Race baiting has lost its luster


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Thought these are worth sharing;

"To America, by Deirdre Speer

Remember me. My sculptured glens where crystal rivers run, My purple mountains misty in the sun, My coastlines little changed since time begun. I gave you birth. I watched you go. You saw me fade into the distant sky, You sailed away from me with tear-filled eye, You said you'd ne'er forget though years passed by, But time rolled on. Your young land grew, And new sons fought to keep their country fair, And at the Alamo and Shiloh they were there, And with pride they filled the Presidential chair, My Ulstermen. Remember me. Though battle-scarred and weary I abide, Though Americans their heritage denied, When you speak of history say my name with pride. I AM ULSTER. Ulster Sails West, by W.F. Marshall Hi! Uncle Sam! When freedom was denied you, And Imperial might defied you, Who was it stood beside you At Quebec and Brandywine? And dared retreats and dangers, Red-coats and Hessian strangers, In the lean, long-rifled Rangers, And the Pennsylvania Line! Hi! Uncle Sam! Wherever there was fighting, Or wrong that needed righting, An Ulsterman was sighting His Kentucky gun with care: All the road to Yorktown, From Valley Forge to Yorktown, From Lexington to Yorktown, That Ulsterman was there! Hi! Uncle Sam! Virginia sent her brave men, The North paraded grave men, That they might not be slavemen, But ponder with this calm: The first to face the Tory And the first to lift Old Glory Made your war an Ulster story: Think it over, Uncle Sam!"

With the new technology everyone can find their roots and try to return to them if that is their thing. Just be aware some countries might not let you come back home;

Those who have 'eyes' to see and 'ears' to hear should know where lies will lead them. Truth may be a hard pill to swallow for some but if it isn't swallowed soon in these days there will be some very unhappy peeps out there.

The spirit of Lady Liberty is justice and one should remember truth never walks alone.


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