Zone1 Racial Hyper-Sensitivity?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

This appalling episode has been spread out all over the news media and the punditocracy, giving all the usual virtue signalers ample evidence to reinforce their "case" that racism in the U.S. is pervasive and and constant.

The incidents in question were a series of interactions where women POC's were confronted by local idiots in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who called them the usual racial epithets including - hold on to your pearls - the N-WORD!!!!!

The girls and their associated posse were SHOCKED, appalled, astounded, and experienced many cases of the vapors.

But wait a second. If these girls and (mainly) women were shocked and horrified, isn't that an indication that the antagonistic behavior pattern was UNUSUAL??? One might even say, unprecedented?

If such racism were pervasive and constant, then the girls would have just ignored it, knowing that there was no actual threat, and gone about their business. They would have lodged a complaint, surely; the behavior was beyond awful, but the very fact that the girls reacted so strongly argues that they DO NOT experience this with regularity. Indeed, one might infer that it simply doesn't happen, and that's why they reacted so strongly.

The logical and perverse conclusion should be that this sort of "racial hate crime" is so unusual that this one unpleasant evening is a one-horse town in Idaho made national headlines.

This appalling episode has been spread out all over the news media and the punditocracy, giving all the usual virtue signalers ample evidence to reinforce their "case" that racism in the U.S. is pervasive and and constant.

The incidents in question were a series of interactions where women POC's were confronted by local idiots in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who called them the usual racial epithets including - hold on to your pearls - the N-WORD!!!!!

The girls and their associated posse were SHOCKED, appalled, astounded, and experienced many cases of the vapors.

But wait a second. If these girls and (mainly) women were shocked and horrified, isn't that an indication that the antagonistic behavior pattern was UNUSUAL??? One might even say, unprecedented?

If such racism were pervasive and constant, then the girls would have just ignored it, knowing that there was no actual threat, and gone about their business. They would have lodged a complaint, surely; the behavior was beyond awful, but the very fact that the girls reacted so strongly argues that they DO NOT experience this with regularity. Indeed, one might infer that it simply doesn't happen, and that's why they reacted so strongly.

The logical and perverse conclusion should be that this sort of "racial hate crime" is so unusual that this one unpleasant evening is a one-horse town in Idaho made national headlines.
Now compare that to the conversation I had with a lib poster last night, who said my outrage over the liberals’ chants of “Death to Jews!” was an “overreaction” intended to threaten free speech.

So calls by hundreds of leftists to genocide Jews is defended as free speech and any Jew who complains about it is said to be threatening free speech, but using an isolated case of a few people using a racial slur against blacks has them appalled. It IS appalling, but why the double standards?
Northern Idaho has been fighting white pride groups for a long time. The area where the article is reported is not too far from Hayden Idaho. This is historically a compound and community the whole city of white nationalists. I imagine anyone not white would feel uncomfortable in that area and it's surrounding nearby areas.
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This appalling episode has been spread out all over the news media and the punditocracy, giving all the usual virtue signalers ample evidence to reinforce their "case" that racism in the U.S. is pervasive and and constant.

The incidents in question were a series of interactions where women POC's were confronted by local idiots in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who called them the usual racial epithets including - hold on to your pearls - the N-WORD!!!!!

The girls and their associated posse were SHOCKED, appalled, astounded, and experienced many cases of the vapors.

But wait a second. If these girls and (mainly) women were shocked and horrified, isn't that an indication that the antagonistic behavior pattern was UNUSUAL??? One might even say, unprecedented?

If such racism were pervasive and constant, then the girls would have just ignored it, knowing that there was no actual threat, and gone about their business. They would have lodged a complaint, surely; the behavior was beyond awful, but the very fact that the girls reacted so strongly argues that they DO NOT experience this with regularity. Indeed, one might infer that it simply doesn't happen, and that's why they reacted so strongly.

The logical and perverse conclusion should be that this sort of "racial hate crime" is so unusual that this one unpleasant evening is a one-horse town in Idaho made national headlines.
The subhumans from Couer d'Alene made the news, not the team.

This appalling episode has been spread out all over the news media and the punditocracy, giving all the usual virtue signalers ample evidence to reinforce their "case" that racism in the U.S. is pervasive and and constant.

