'Quite frankly terrifying': How the QAnon conspiracy theory is taking root in the UK

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

In London on Saturday, Resist and Act for Freedom, which described itself as “a medic-focused” anti-vaccination rally, was addressed by Kate Shemirani, a nurse suspended from practising by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for being accused of promoting baseless theories about Covid-19, vaccines and 5G.

Shemirani has espoused some of the QAnon theories and has described the Covid-19 crisis as a “plandemic scamdemic”. She has described the NHS as “the new Auschwitz” and her online media postings make references to Hitler and the Nazis, an investigation by the Jewish Chronicle has found.

Its easy to laugh at these people but they are obviously damaged in some way. They obviously arent all nazis but they drag folk in with "soft" issues like "save our chidren". Who would argue against that ?

Ive watched one of them argue for a boycott of a film, he hasnt seen, all week. Any one who questions his lunacy is obviously in on the Soros funded conspiracy. They study at the University of Google where every opinion is equally valid.

I suspect that if you are unhappy or you have failed in life it must be someones fault. And then its a small step to the gas chambers, which of course were fake anyway. Just a Jewish conspiracy.

But these folk arent certified, they live amongst us and they can vote. Its very worrying.
Q is pleased.

What's QAnon? Queers Anonymous?

Ya beat me to it. Being the right-winger I am, I have heard of QAnon. But I know very little about QAnon and personally, don't give a shit.

QAnon just sounds like the latest "boogeyman" the left is freaking out about, along with the Proud Boys and all those imaginary "white supremacists" and KKK they keep freaking out over.
What's QAnon? Queers Anonymous?

Ya beat me to it. Being the right-winger I am, I have heard of QAnon. But I know very little about QAnon and personally, don't give a shit.

QAnon just sounds like the latest "boogeyman" the left is freaking out about, along with the Proud Boys and all those imaginary "white supremacists" and KKK they keep freaking out over.
Exactly, according to the Liberati, there is no such thing as Antifa, but say 'Boogaloo Boys' and they all poop their drawers.

In London on Saturday, Resist and Act for Freedom, which described itself as “a medic-focused” anti-vaccination rally, was addressed by Kate Shemirani, a nurse suspended from practising by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for being accused of promoting baseless theories about Covid-19, vaccines and 5G.

Shemirani has espoused some of the QAnon theories and has described the Covid-19 crisis as a “plandemic scamdemic”. She has described the NHS as “the new Auschwitz” and her online media postings make references to Hitler and the Nazis, an investigation by the Jewish Chronicle has found.

Its easy to laugh at these people but they are obviously damaged in some way. They obviously arent all nazis but they drag folk in with "soft" issues like "save our chidren". Who would argue against that ?

Ive watched one of them argue for a boycott of a film, he hasnt seen, all week. Any one who questions his lunacy is obviously in on the Soros funded conspiracy. They study at the University of Google where every opinion is equally valid.

I suspect that if you are unhappy or you have failed in life it must be someones fault. And then its a small step to the gas chambers, which of course were fake anyway. Just a Jewish conspiracy.

But these folk arent certified, they live amongst us and they can vote. Its very worrying.
What's QAnon? Queers Anonymous?

Ya beat me to it. Being the right-winger I am, I have heard of QAnon. But I know very little about QAnon and personally, don't give a shit.

QAnon just sounds like the latest "boogeyman" the left is freaking out about, along with the Proud Boys and all those imaginary "white supremacists" and KKK they keep freaking out over.
Exactly, according to the Liberati, there is no such thing as Antifa, but say 'Boogaloo Boys' and they all poop their drawers.

Obviously the left has gone completely over the edge, since the days of their dreaded "right-wing conspiracy."

It was probably Donald Trump that gave them the final nudge.


Is that Ghislaine Maxwell in the background?

Never mind, I did an image search. That's Prince Andrew and it is her in the BG.
Correct. And he has his arm around an underaged sex slave, Virginia Roberts.

Q, who purports to have the highest level of US security clearance, predicted the raid on Epstein's island months before it happened.

Q predicted that top government officials, academics and celebrities were targets of the investigation.

Q was correct. This has led many to speculate that Q is actually Donald Trump himself.

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In London on Saturday, Resist and Act for Freedom, which described itself as “a medic-focused” anti-vaccination rally, was addressed by Kate Shemirani, a nurse suspended from practising by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for being accused of promoting baseless theories about Covid-19, vaccines and 5G.

