radical leftwing groups calling for violence .

What do you call it? Was it like the Boston Tea Party?
If they had bottles of booze I would say they looked like drunks. If they were protesting the election and felt powerless it was a cheap way to get it out of their system. Because half the nation believes it was stolen.
This roe business all hearkens back to the 60 and 70s when huge marches occurred down main streets with the incredibly strong vociferous supporting of womens' rights to be independent humans in a nation that was too strongly right wing so-called christian religious supporters of oppression, suppression, and fascist style dictatorial inequalities. The rule of law that you obviously feel should veer hard right to nazi like proportions is to once again be the oppressor, suppressor and fascist style dictatorial DEequalizer that not only runs counter to the basic tenets of The Constitution of the United States of America but is to once again relegate women to a substandard status?! AND then you have the audacity, the sheer unfounded nerve to count yourself as an American?! Is that what you're doing/saying here?
This nation is rightrotting from within, in religious power, political power, economic power and most importantly, in morality and belief in its own supposed core values. The destroyers of individual rights down to the fascist/nazi level are dragging the USA into the darkness of hell itself by using radicals, lunatics, quasi military criminals and superstitious idiots. If this corrupt societal filth isn't stopped in its tracks and the radicals removed from this country's political capitols, churches and government in general by the very same rank and file that put them there, the USA will be doomed to violence, lawlessness and probably even civil war before all is said and done. Please, republicans, STOP it! It has already gone too far!
republicans wont be out committing violence and lawless acts because the SC made a decision they disagree with ! take everything you posted and apply it to the radical left .
Funny how you speak of the rule of Law, but you don't have a problem with Trump Humpers breaking the rule of Law on 1/6/21.
bull the idiots that tresspassed and broke the law on jan 6th should be held to account ... and they are ! the problem i have is the same rule of law doesnt seem to apply to violent leftists who commit astronomically higher amounts of violence !
I wonder what their tune would be -- the people promoting a summer of rage -- if they were told, "Go ahead. This time, we shoot back!.
pro abortion groups call for a summer of rage over the SC Roe V wade decision ! law enforcement agencies across the country bracing for riots ! it seems as though we may be faced with another summer of violent insurrections against the rule of law from the left .
You reap what you sow.
I wonder what their tune would be -- the people promoting a summer of rage -- if they were told, "Go ahead. This time, we shoot back!.

I wonder how Garland and Wray will react when rioting terrorists are being shot in the process of attempting to burn or loot mom and pop stores this time around in places like Kenosha, or Podunk?
I wonder how Garland and Wray will react when rioting terrorists are being shot in the process of attempting to burn or loot mom and pop stores this time around in places like Kenosha, or Podunk?
I'm pretty sure they'll try to claim White Supremiscts were getting their terrorism on.
The freaking Biden administration is calling for violence. The Speaker of the House refused to condemn bombings and arson directed at Court Justices and pro-life centers. The president predicted a freaking revolution. Is it time to indict the entire sorry Biden administration?
republicans wont be out committing violence and lawless acts because the SC made a decision they disagree with !
Well, yeah, because they own the corrupt SC. It never makes decisions they disagree with.

There did, however, commit astonishingly violent and lawless acts because all the other courts ruled that Trump lost.

You're about the sole conservative here that doesn't still endorse that violence.
My MFing God! Do these people even realize that Margaret Singer (the queen bitch of infanticide) was out to, in her own words "Reduce the Negro population." I'm at a loss for words... Now the Demo(nic) handlers will tell them to take this matter to the streets and we'll watch as cities burn, ironically those that have pro abortion laws!

I'll leave it at this, Planed Parenthood is not another form of birth control! Regardless if you think it as a mass of cells or a child it's still killing an entity.
I guess I'd be curious to know how many of these people voted for President in 2016, and how many didn't bother.
3 million more voters for hillary, than Trump got. We the people in majority, have never voted for Trump to be the winner of the presidency!

For this though, I blame McConnell and his cheating and ignoring of the constitution and Obama's lawful pick, for a Sc justice....when Scalia died.
I don't get it. They want to protest/riot/loot in NYC, where this ruling changes nothing. What am I missing here?

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