R. Gates: EU pushed Turkey away


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
“I personally think that if there is anything to the notion that Turkey is, if you will, moving eastward, it is, in my view, in no small part because it was pushed, and pushed by some in Europe refusing to give Turkey the kind of organic link to the West that Turkey sought,” Mr. Gates said, according to the agency reports.
“We have to think long and hard about why these developments in Turkey [are occurring] and what we might be able to do to counter them and make the stronger linkages with the West more apparently of interest and value to Turkey’s leaders,” he said.
Gates Slams EU Over Turkey - WSJ.com

I anyway like the Russians more. Russiand are people that value classic values of honesty and honour.
At the end of the decade, when both Russia and Turkey have strengthened their grip on their former influence-zones, both should form an alliance that builds upon massive trade relationships, already outgrowing US-Russian or US-Turkish trade volumes.

Medvedev - Russia, Turkey could increase trade to $100 bln over 5 yrs
Russia, Turkey could increase trade to $100 bln over 5 yrs - Medvedev | World | RIA Novosti

Medvedev - Russia, Turkey becoming strategic partners

Walk the walk with real partners like Russia.
With EU, USA only talk the talk.
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A Turk cannot live without an Arab, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish prime minister, proclaimed this month at a regional summit, where ministers unveiled ambitions for a Middle East customs union stretching from the Black Sea to Morocco.
FT.com / Middle East / Economy - Turkey focuses on Gulf for two-way ties

You can play with 7 Million Israel, we will play with 300 Million Arabs re-establishing the historical bondage.

You can not revert Anti-Muslim environment within current world system, when you leave matters into hand of Afghani cave-men and Petro-Dollar Sheiks with their Ferraris.
Jose Manuel Baroso, responds to Robert Gates accusations.
Baroso says, it was not the Europeans that pushed Turkey away but the Iraq-Invasion of the USA in 2003 and pressures within NATO of the former US administration .

It is only in Turkish, surely will be circling around in English also.
Barroso'dan Gates'e Türkiye cevabý - Hürriyet
In English the remarks from Mr Barroso

“I was surprised by those remarks. They don’t conform to the facts. The distance Turkey started to show” from NATO partners and the West “started with the invasion of Iraq and the pressure put on Turkey by the previous U.S. administration” of President George W. Bush.

He acknowledged that some European positions were not helpful — France and Germany have both emphasized that the European Union is a club with a Christian character — but he said that the union should continue to pursue eventual Turkish membership. He cautioned that it was necessary to listen to Turkish officials with respect. “They are extremely sensitive to the way we listen to and respect what they have to propose,” he said. “We should adapt our paradigm to the 21st century.”
Barroso Defends Europe’s Move Toward Austerity - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com

Eventual, potential etc etc is all talk the talk, we need partners that walk the walk. Those partners seem not to be in the West.
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Turkey is the sick man of Europe, just like its Ottoman predecessor.

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