Race mixing / miscgenation?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
historically miscgenation was defined as "unnatural" because it was something like a dog and a cat or they said those are different species and therefore it is unnatural, race had the meaning of sub-species. now we know all humans are more similar then different, there are differences but they are just too similar and humans are never race mixing, like a donkey and a horse, i think mullato is of a similar etymological origin as mule, and i consider that terrible to see it that way. i believe in the brotherhood of humanity.
I love the catholic theology "on racial harmony" and the Popes "FratelliTutti"

There is a Catholic Saint for Mixed Races

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If race mixing is such a danger, then why can a black person give blood to a white person? Doesn't matter the race, just matters what the blood type is. Same with organ donation, it's not based on race, but compatibility with the person donating, and the person receiving.
" Do Your Kids Look Like You Or Their Ancestors And Are They Represented "

* Working To Destroy The Identity Of Others *

If race mixing is such a danger, then why can a black person give blood to a white person? Doesn't matter the race, just matters what the blood type is. Same with organ donation, it's not based on race, but compatibility with the person donating, and the person receiving.
A physical or behavioral inability for two groups to breed is the issue that separates species , and to state that different hue mammon races are not physically or behaviorally unable to breed is a specious argument .

For diversity to exist , there must be distinctions between individuals , peoples and countries , and if destroying the identity of individuals or peoples is racism , then miscegenation is an obvious example of it .

An afterlife is a metaphor of passing on ones genetic identity through ones offspring , where failure to do so , in perpetuity , alludes to the metaphor of final judgment and eternal damnation .

Simple facts are that the left is promoting a kill whitey pogrom , even though japhetic peoples are disproportionately a minority among the global population when compared with semitic and hamitic clads .

The purpose of the kill whitey pogrom is to expropriate the wealth of the japhetic lineages with a socialist agenda and by anti-racist racism to dissociate any relationship between a heritage and home land of japhetic peoples , that includes efforts to dissociate its long standing affiliation with christianity .

All of those element are being covertly funded and orchestrated by the depravity of fictional ishmaelism , whose adherents embrace tribalism based on genetic lineage and sectarianism to the point of funding and orchestrating the kill whitey pogrom via the stupidity of its - Pan-Islamism - Wikipedia that pawns itself off as anti-racist and socialist .
" Go Forth And Multiply Life Feral Rats Before Other Races Beat You To It "

* How To Preserve Institutional Wealth By Avoiding Alimony And Social Dependents *

I love the catholic theology "on racial harmony" and the Popes "FratelliTutti"
There is a Catholic Saint for Mixed Races
The poop follows celibacy that attenuates the life of his ancestors , supposedly as a paradox representing a volition to preserve the sanctity and perpetuation of life through the promotion of asceticism .

The poop is obviously conflicted and ignorant when it comes to the meaning of an afterlife for avoiding final judgment of eternal damnation that is ensured through preservation of identity and representation of individuals and peoples .
...The poop follows celibacy that attenuates the life of his ancestors , supposedly as a paradox representing a volition to preserve the sanctity and perpetuation of life through the promotion of asceticism... .

A thesaurus doesn't cure stupidity, Dopey.
There's no such thing as Race. No definition of Race will hold up under scrutiny. Some where on this board is my post explaining why that is. I have been preaching it since I was 12 years old. If you do not believe me , ask any Biology Teacher. :)
" The Rewards Of Immigration "

* Left Wing Dumbs It Down *

Research suggests that there is an ongoing reversed Flynn effect, i.e. a decline in IQ scores, in Norway, Denmark, Australia, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, France and German-speaking countries,[4] a development which appears to have started in the 1990s.[5][6][7][8]
" Arrogant Left Wing Delusions Of Grandeur "

" Kill Whitey Pogrom *

Yeah , sure , the old assinine pejorative of " inbred " that the left wing applies to white people as a bullshit excuse to screw over their identity that did not need any changes .
" Does Not Understand The Syntactic Origin "

* Political State Of Education Lies *

There's no such thing as Race. No definition of Race will hold up under scrutiny. Some where on this board is my post explaining why that is. I have been preaching it since I was 12 years old. If you do not believe me , ask any Biology Teacher. :)
Ask the idiot biology teacher if they have ever heard of a Punnett square - Wikipedia .

The biology teacher who gave you advise obviously had their head up their ass when it comes to biochemistry .
Racemate may have different physical properties from either of the pure enantiomers because of the differential intermolecular interactions (see Biological Significance section).

In general, most biochemical reactions are stereoselective, so only one stereoisomer will produce the intended product while the other simply does not participate or can cause side-effects.
Animals don't interbreed, lions don't mate with leopards, I think humans should not interbreed with each other. The offspring never know who they really are. I find the beauty in our uniqueness. Our differences. No one likes a mongrel dog. Lets keep blacks black and the white people white!!
We blacks should never mix our genes with whitres. We have nothing to gain. The black genes are dominant. We have nothing to gain and everything to lose genetically.Do the research.!! The black gene is the dominant gene over all races.!!

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