Racism and excuses


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina

This hit piece is another example of trying to shame people into voting for Obama. Obama is a far left liberal with socialist policies, which has never sold well in America, but it can not be his policies, lack of articulating them and loony left positions. It must be cause he is black.
Hmmmm? 98% of black people are voting for Obama. Yes, I think race is an issue. I don't think his race will be the issue, but calling white people rascists repeatedly might be an issue.
Hmmmm? 98% of black people are voting for Obama. Yes, I think race is an issue. I don't think his race will be the issue, but calling white people rascists repeatedly might be an issue.

Thats because THERE ARE many racist white people, including some on this board(umm Ninja for example). Why do you think this board has members who call him, "Barack Hussein Obama." And the funny thing is he's HALF WHITE you morons
Thats because THERE ARE many racist white people, including some on this board(umm Ninja for example). Why do you think this board has members who call him, "Barack Hussein Obama." And the funny thing is he's HALF WHITE you morons

So again, if 90 percent of blacks vote for him simply because he is black that is fine and dandy. If a majority ( not even as high as 70 percent) vote for McCain cause he is white, THAT is bad? Do I have that right?

We need to allocate districts to ensure blacks get elected but when whites get elected that is bad. We always hear how 13 percent of the population is black but not 13 percent of the Congress critters are black and that is bad.

It is a bullshit claim. It can not be one without the other. Obama draws massive black votes for NO OTHER reason then the color of his skin and that is just fine, but if whites don't vote for him WE are racist?
Retired, please uninsert your head from your asshole again.

He never said Race was the issue. He said Race will be an issue. If you don't buy that you are dumber than a rock, and that is only one evolutionary step above a conservative.:lol:

If race wasn't an issue at all you would see the "black house" cartoons, and you wouldn't have a well to do republican white jewish golf partner tell me he won't vote for Obama because he is black.

Race is an issue. If this were a white well spoken Dem, he would be ahead by more. But not to worry, as they hit on the current economic mess Bush and Graham and McCain have created, your party will be out.:eusa_pray:
Retired, where the hell do you get off speaking for the left.

So again, if 90 percent of blacks vote for him simply because he is black that is fine and dandy.

I don't know anyone but you and other righties who are advocating this?
race is always an issue....yesterday at work ...i heard the use of the word ******....more than i cared too...older white southern men are not gonna vote for obama....this is the state that elected jesse helms for so many years over gant....gant being black and all.
Thats because THERE ARE many racist white people, including some on this board(umm Ninja for example). Why do you think this board has members who call him, "Barack Hussein Obama." And the funny thing is he's HALF WHITE you morons

Gee using a person's given name is now racist?

If I say John Sydney McCain, what does that "mean" to a liberal; that perhaps i am a member of the KKK?

The only people playing the race card here are the democrats. You are all so superior that you can't understand why anyone would vote for anyone but the messiah. After all "Jesus was a community organizer".

I knew this would come down to all the libbies calling any white person who votes for someone other than the anointed one a racist. But hey all you democrats voted out Hillary so that makes you all mysogynists right? After all you would rather have a black man than a woman to represent you.
Retired, where the hell do you get off speaking for the left.

I don't know anyone but you and other righties who are advocating this?

So 90 percent or more black voters wont be voting him? And they will be voting on issues not the color of his skin?

Remind me again how if a white man votes for McCain he is a racist but if a black man votes for Obama he is just voting on the issues.
Retired, please uninsert your head from your asshole again.

He never said Race was the issue. He said Race will be an issue. If you don't buy that you are dumber than a rock, and that is only one evolutionary step above a conservative.:lol:[/B] Does this translate to if "Obama wins race is not an issue" but if "Obama loses it's cause race is an issue"? :tomato:
If race wasn't an issue at all you would see the "black house" cartoons, and you wouldn't have a well to do republican white jewish golf partner tell me he won't vote for Obama because he is black.

Race is an issue. If this were a white well spoken Dem, he would be ahead by more. But not to worry, as they hit on the current economic mess Bush and Graham and McCain have created, your party will be out.:eusa_pray:
BS If this were a white well spoken Dem going to the Rev. Wrights, church and hooking up with the like of Farrakan, Wright, Ayers, and Pfleger, not to mention Resko, not to mention letting live babies die, not to mention wanting to put the entire world on welfare at the expense of the US taxpayer he would be dead in the water now. Oh, and could you please explain to me why African American politicians like Powell and Rice get called rascist names? Thanking you in advance.
This hit piece is another example of trying to shame people into voting for Obama. Obama is a far left liberal with socialist policies, which has never sold well in America, but it can not be his policies, lack of articulating them and loony left positions. It must be cause he is black.

