the government is not doing.
Bozo ^^^; the government is not doing what the defendant and his attorney have requested. You haven't read the Bill of Rights; read them and especially the Sixth Amendment, to wit:

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial"
Sedition is Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen circumventing the constitution in an effort to make DC a state and ensure two more democrat senators. Sedition is states bypassing the constitution in order to change election rules to effect a stolen potus election.
That’s sedition. And you support and excuse it.
LOL, sadly you've proved to be brainwashed, and in your case your brain only needed a light rinse.
Our government is supposed to prevent shit like this from happening, not be behind it. They're leaving murderers and rapists out of jail and giving life to people for daring to have a different opinion.
To answer your question, damn skippy.

Federal law provides misdemeanor and felony penalties for trespassing acts occurring in Capitol buildings and on Capitol grounds. These acts range from unlawful entry to discharging weapons.

A person who commits the following acts faces up to six months' imprisonment and a $5,000 fine:

  • enters or remains on the floor or in the gallery of the U.S. Senate or House chambers without authorization
  • obstructs or impedes passage through or within the Capitol building or grounds
  • damages or destroys property in Capitol buildings or on Capitol grounds, or
  • assaults an individual in a Capitol building or on Capitol grounds.
That’s a statute. I’m asking for actual examples. Name and charge.
If the government could prove it's cases, it would be speeding to trial. It's still trying to gin up winning cases. Usually the defense is the side that stalls, hoping that witnesses will forget details. In this case it's the government stalling. That's always a sign of a weak case. The prosecution has enormous resources and still is stalling for time. All it's gotten so far are o couple of weak plea bargains.
Doesn’t work like that

However, they WERE Trespassing and most appear to be pleading guilty.

May be why it is taking so long. They are taking time to negotiate plea bargains
If they were pleading guilty, all the cases would have been resolved in a few weeks. It's now SEPTEMBER. Even a complicated plea deal shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to work out unless the defendant doesn't consider himself guilty and WANTS to go to trial. The government doesn't have ten or even twenty people working on these cases, it has hundreds or even thousands. The government has essentially unlimited manpower and financial resources available.
If they were pleading guilty, all the cases would have been resolved in a few weeks. It's now SEPTEMBER. Even a complicated plea deal shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to work out unless the defendant doesn't consider himself guilty and WANTS to go to trial. The government doesn't have ten or even twenty people working on these cases, it has hundreds or even thousands. The government has essentially unlimited manpower and financial resources available.
Rightwinger is correct. The delay is due to the plea deals, all must be approved by the main justice department, something that usually does not happen. Secondly, most of the plea deals include something called a proffer, which requires the defendant to testify, under oath, and subjects them to questioning. The reason is because the justice department is attempting to shake out the conspirators, like the Proud Boys, and piece together the relationship between individuals.
I am not aware of anyone having more than trespassing or assault charges filed against them in conjunction with the events of 1/6. My point is, the government needs to crap or get off the pot.
Do you feel the same way about the thousands of people who are held in County jails across the nation who haven't had a trial for years?


I'm guessing you'll come up with all sorts of hair splitting as to why the blob supporters are somehow not the same as "common criminals"
If they were pleading guilty, all the cases would have been resolved in a few weeks. It's now SEPTEMBER. Even a complicated plea deal shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to work out unless the defendant doesn't consider himself guilty and WANTS to go to trial. The government doesn't have ten or even twenty people working on these cases, it has hundreds or even thousands. The government has essentially unlimited manpower and financial resources available.
You don't have a clue as to the initial court appearance of each and every person arrested on Jan 6th, or later when turned in by family, friends, witnesses and those identified by video or photographs. In fact I doubt you don't understand the court system and the initial hearing (when rights are explained and bail may be set). Other hearings, such as preliminary hearings, Discovery, , voir dire, readiness to address or resolve pre-trial motions, review discovery, and take care of any other pre-trial matters.
You are dumber than a box of rocks. There are no "tours" inside the chambers while Congress is in session. Access is severely limited. Does this look like an invitation to come on in?

You’re dishonestly selectively using media clips. Just like Pravda.
Go look at the video showing capitol police removing barriers and allowing entrance into the chamber. The tour comment was obviously figurative. I even italicized it for that effect. Obvious to those with sufficient intellect, that is.
Horseshit. Nobody invited anyone in to the Senate or House chambers and that action was specifically addressed in my link. Six months, five grand. When that entry is gained by force or violence, which most certainly happened in this case, the charge jumps to a felony, which is five years in jail and a quarter of a million dollar fine. Better yet, impeding a Congressional proceeding, WHICH WAS THE STATED PURPOSE OF THE WHOLE RIOT, is a FELONY, punishable with five years of active prison time. If that act is conducted using intimidation or coercion, "We are coming for you Nancy", actively displaying nooses, that type of thing, it becomes punishable with up to eight years of jail time. Those morons sitting in jail might as well get used to it.
Vet your Pravda and watch the video.
Do you feel the same way about the thousands of people who are held in County jails across the nation who haven't had a trial for years?

View attachment 536309

I'm guessing you'll come up with all sorts of hair splitting as to why the blob supporters are somehow not the same as "common criminals"
Nope, being held for a long time without trial is wrong, no matter who it is. I'm not talking about being held over the weekend or a few days, I'm talking about months.

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