The incidents in question were a series of interactions where women POC's were confronted by local idiots in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who called them the usual racial epithets including - hold on to your pearls - the N-WORD!!!!!

The girls and their associated posse were SHOCKED, appalled, astounded, and experienced many cases of the vapors.

But wait a second. If these girls and (mainly) women were shocked and horrified, isn't that an indication that the antagonistic behavior pattern was UNUSUAL??? One might even say, unprecedented?

If such racism were pervasive and constant, then the girls would have just ignored it, knowing that there was no actual threat, and gone about their business. They would have lodged a complaint, surely; the behavior was beyond awful, but the very fact that the girls reacted so strongly argues that they DO NOT experience this with regularity. Indeed, one might infer that it simply doesn't happen, and that's why they reacted so strongly.

The logical and perverse conclusion should be that this sort of "racial hate crime" is so unusual that this one unpleasant evening is a one-horse town in Idaho made national headlines.

No Threat?:



No Threat?:



Got anything more recent? The stuff you are citing is in some cases over a hundred years old. Lynching in that context hasn’t happened in over 4 decades.

For all we know, the guys in the trucks were Mexicans who were just singing along to Snoop-dogg. I think the OP got it right, there is a political reason why some random jerk shouting something from his truck is worthy of national news. This just might be the worse hate crime in like 100 years. It’s just like the Holocaust and 9/11.
Liberals hate people who use the N-word. …..unless they are actual Neo-Nazis using the N-word, then liberals will hang the Ukrainian flag from their front porch…

“The Atlantic Black Star reports that Black people reading the Peace Corps volunteer page for Ukraine were shocked by the warnings and advice given by the organization for Black volunteers in the country. “It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word],” the Peace Corpswebsite warns, adding that “volunteers of color may be called ‘a monkey’ or may see children’s games with Blackface.”

The Peace Corps Gets Dragged For Giving Questionable Advice To Black Volunteers In Ukraine

Some random guy in a truck says it and it’s national news. An entire country routinely says it and the Peace Corps scrubs it from their website.
Got anything more recent? The stuff you are citing is in some cases over a hundred years old. Lynching in that context hasn’t happened in over 4 decades.

For all we know, the guys in the trucks were Mexicans who were just singing along to Snoop-dogg. I think the OP got it right, there is a political reason why some random jerk shouting something from his truck is worthy of national news. This just might be the worse hate crime in like 100 years. It’s just like the Holocaust and 9/11.
Oh, shut up. You guys whine about the Civil War etc. None of that is contextual with today. Just shut up.

Oh, see you on the 15th.
Got anything more recent? The stuff you are citing is in some cases over a hundred years old. Lynching in that context hasn’t happened in over 4 decades.

For all we know, the guys in the trucks were Mexicans who were just singing along to Snoop-dogg. I think the OP got it right, there is a political reason why some random jerk shouting something from his truck is worthy of national news. This just might be the worse hate crime in like 100 years. It’s just like the Holocaust and 9/11.

The Utah girl's basketball team in Idaho ... just last weekend ...

Go ahead and make up a big sign and put it in your yard "Lynch the damn Negros" ... I dare you ...
Oh, shut up. You guys whine about the Civil War etc. None of that is contextual with today. Just shut up.

Oh, see you on the 15th.
Slow Horses says many a thing. Slow Horses speak in the language of the white man. Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.
Slow Horses says many a thing. Slow Horses speak in the language of the white man. Do not judge your neighbor until you walk two moons in his moccasins.
I have no trouble revealing you for all of the silly things you say. Not another word about the Civil War, or you will get your nonsense stuck up your butt.

see you on the 15th.
The Utah girl's basketball team in Idaho ... just last weekend ...

Go ahead and make up a big sign and put it in your yard "Lynch the damn Negros" ... I dare you ...
So the jerk shouting from his truck is just like the KKK lynching someone?

No body wants to “lynch the damn negros”. And please, the proper terminology is “African Americans”. If you are going to lecture people about the historic injustices black people faced, maybe avoid using racially insensitive language? Prove me wrong, I dare you. Make a big sign that says “I ❤️ Negros” and see how well it goes over.
I have no trouble revealing you for all of the silly things you say. Not another word about the Civil War, or you will get your nonsense stuck up your butt.

see you on the 15th.
ok, you keep mentioning the Civil War, why not just make your point Slow Horses? You are coming across like a needy schoolgirl dropping hints to the boy she is crushing on. Beware the man that does not speak and the dog that does not bark.
So the jerk shouting from his truck is just like the KKK lynching someone?

