Qustion to those who want to ban knives


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
What if someone comes out and starts killing people with their car in the middle of busy neighborhoods, should we ban cars as well?
You do know the other thread was dripping with sarcasm, right?

More people are killed with knives than any other weapon, but since government doesn't fear a knife-wielding population, they could care less about murders committed without guns. The only point they find to argue is that you can't do mass killings with knives. Of course, the mass shootings are rare and shouldn't be held up as a typical example of violence. The regular shootings in Chicago, for instance, are done by criminals who would ignore any news laws in addition to the ones they are breaking now.

Now idiot Holder wants people wearing bracelets if they own guns. I suspect that he threw that ridiculous idea out there to divert attention from other things, like investigations into some serious scandals.
The government can have knife-wielding civilians killed at a distance. Not so much with regards to gun-wielding civilians. I know... a bit of paranoid-conspiracy but hey, it makes sense.
Keep your hands off my buck.
What if someone comes out and starts killing people with their car in the middle of busy neighborhoods, should we ban cars as well?

Americans do more killing with cars than with guns and knives combined and liberals are ok with that! They accept cars that do 2-3 times the legal limit and come with distracting toys like internet access and cell phones.
I knew this would be a topic for the day. I didn't think I'd see so many small knives.

100 round mag and a 3 inch knife? Hell, I carry a 7 inch knife. Pulled it on two dogs now.
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What if someone comes out and starts killing people with their car in the middle of busy neighborhoods, should we ban cars as well?

Americans do more killing with cars than with guns and knives combined and liberals are ok with that! They accept cars that do 2-3 times the legal limit and come with distracting toys like internet access and cell phones.

To be fair, no one said "ban knives"

I think these types of threads and small communities ignore facts intentionally. No one in politics with any kind of power ever said ban all guns. The NRA may have said they did, but they didn't.

You might be surprised at how much money Gun Manufacturers pay the NRA to drive up that fear to drive up sales. The sheeple listen to it.

Start a fire and sell water. It's amazing how many people think they are on fire and aren't.
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Death and killing seem to be the common denominator here.

Certain methods are apparently predominant.

Yet there is an inordinate focus upon firearms.

For what reason?
Death and killing seem to be the common denominator here.

Certain methods are apparently predominant.

Yet there is an inordinate focus upon firearms.

For what reason?

What was a car created to do?

What was a gun created to do?

I an a gun owner and don't believe in gun grabbing. But these simple minded questions like yours just make gun owners look worse.
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Death and killing seem to be the common denominator here.

Certain methods are apparently predominant.

Yet there is an inordinate focus upon firearms.

For what reason?

What was a car created to do?

What was a gun created to do?

I an a gun owner and don't believe in gun grabbing. But these simple minded questions just make gun owners look worse.
Such simple minded questions originate with simple minded people.

And whe know who they are.
Death and killing seem to be the common denominator here.

Certain methods are apparently predominant.

Yet there is an inordinate focus upon firearms.

For what reason?

What was a car created to do?

What was a gun created to do?

I an a gun owner and don't believe in gun grabbing. But these simple minded questions just make gun owners look worse.
Such simple minded questions originate with simple minded people.

And whe know who they are.

Yep, the question was yours. And you had no response.
Death and killing seem to be the common denominator here.

Certain methods are apparently predominant.

Yet there is an inordinate focus upon firearms.

For what reason?

What was a car created to do?

What was a gun created to do?

I an a gun owner and don't believe in gun grabbing. But these simple minded questions like yours just make gun owners look worse.

Point is that if you intend to murder, then many things become weapons. And guns do not top the list of things people choose to do that.

Guns can also deter people just by their presence. Sure, guns are meant to shoot bullets and maybe kill. I prefer them over a baseball bat or knife if someone breaks into my home. And the only reason most have guns is to stop someone who would otherwise hurt or kill them. They don't call them equalizers for nothing.
Ladies, take note: This remains in the top 3 best presents my wife ever bought me. She researched it on her own. I'm no fan of the French but this blade is pure elegance. The balance is superb. It fits the hand perfectly. The story behind the blade, the engraved bee and cross make it more than just a letter opener. The steel is a bit hard if you like to keep a fine edge like I do but the workmanship makes up for that tiny complaint.

But back to topic. All knives should be registered. A permit should be required to buy a knife. Knife owners should have a thorough background check. Knife violence would cease immediately if these simple prudent steps were taken. But everyone knows this. What is being ignored is the 600 pound gorilla in the room: Forks. While knifes slip through the legislative cracks of our society, the availability of forks remains an issue unaddressed. Only when America wakes up to the insanity of lax fork regulation will violence end forever in our collectivist hive.

I've probably disturbed most of you enough tonight without mentioning the other menace threatening our society. I know you fear it as much as I do. It's diabolical. It's handed out freely at all fast food restaurants. No age limit. No rational thought of safety. Yes, you know what I'm talking about, the dreaded plastic SPORK.

We can do this people. End all sharp objects. It takes a village and we have the perfect idiot to lead us to a dull new world--a fundamentally changed America.
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What if someone comes out and starts killing people with their car in the middle of busy neighborhoods, should we ban cars as well?

Americans do more killing with cars than with guns and knives combined and liberals are ok with that! They accept cars that do 2-3 times the legal limit and come with distracting toys like internet access and cell phones.

We get it. You would like everything banned but sporks under penalty of death.

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