While there is definitely a strong element of racism still in America, I want to address your other point. European nations are not tanking in the manner we are, in your ideological mind they are socialist because of taxes, UHC, and welfare/training for their citizens. Given America has gone down the tubes under republican rule isn't it time we try something else.

"This is the Bush-McCain economy. Senator McCain may have forgotten, but President Bush already tried his economic policies and the results are not good. We have just been through a business cycle in which the wage of the typical worker and the typical working family fell. This is the first time that has ever happened."

The Whiner's Recession | CommonDreams.org

This hit piece is another example of trying to shame people into voting for Obama. Obama is a far left liberal with socialist policies, which has never sold well in America, but it can not be his policies, lack of articulating them and loony left positions. It must be cause he is black.

In all of your travels during this election season, no one has said to you that they aren't voting for him because he's black? or because he's a muslim? (even though that last reason would be based on a lie).
BS If this were a white well spoken Dem going to the Rev. Wrights, church and hooking up with the like of Farrakan, Wright, Ayers, and Pfleger, not to mention Resko, not to mention letting live babies die, not to mention wanting to put the entire world on welfare at the expense of the US taxpayer he would be dead in the water now. Oh, and could you please explain to me why African American politicians like Powell and Rice get called rascist names? Thanking you in advance.

Your argument is really not addressing what I said, but what's fucking new about that?

You forgot to mention that he is teaching kintergarten kids about dildoes and anal sex. The entire world on welfare. Bush is doing that quite well for just US.
In all of your travels during this election season, no one has said to you that they aren't voting for him because he's black? or because he's a muslim? (even though that last reason would be based on a lie).

i hear that daily....southern men wont vote for a black man.

<--has her finger on the pulse of "redneck" america....
So again, if 90 percent of blacks vote for him simply because he is black that is fine and dandy. If a majority ( not even as high as 70 percent) vote for McCain cause he is white, THAT is bad? Do I have that right?

White men are 43-0 in the last 227 years of elections so you have not even a toe to stand on. Thank god your retired and not shoving anymore of your racist BS down the throats of impressionable 18 yr olds
Gee using a person's given name is now racist?

If I say John Sydney McCain, what does that "mean" to a liberal; that perhaps i am a member of the KKK?

The only people playing the race card here are the democrats. You are all so superior that you can't understand why anyone would vote for anyone but the messiah. After all "Jesus was a community organizer".

I knew this would come down to all the libbies calling any white person who votes for someone other than the anointed one a racist. But hey all you democrats voted out Hillary so that makes you all mysogynists right? After all you would rather have a black man than a woman to represent you.

WHo the hell calls someone by their middle name? When the HELL have you ever heard McCain called by "Sidney." What a complete BS response you just made. Your trying to play on the fears of the masses of the name Hussein and you know it. Your so full of it
Your argument is really not addressing what I said, but what's fucking new about that?

You forgot to mention that he is teaching kintergarten kids about dildoes and anal sex. The entire world on welfare. Bush is doing that quite well for just US.

I didn't mention it cause I don't believe it. I'm not going to (to my knowledge anyway) post bullshit innuendo and lies. World welfare? you bet, Obama has written a bill (I don't know where it is on the Senate roster) that will tax Americans an additional 850Billion dollars to fight "global poverty"

Kerry on!
So again, if 90 percent of blacks vote for him simply because he is black that is fine and dandy. If a majority ( not even as high as 70 percent) vote for McCain cause he is white, THAT is bad? Do I have that right?

White men are 43-0 in the last 227 years of elections so you have not even a toe to stand on. Thank god your retired and not shoving anymore of your racist BS down the throats of impressionable 18 yr olds

I'm still waiting for that list of black Presidents, Chancellors, Prime Ministers, Queen, Kings that have been placed in power in Europe. Oh, say starting around the 10th century.
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White men are 43-0 in the last 227 years of elections so you have not even a toe to stand on. Thank god your retired and not shoving anymore of your racist BS down the throats of impressionable 18 yr olds

RGS is a lot of things, and far be it from me to defend him, but he's not a racist that I've ever seen. You want to say he's a cranky old coot and he's wrong most of the time, I'd agree with you. But not racist.

Yes, white men are 43-0, but I think what some are responding to is that ideally, in a perfect world, people would be color blind. However, this isn't an ideal world, and I guess if it were me, I'd be really excited that someone who looked like me has a shot at the presidency for the first time in over 200 years.

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