Racism at Fox News

Isn't this where conservatives en masse come to the defense of these MSNBC'ers, the way they did Phil Robertson,

if only to prove that they have consistent principles?

lol, dream on.

Isn't this where liberals condemn them and call for a suspension or firing like they did with Phil Robertson? So far I have seen no post calling for either one from anyone from the right.
Another thoughtless echo from the resident deranged parrot.

As for the rest of the echo chamber, above, consider the definition of racism:

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Only in your heart do you know if you are a racist. And only by the words or actions can another tell if a person is a racist.

From the FBI:

Hate Crime—Overview

Investigating hate crime is the number one priority of our Civil Rights Program. Why? Not only because hate crime has a devastating impact on families and communities, but also because groups that preach hatred and intolerance plant the seeds of terrorism here in our country.

Defining a Hate Crime

A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, Congress has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.” Hate itself is not a crime—and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.

Nice Wry. Quibbling over semantics and not commenting on what MHP did.

I agree that MHP is not a racist. The word "racist" is over-used on the right as well as on the left. MHP is a race-hustler and a hater. She should know better. She is highly educated. But she lazily falls back on cheap shots which she thinks qualify as cleverness. Fits right in with MSNBC.

Yep, MHP is not a racist. I can't walk in the shoes of MHP nor do I believe she is a hater. But only she knows, as I suggested above; one incident is hardly proof. Her apology seems sincere, so why the big deal? As you suggested and to which I agree the word "racist" is over-used and sadly (on this forum) incorrectly. "Quibbling over semantics" was not my intent; clarity was.

Maybe if more of us watched PBS or listened to NPR we could discern the difference between intelligence discussions and news as opposed to editorials. Fox and MSNBC are the latter.

Her "apology" came with a hashtag which turned it into a papology.
And shockingly (not) Marc Hill doesn't think it is racist.
Let's imagine if the Obama's adopted a white child and this was Fox News and the people said what these clowns did. Holy Shit...there would be at least 25 threads on this forum right now, all of the other networks would be clamoring over each other at the grand opportunity to show "Fox News true colors"..we would be hearing for apology demands everywhere.
But it is MSNBC, not Fox...nothing to see here.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

And Perry would be leading the charge.

Which is exactly why I have a problem with the idiots that defend the clowns at MSNBC.
Which one of his retarded sons adopted that thing? Jeez. Way to ruin a family by adopting some fashion statement like these retarded ass celebrities do.

Thanks for proving that all the racists don't work at MSNBC.

Unless you do.

You didn't need my opinion on someone adopting a pet monkey to know I was a WACISSSS did you? :lol: Nah don't work for MSNBC...they offering a job? :D I would hijack a show and broadcast my own shit for however long I could.:cool:
Isn't this where conservatives en masse come to the defense of these MSNBC'ers, the way they did Phil Robertson,

if only to prove that they have consistent principles?

lol, dream on.

Isn't this where liberals condemn them and call for a suspension or firing like they did with Phil Robertson? So far I have seen no post calling for either one from anyone from the right.

I never called for his firing so you're talking to the wrong person. The MSNBC'ers went over the line. They should all apologize,

unequivocally and unreservedly and with not a bit of weasel anywhere in sight.
Thread title: Racism at Fox News

So ... Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC panel are a Fox Noise show now?

Nobody tells me anything.

Of course they do. Lots of people tell you lots of things and you obey. You will continue to obey for the rest of your life and there is nothing you can do about it. You will do as you're told whether you like it or not. Don't forget it.

:cuckoo: ^^ Wacko.

Yes, one of many on the far side of the fringe.
Thread title: Racism at Fox News

So ... Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC panel are a Fox Noise show now?

Nobody tells me anything.

Got you to look, didn't it?

Sure did. I was all set to come in and defend Fox. Now I got nothin' to do.


I should have put the title together with the creator. Remember that old chestnut "What the Fuck is Wrong With the Left?" That was a classic PWI.
Wouldn't it be interesting if we did a search on comments made about the character of Trayvon Martin by those who are all hysterical about a comment by MHP?

I started the thread, I dare you to do that right now with me.

I'm sorry. You need to double-dog dare me, but only after you've put the cork back in the bottle. BTW, my comment was not focused on you Dr. Paranoid, it was on all the bullshit spread about the victim by those on the far right (I guess being on the far right is what caused you to become paranoid).
Wouldn't it be interesting if we did a search on comments made about the character of Trayvon Martin by those who are all hysterical about a comment by MHP?

I started the thread, I dare you to do that right now with me.

I'm sorry. You need to double-dog dare me, but only after you've put the cork back in the bottle. BTW, my comment was not focused on you Dr. Paranoid, it was on all the bullshit spread about the victim by those on the far right (I guess being on the far right is what caused you to become paranoid).

Feeling persecuted again?

I'm not.
Isn't this where conservatives en masse come to the defense of these MSNBC'ers, the way they did Phil Robertson,

if only to prove that they have consistent principles?

lol, dream on.

Isn't this where liberals condemn them and call for a suspension or firing like they did with Phil Robertson? So far I have seen no post calling for either one from anyone from the right.

I never called for his firing so you're talking to the wrong person. The MSNBC'ers went over the line. They should all apologize,

unequivocally and unreservedly and with not a bit of weasel anywhere in sight.

And as I pointed out no one from the right had called for anyone at MSNBC to be fired when I responded to your post to be clear I never said you did call for his firing or suspension I said liberals in the same way you used the word conservatives. Have those on the right commented on the stupidity of the MSNBC people yes but the MSNBC people have a right to say to stupid things without threat of suspension or firing as well.
I started the thread, I dare you to do that right now with me.

I'm sorry. You need to double-dog dare me, but only after you've put the cork back in the bottle. BTW, my comment was not focused on you Dr. Paranoid, it was on all the bullshit spread about the victim by those on the far right (I guess being on the far right is what caused you to become paranoid).

Feeling persecuted again?

I'm not.

Not at all, have another drink the world might come into focus.
Well what do you know, the liberal left will even call babies Uncle Tom.

MSNBC Panel?s Odd Reaction to Picture of Romney?s Black Adopted Grandson | Video | TheBlaze.com

“I think this picture is great,” Obeidallah added. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”


How long will blacks put up with being put down?

Sadly, it's no surprise. Liberals are always at least as racist as anyone else, and the history of the democrat party is an endless rap sheet of race-related crimes. This stupid, offensive talk is mild by liberal-democrat standards.

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