No body wants to “lynch the damn negros”. And please, the proper terminology is “African Americans”. If you are going to lecture people about the historic injustices black people faced, maybe avoid using racially insensitive language? Prove me wrong, I dare you. Make a big sign that says “I ❤️ Negros” and see how well it goes over.
You above all people should never argue context.
ok, you keep mentioning the Civil War, why not just make your point Slow Horses? You are coming across like a needy schoolgirl dropping hints to the boy she is crushing on. Beware the man that does not speak and the dog that does not bark.
My point has been made as you whimper above. You have nothing to offer to beware of.

This appalling episode has been spread out all over the news media and the punditocracy, giving all the usual virtue signalers ample evidence to reinforce their "case" that racism in the U.S. is pervasive and and constant.

The incidents in question were a series of interactions where women POC's were confronted by local idiots in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who called them the usual racial epithets including - hold on to your pearls - the N-WORD!!!!!

The girls and their associated posse were SHOCKED, appalled, astounded, and experienced many cases of the vapors.

But wait a second. If these girls and (mainly) women were shocked and horrified, isn't that an indication that the antagonistic behavior pattern was UNUSUAL??? One might even say, unprecedented?

If such racism were pervasive and constant, then the girls would have just ignored it, knowing that there was no actual threat, and gone about their business. They would have lodged a complaint, surely; the behavior was beyond awful, but the very fact that the girls reacted so strongly argues that they DO NOT experience this with regularity. Indeed, one might infer that it simply doesn't happen, and that's why they reacted so strongly.

The logical and perverse conclusion should be that this sort of "racial hate crime" is so unusual that this one unpleasant evening is a one-horse town in Idaho made national headlines.
No, this incident is not proof that te pattern was unusual. You post racism here every day, then you find this story and try asking such questions. Are you that blind to your own behavior?
No, this incident is not proof that te pattern was unusual. You post racism here every day, then you find this story and try asking such questions. Are you that blind to your own behavior?
Just calling everything you don’t like “racist” is pretty gay.

This appalling episode has been spread out all over the news media and the punditocracy, giving all the usual virtue signalers ample evidence to reinforce their "case" that racism in the U.S. is pervasive and and constant.

The incidents in question were a series of interactions where women POC's were confronted by local idiots in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho who called them the usual racial epithets including - hold on to your pearls - the N-WORD!!!!!

The girls and their associated posse were SHOCKED, appalled, astounded, and experienced many cases of the vapors.

But wait a second. If these girls and (mainly) women were shocked and horrified, isn't that an indication that the antagonistic behavior pattern was UNUSUAL??? One might even say, unprecedented?

If such racism were pervasive and constant, then the girls would have just ignored it, knowing that there was no actual threat, and gone about their business. They would have lodged a complaint, surely; the behavior was beyond awful, but the very fact that the girls reacted so strongly argues that they DO NOT experience this with regularity. Indeed, one might infer that it simply doesn't happen, and that's why they reacted so strongly.

The logical and perverse conclusion should be that this sort of "racial hate crime" is so unusual that this one unpleasant evening is a one-horse town in Idaho made national headlines.

Depends what you mean by "unusual".

Also there are different types of racism. The sort that is easy to spot, the insults made clear. Then there's the racism you can't pin down. The estate agent who doesn't take black people to certain areas. The boss who doesn't promote black people... etc.
Depends what you mean by "unusual".

Also there are different types of racism. The sort that is easy to spot, the insults made clear. Then there's the racism you can't pin down. The estate agent who doesn't take black people to certain areas. The boss who doesn't promote black people... etc.
But what about the hypocrisy among liberals that they only care about bigotry toward blacks and dismiss the bigotry toward Jews (if not advance it themselves)?

For example, this thread is about the hotel workers being horrible bigots to blacks. Yet when I complained about a bunch of Muslims marching around my liberal county chanting “Death to Jews,” a liberal mod here accused me of “overreacting” in order to silence free speech.

Please explain to me why she has not come into this thread to condemn the OP for overreacting to this incident, while accusing me of overreacting to the calls to genocide Jews.

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