Racist Attack On President's Rhetoric!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Obama Lies about the ‘Do-Nothing Congress’

1. ‘This Congress, they are accustomed to doing nothing, and they’re comfortable with doing nothing, and they keep on doing nothing,” President Obama whined at a September 15 Democratic National Committee gathering in a private Washington residence.

2. Obama speaks as if the entire Congress were in lock-step Republican opposition to his every initiative. Damn those pesky elephants!
Of course, Obama’s rhetoric cynically turns things upside down.

3. Congress consists of a do-something House of Representatives, run by Republicans, and a do-nothing Senate controlled by Obama’s very own Democrats. Obama evidently believes that if he can keep spouting clever lies and distortions, no one will call him on it. Well, it’s time to do so.

4. The 112th Congress has been characterized by a very active legislative pace in the Republican House, featuring the passage of many measures designed to revive America’s exhausted economy. The Democratic Senate, meanwhile, is a much lazier place, where House Republicans’ measures go to die.

5. ...the GOP House had voted 711 times. Meanwhile, across the same period, the Democratic Senate had only 137 recorded votes.

6. “Our new majority has passed more than a dozen pro-growth measures designed to address the jobs crisis,” Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor wrote Obama on September 6. “Aside from repeal of the 1099-reporting requirement in the health care law, however, none of the jobs measures passed by the House to date have been taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate.”

7. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid seems to be in no rush to consider Obama’s American Jobs Act, even though Obama wants it enacted “right now!”

8. Obama can disagree with every piece of paper passed by the GOP House. But when he slyly bashes Republicans by accusing “this Congress” of “doing nothing,” he simply is lying through his teeth.
Obama Lies about the

To call the President a whining liar???

One need no further proof that this Deroy Murdock is- clearly- a racist!!!
He is attacking the President for no other reason than his skin color!!!!

Why..I never!!....
I do believe I have the vapors!
Obama Lies about the ‘Do-Nothing Congress’

1. ‘This Congress, they are accustomed to doing nothing, and they’re comfortable with doing nothing, and they keep on doing nothing,” President Obama whined at a September 15 Democratic National Committee gathering in a private Washington residence.

2. Obama speaks as if the entire Congress were in lock-step Republican opposition to his every initiative. Damn those pesky elephants!
Of course, Obama’s rhetoric cynically turns things upside down.

3. Congress consists of a do-something House of Representatives, run by Republicans, and a do-nothing Senate controlled by Obama’s very own Democrats. Obama evidently believes that if he can keep spouting clever lies and distortions, no one will call him on it. Well, it’s time to do so.

4. The 112th Congress has been characterized by a very active legislative pace in the Republican House, featuring the passage of many measures designed to revive America’s exhausted economy. The Democratic Senate, meanwhile, is a much lazier place, where House Republicans’ measures go to die.

5. ...the GOP House had voted 711 times. Meanwhile, across the same period, the Democratic Senate had only 137 recorded votes.

6. “Our new majority has passed more than a dozen pro-growth measures designed to address the jobs crisis,” Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor wrote Obama on September 6. “Aside from repeal of the 1099-reporting requirement in the health care law, however, none of the jobs measures passed by the House to date have been taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate.”

7. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid seems to be in no rush to consider Obama’s American Jobs Act, even though Obama wants it enacted “right now!”

8. Obama can disagree with every piece of paper passed by the GOP House. But when he slyly bashes Republicans by accusing “this Congress” of “doing nothing,” he simply is lying through his teeth.
Obama Lies about the

To call the President a whining liar???

One need no further proof that this Deroy Murdock is- clearly- a racist!!!
He is attacking the President for no other reason than his skin color!!!!

Why..I never!!....
I do believe I have the vapors!

*sarcasm switched off*

Speaking of doing nothing.....the Republican House is the only body to pass a budget since Obama was elected.

I'm just saying.
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