Racism? Absurd On The Face OF It!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I offer this thesis, fully documented, while understanding that the indoctrinated have any use for truth, logic, nor experience.
Democrats will simply be Democrats.

1.Senator Tim Scott, a black man who has risen to the level of a federal Senator….from the South, no less, delivered the customary response for the opposition party. Scott, the only Black Republican in the Senate, declared to viewers: America is not a racist country.”

Of course, this runs contrary to the mantra from the Democrats, and if Scott’s statement were accepted, it would end the chances of the Democrats ever to be elected to a national office.

2. While the evidence is overwhelming that the Democrats lie about everything,…

First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie, and what about altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’?

...and, AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......

…..yet large numbers blindly follow every new lie as though the above didn't exist.

3. Which brings us to the central contemporary lie: America is racist.

If you ask for evidence of this slur, this is what you get:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.

5. But the ‘hook’ they hang their hat on is that ‘distribution’ thing: the demand that every income level, educational rank, every industry and career, all have the same numbers, ratios, quotas of every race and ethnicity.

If you believe the “America is racist” lie, you have to believe, or pretend to believe, the absurd demand that every venue be occupied by the same demographic ratios in the population.

To put it more succinctly, stupid people vote Democrat.
^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
If there is no racism....

Why are you fragile minded right wingers so scared to death of becoming a so-called racial minority??

Uh...well, I have to say that America may not be the most RACIST country in the world. But America has always had an ugly history of Racism. Just look how our country was founded on. Even our Forefathers were slave owners. But it doesn't stop there.

For many, Racism is "Human Nature". Some would argue that "it's okay to profile" people of different races and ethnicities. People do it all the time. Even today, after 340 years later.

We, however, have come a long way. But Racism in America will always be a black eye in this country.

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." Stuart Chase

Hard to believe anything coming out of Washington DC nowadays.


^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
If there is no racism....

Why are you fragile minded right wingers so scared to death of becoming a so-called racial minority??

I am a minority, you dunce.
Always have been, since I immigrated.

Now....why are you so afraid of the challenge?

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.

Uh...well, I have to say that America may not be the most RACIST country in the world. But America has always had an ugly history of Racism. Just look how our country was founded on. Even our Forefathers were slave owners. But it doesn't stop there.

For many, Racism is "Human Nature". Some would argue that "it's okay to profile" people of different races and ethnicities. People do it all the time. Even today, after 340 years later.

We, however, have come a long way. But Racism in America will always be a black eye in this country.

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." Stuart Chase

Take the challenge: provide any proof of contemporary racist policies other than those of Democrats.

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
If there is no racism....

Why are you fragile minded right wingers so scared to death of becoming a so-called racial minority??

I am a minority, you dunce.
Always have been, since I immigrated.

Now....why are you so afraid of the challenge?

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
So since some white Americans don't believe they share in the benefits of White privilege -- you think that refutes the fact that White Privilege exists??


Ask those white Americans has their historical family ever had to overcome an avalanche of systemically racist laws DIRECTLY TARGETED at them??

I'll wait

Uh...well, I have to say that America may not be the most RACIST country in the world. But America has always had an ugly history of Racism. Just look how our country was founded on. Even our Forefathers were slave owners. But it doesn't stop there.

For many, Racism is "Human Nature". Some would argue that "it's okay to profile" people of different races and ethnicities. People do it all the time. Even today, after 340 years later.

We, however, have come a long way. But Racism in America will always be a black eye in this country.

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." Stuart Chase

Take the challenge: provide any proof of contemporary racist policies other than those of Democrats.

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
You mean racist policies implemented by Conservatives??

This is why you morons get so triggered by the ACCURATE telling of this country's history....

Some of you idiots would still be celebrating those atrocities if it wasn't for the fact that those PEOPLE WHO WERE OPPRESSED have lived to tell their stories......this is what triggers the conservative....the fact they have been on the wrong side of history over and over and over again
A political party that once used the KKK as their muscle and appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court is racist at the core. A political party that has the audacity to claim that Black people would be impacted the most from requiring a photo I.D. to vote is racist at the core. Democrats need the violence and unrest that comes with racism in order to function and their minions in the media go along with it. Anybody who calls the greatest Country in the world racist in the 21st century needs their head examined.
A political party that once used the KKK as their muscle and appointed a former KKK member to the Supreme Court is racist at the core. A political party that has the audacity to claim that Black people would be impacted the most from requiring a photo I.D. to vote is racist at the core. Democrats need the violence and unrest that comes with racism in order to function and their minions in the media go along with it. Anybody who calls the greatest Country in the world racist in the 21st century needs their head examined.
This country's founding was FIRMLY based on white supremacy.....why does that trigger you so much??

