Hillary and Bill Clinton spotted in the Hamptons

They have both worked hard and sacrficed so much for the success of America. They deserve the opportunity to walk among the finest people America has to offer.
The Clintons are wealthy because of their corruption and are largely responsible for the growth of the D.C. Swamp. Most of the “finest people” the Clintons pal around with are just as corrupt as the Clintons.

In the end I predict it will be corruption that destroys the United States. The Chinese are busy buying our corrupt politicians and already own our current President, Slow Joe Biden.

Bill Clinton was a good President. I did not vote for him nor did I agree with many of his policies, but looking at his positions on the economy and his ability to work with people across the aisle, he was good. His popularity was unparalleled.
Bill Clinton was a good environmental President but he signed NAFTA and that was the beginning of the Democrat party abandoning the American worker. Overall I'd give him a B-.
Bill Clinton was a good President. I did not vote for him nor did I agree with many of his policies, but looking at his positions on the economy and his ability to work with people across the aisle, he was good. His popularity was unparalleled.
Well when comparing him to what we have now, pretty much anyone would be better.
After all these years, they are still together as a couple and enjoy each others company

Why don’t I see photos of Trump and Melania out having a good time together?

I see the Obama’s together constantly
I see the Bush’s always together
The Carter’s have always been inseparable
The Clintons are wealthy because of their corruption and are largely responsible for the growth of the D.C. Swamp. Most of the “finest people” the Clintons pal around with are just as corrupt as the Clintons.

In the end I predict it will be corruption that destroys the United States. The Chinese are busy buying our corrupt politicians and already own our current President, Slow Joe Biden.

It is amazing how elections can swing a nation. Bush the first I lost trust in, in 1992. I voted for Perot. Perot siphoned enough votes away from Bush to give Clinton the election. In 1996 Dole would have won. But Perot ran again and siphoned votes away from Him and Clinton won reelection. Bush and Dole were not conservative Republicans. But they are better then what we ushered in. Hillary would be a nobody. And frankly, she was built up into something important and was shallow and talentless with no charisma and no personality.
Hillary looks sad. She misses the days when she was the first lady in the Arkansas Guv'ner's mansion where she literally had negro slave convicts as personal servants at her beck and call.

"Jerome, fix me another vodka martini. And keep 'em coming.

"Yes'm Ms. Clinton."
The Clintons are wealthy because of their corruption and are largely responsible for the growth of the D.C. Swamp. Most of the “finest people” the Clintons pal around with are just as corrupt as the Clintons.

In the end I predict it will be corruption that destroys the United States. The Chinese are busy buying our corrupt politicians and already own our current President, Slow Joe Biden.

Republicans Ship US Manufacturing Jobs to China!!!

Republican President Nixon Opened Up China!!!

Republican Nixon/Ford started Feb 1969 with 18,502,000 US manufacturing jobs & ended Jan 1977 with only 17,803,000 = LOSS of -(699,000) US manufacturing jobs!

Democrat Carter started Feb 1977 with 17,843,000 US manufacturing jobs ended Jan 1981 with 18,639,000 = GAIN of +796,000 US manufacturing jobs!

Republican Reagan/Bush started Feb 1981 with 18,639,000 US manufacturing jobs & ended Jan 1993 with only 16,791,000 = LOSS of -(1,848,000) US manufacturing jobs!

Democrat Clinton started Feb 1993 with 16,805,000 US manufacturing jobs ended Jan 2001 with 17,104,000 = GAIN of +299,000 US manufacturing jobs!

Republican Bush started Feb 2001 with 17,028,000 US manufacturing jobs & ended Jan 2009 with only 12,561,000 = LOSS of -(4,467,000) US manufacturing jobs!

Democrat Obama started Feb 2009 with 12,380,000 US manufacturing jobs ended Jan 2017 with 12,382,000 = GAIN of +2,000 US manufacturing jobs!

Republican Trump started Feb 2017 with 12,382,000 US manufacturing jobs & ended Jan 2021 with only 12,213,000 = LOSS of -(169,000) US manufacturing jobs!
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