Racist radical religious right


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”

I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”

Yes...our God said take care of the poor. And we do. Quite evident with the thousands of charities and philanthropic organizations.

Exactly where did our God say...

"since I dont expect you to take care of the poor, I want you to have your government take your money and give it to the poor..and, of course, I want your government to take the credit for taking care of the poor as well"

Well? When did God say that?
Did you know that the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one to two children?
I say this not with the intentions to belittle any group. I say this to show you how powerful knowledge is, and how stupid it is to buy into the agenda. This is especially for the racist people who use this as their main argument as to why blacks are inferior. I will not go deeper into it, but I am doing a nationwide study, and it is true in every state so far. In Washington, white women make up 75% of the welfare demographic. Expand your mind....
Did you know that the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one to two children? - Yahoo! Answers
I thought the Mormons had their own private social security type program.
Where they help fellow members get back on their feet, the program is only temporary (2 years) and after that they are expected to help themselves and others.

If everyone took care of their own communities, we might have more direct accountability.
Like holding immigrants responsible for any past violations of immigration or labor laws, and paying that back into the system to cover for children under the Dream Act. If all companies and criminals responsible for trafficking and slave trade were required to pay back restitution by investing in education for victims and immigrants who DON'T commit crimes,
maybe we could break the endless cycle and build schools and programs in a sustainable way instead of charging and punishing law abiding citizens for the crimes of others.


I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”
Obama said, we are our brothers keeper. Now what does his brother live in? Lol, liberals need to pratice what they preach.

I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”

I see you've broken out that broad brush again, LOL. (What an apt abbreviation for your name, BTW)

So ONE caller uses a slur and that convicts the ENTIRE 'Religious Right' of racism?

Pull your head out of your ass, would you? You're last couple of brain cells are quickly becoming oxygen-deprived...
Did you know that the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one to two children?
I say this not with the intentions to belittle any group. I say this to show you how powerful knowledge is, and how stupid it is to buy into the agenda. This is especially for the racist people who use this as their main argument as to why blacks are inferior. I will not go deeper into it, but I am doing a nationwide study, and it is true in every state so far. In Washington, white women make up 75% of the welfare demographic. Expand your mind....
Did you know that the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one to two children? - Yahoo! Answers

According to What perce...are on welfare
Questions & Answers | ChaCha

- 29 million people are on welfare
- 39% white: 11,661,000
- 38% black: 11,362,000

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demogra...United_States:
- US population: 313,544,041
- White: 72.4%: 227,005,885
- Black: 12.6%: 39,506,549

Math time!:

Whites: 11.661,000 / 227,005,885 * 100 = 5.13%
Blacks: 11,362,000 / 39,506,549 * 100 = 28.75%

That means the total percentage of all white people in america on welfare is: 5.13%

While the total percentage of all black people in america on welfare is: 28.75%
I think the progressives want us all to send all our hard earned money to the government so they can decide how to spend it. Well all of us except democrats, they shouldn't have to contribute.
Did you know that the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one to two children?
I say this not with the intentions to belittle any group. I say this to show you how powerful knowledge is, and how stupid it is to buy into the agenda. This is especially for the racist people who use this as their main argument as to why blacks are inferior. I will not go deeper into it, but I am doing a nationwide study, and it is true in every state so far. In Washington, white women make up 75% of the welfare demographic. Expand your mind....
Did you know that the number one recipient of welfare is white women with one to two children? - Yahoo! Answers

I guess that proves your original point wrong, that they were doing it soley out of racism.

We'd all love for the poor to collect welfare checks forever, problem is we have no money. Obviously you really don't care about fiscal facts because all you do is rant about race.
- 29 million people are on welfare
- 39% white: 11,661,000
- 38% black: 11,362,000

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demogra...United_States:
- US population: 313,544,041
- White: 72.4%: 227,005,885
- Black: 12.6%: 39,506,549

Math time!:

Whites: 11.661,000 / 227,005,885 * 100 = 5.13%
Blacks: 11,362,000 / 39,506,549 * 100 = 28.75%

That means the total percentage of all white people in america on welfare is: 5.13%

While the total percentage of all black people in america on welfare is: 28.75%
So if blacks are over 5 times more likely to be on welfare, I don't really understand why the OP would want to bring this up, assuming she is trying to mitigate black welfare dependence. It seems a remarkably counterproductive argument to make considering her likely goals.