The fact that we have PROGRESSED and EVOLVED from that instead of REGRESSED and tried to CONSERVE IT should be celebrated....not hid from......
“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

I wasn't talking about in any political sense PoliticalChic . I was talking about American History. It has been proven over and over in many of the textbooks. (At least, when I was still in school back in the early 1980's.) Even in today's society, we all profile one another. It's human nature. (Okay, maybe it's also psychological as well.)

Politics is just another arm in which Racism plays into. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican (or neither).

Profiling has been around even before America was even thought of.
^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
If there is no racism....

Why are you fragile minded right wingers so scared to death of becoming a so-called racial minority??

I am a minority, you dunce.
Always have been, since I immigrated.

Now....why are you so afraid of the challenge?

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
So since some white Americans don't believe they share in the benefits of White privilege -- you think that refutes the fact that White Privilege exists??


Ask those white Americans has their historical family ever had to overcome an avalanche of systemically racist laws DIRECTLY TARGETED at them??

I'll wait
I think it pretty well refutes the "White" part, don't you?

Let's be honest. This is really just a bunch of class warfare, like all communist stir. Quit lying to yourself.
^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
If there is no racism....

Why are you fragile minded right wingers so scared to death of becoming a so-called racial minority??

You prove you're a liar once again. She never said there is "no racism."

Lie, lie, lie and lie, it's what you leftists do
^ Triggered ^

Of course you are the one clearly 'triggered' by the OP.

Here's proof:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
If there is no racism....

Why are you fragile minded right wingers so scared to death of becoming a so-called racial minority??

I am a minority, you dunce.
Always have been, since I immigrated.

Now....why are you so afraid of the challenge?

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
So since some white Americans don't believe they share in the benefits of White privilege -- you think that refutes the fact that White Privilege exists??


Ask those white Americans has their historical family ever had to overcome an avalanche of systemically racist laws DIRECTLY TARGETED at them??

I'll wait

"... an avalanche of systemically racist laws DIRECTLY TARGETED at them??"

The only such laws were by your party.....and the Republicans have done all humanly and legally possible to obviate same.

Take the challenge: provide any proof of contemporary racist policies other than those of Democrats.

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.

Uh...well, I have to say that America may not be the most RACIST country in the world. But America has always had an ugly history of Racism. Just look how our country was founded on. Even our Forefathers were slave owners. But it doesn't stop there.

For many, Racism is "Human Nature". Some would argue that "it's okay to profile" people of different races and ethnicities. People do it all the time. Even today, after 340 years later.

We, however, have come a long way. But Racism in America will always be a black eye in this country.

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." Stuart Chase

Take the challenge: provide any proof of contemporary racist policies other than those of Democrats.

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Challenge them to name any such laws, and it’s like asking the Democrat to name books that have informed his geopolitical views. Zilch.
You mean racist policies implemented by Conservatives??

This is why you morons get so triggered by the ACCURATE telling of this country's history....

Some of you idiots would still be celebrating those atrocities if it wasn't for the fact that those PEOPLE WHO WERE OPPRESSED have lived to tell their stories......this is what triggers the conservative....the fact they have been on the wrong side of history over and over and over again

"You mean racist policies implemented by Conservatives??"

You didn't name any?

Why is that?

I should put this dunce on retainer.....he is the living proof of everything I post about how stupid Democrats are.
“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

I wasn't talking about in any political sense PoliticalChic . I was talking about American History. It has been proven over and over in many of the textbooks. (At least, when I was still in school back in the early 1980's.) Even in today's society, we all profile one another. It's human nature. (Okay, maybe it's also psychological as well.)

Politics is just another arm in which Racism plays into. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican (or neither).

Profiling has been around even before America was even thought of.

The Democrat Party is running on the claims of racism TODAY.

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