racial quotas/white hate = destroying companies and America


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
....blacks are only 13% of the population.....they graduate high school at lower levels = less qualified for college =where they graduate at lower levels = NOT MANY at all are qualified for jobs that require an education
but companies want quotas based on race!! = not only stupid but also DISCRIMINATORY to whites
..BIGOTRY and HATE of whites

''''''Recruiters will now have to establish panels of four or five employees, including a woman and a person with a minority background, when hiring middle management staff.''''''
Just wait until whites are only 49% of the population. We cannot allow Dems to import voters from shit hole countries. Immigration will be the demise of America.
They're 100% white.

They want a few people of color.

1. wrong
2. you fkd up---it is discrimination based on race AND sex= against the law
''''This law makes it illegal to discriminate against someone on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.''''

Just wait until whites are only 49% of the population. We cannot allow Dems to import voters from shit hole countries. Immigration will be the demise of America.
exactly --is is one of the nails
Affirmative Action on display.
Even Brandon's administration is rife with affirmative action on display,
and was very open about it.
As was Bushs...

difference being....

Bush picked, or was picked for him, competent minorities.

Brandon can't say the same.

(His VP is proof of that)
Aren't we past due for implementing racial quotas in the NBA?

I mean, as long as we treat actual merit as being entirely meaningless and all...........

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