I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”

I see you've broken out that broad brush again, LOL. (What an apt abbreviation for your name, BTW)

So ONE caller uses a slur and that convicts the ENTIRE 'Religious Right' of racism?

Pull your head out of your ass, would you? You're last couple of brain cells are quickly becoming oxygen-deprived...

When it comes to LilODummy, we're talking about a person who claims to hate illegal immigration yet votes Dem down the line every time.

I doubt she even has a GED.
- 29 million people are on welfare
- 39% white: 11,661,000
- 38% black: 11,362,000

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demogra...United_States:
- US population: 313,544,041
- White: 72.4%: 227,005,885
- Black: 12.6%: 39,506,549

Math time!:

Whites: 11.661,000 / 227,005,885 * 100 = 5.13%
Blacks: 11,362,000 / 39,506,549 * 100 = 28.75%

That means the total percentage of all white people in america on welfare is: 5.13%

While the total percentage of all black people in america on welfare is: 28.75%
So if blacks are over 5 times more likely to be on welfare, I don't really understand why the OP would want to bring this up, assuming she is trying to mitigate black welfare dependence. It seems a remarkably counterproductive argument to make considering her likely goals.

If the OP had a brain she wouldn't post this crap.
Where'd she go???
Well this is normal....she's proven wrong and she just disappears....until the next time. Lol!
Interesting that this thread would be started by a crazy old lady who is a flaming racist herself.

I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”

Too funny! Where should I begin?:badgrin:

I listen this morning to C-Span callers who were obvious Racist Radical Religious Right and White who were complaining about free money, free food, free housing, free medical care, Social Security and Medicare and cuts need to be made in these programs to balance the budget and pay down the deficit and continue tax cuts for the rich that don’t want them and don’t need them. One of the callers went so far as to call the recipients “lazy slothful *******.” These programs were designed in the first place for poor white people and people like Romney’s grand father and his concubine and still exist for Fundamentalist Mormans and their wives and children.

People don’t get free stuff just because they want free stuff. They have to qualify. Most of those getting free stuff are the physical and mentally disabled and temporary unemployed. We have more people getting free stuff under Obama because the Radical Racist Religious Right in leadership ignored 8 years of Bush on steroids spending and borrowing. Bush did not take the $6 trillion debt with him when he left office, he passed it on to Obama and he has been dealing with it for the past 4 years.

The Racist Radical Religious Right do not worship the same Christian God that I do because my GOD said take care of the poor.

Matt; 34-46, 24;11
“When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was naked you clothed me, when I has sick you took care of me and you received me hospitable”
“To the extent that you did it to the least of you, you did it to me.”
“You will always have the poor among you….”

The Racist Radical Religious Right rant and rave because they cannot erect crosses in pubic places, cannot display the 10 commandment in public places and cannot cite prayer in public and freedom of speech and entitlements serve them but to hell with others in need. When they come face to face with their GOD saying the helped the poor God will say: “Hypocrites, I never knew you.”
Not once during the 8 years of Bush spending and borrowing did I ever hear the word “entitlement.”

This is like the liberal version of hate mongering.

Hey, news flash, a lot of Republicans - probably all but like 2 or 3 - aren't racist. It's probably the same for the Democrat side, too.

Quit looking for demons that aren't there.
Oh wait, LOL started ANOTHER race-baiting thread and promptly abandoned it when her idiocy was exposed?

Color me SHOCKED!
Oh wait, LOL started ANOTHER race-baiting thread and promptly abandoned it when her idiocy was exposed?

Color me SHOCKED!

Yeah I usually scroll right by her/his crap without commenting but this one was too freakin rich not to drop a laugh on.:badgrin:

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