Shemirani has espoused some of the QAnon theories and has described the Covid-19 crisis as a “plandemic scamdemic”. She has described the NHS as “the new Auschwitz” and her online media postings make references to Hitler and the Nazis, an investigation by the Jewish Chronicle has found.

Its easy to laugh at these people but they are obviously damaged in some way. They obviously arent all nazis but they drag folk in with "soft" issues like "save our chidren". Who would argue against that ?

Ive watched one of them argue for a boycott of a film, he hasnt seen, all week. Any one who questions his lunacy is obviously in on the Soros funded conspiracy. They study at the University of Google where every opinion is equally valid.

I suspect that if you are unhappy or you have failed in life it must be someones fault. And then its a small step to the gas chambers, which of course were fake anyway. Just a Jewish conspiracy.

But these folk arent certified, they live amongst us and they can vote. Its very worrying.
What will be more terrifying is when conservatives in the UK start using the QAnon conspiracy theory as a political weapon, as here in the US; a means by which to sow mistrust and discord among voters and to undermine the political process perceived to benefit Republicans.
What's QAnon? Queers Anonymous?

It is a group of people who believe there is a cabal of child molestors....something like that.....but of course, we all know no such thing exists.......you know, in Hollywood, or that jeff epstein the democrat party guy wasn't into children..........

In London on Saturday, Resist and Act for Freedom, which described itself as “a medic-focused” anti-vaccination rally, was addressed by Kate Shemirani, a nurse suspended from practising by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for being accused of promoting baseless theories about Covid-19, vaccines and 5G.

Shemirani has espoused some of the QAnon theories and has described the Covid-19 crisis as a “plandemic scamdemic”. She has described the NHS as “the new Auschwitz” and her online media postings make references to Hitler and the Nazis, an investigation by the Jewish Chronicle has found.

Its easy to laugh at these people but they are obviously damaged in some way. They obviously arent all nazis but they drag folk in with "soft" issues like "save our chidren". Who would argue against that ?

Ive watched one of them argue for a boycott of a film, he hasnt seen, all week. Any one who questions his lunacy is obviously in on the Soros funded conspiracy. They study at the University of Google where every opinion is equally valid.

I suspect that if you are unhappy or you have failed in life it must be someones fault. And then its a small step to the gas chambers, which of course were fake anyway. Just a Jewish conspiracy.

But these folk arent certified, they live amongst us and they can vote. Its very worrying.
What will be more terrifying is when conservatives in the UK start using the QAnon conspiracy theory as a political weapon, as here in the US; a means by which to sow mistrust and discord among voters and to undermine the political process perceived to benefit Republicans.

So...there isn't a cabal of people who are rich and powerful.....like in hollywood, who have an infrastructure for the purpose of molesting children? Epstein.....a powerful mover and shaker in the democrat party didn't have children servicing as sex slaves for guys like bill clinton?

In London on Saturday, Resist and Act for Freedom, which described itself as “a medic-focused” anti-vaccination rally, was addressed by Kate Shemirani, a nurse suspended from practising by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for being accused of promoting baseless theories about Covid-19, vaccines and 5G.

Shemirani has espoused some of the QAnon theories and has described the Covid-19 crisis as a “plandemic scamdemic”. She has described the NHS as “the new Auschwitz” and her online media postings make references to Hitler and the Nazis, an investigation by the Jewish Chronicle has found.

Its easy to laugh at these people but they are obviously damaged in some way. They obviously arent all nazis but they drag folk in with "soft" issues like "save our chidren". Who would argue against that ?

Ive watched one of them argue for a boycott of a film, he hasnt seen, all week. Any one who questions his lunacy is obviously in on the Soros funded conspiracy. They study at the University of Google where every opinion is equally valid.

I suspect that if you are unhappy or you have failed in life it must be someones fault. And then its a small step to the gas chambers, which of course were fake anyway. Just a Jewish conspiracy.

But these folk arent certified, they live amongst us and they can vote. Its very worrying.
What will be more terrifying is when conservatives in the UK start using the QAnon conspiracy theory as a political weapon, as here in the US; a means by which to sow mistrust and discord among voters and to undermine the political process perceived to benefit Republicans.
The Brits are thick enough to believe anything.

Is that Ghislaine Maxwell in the background?

Never mind, I did an image search. That's Prince Andrew and it is her in the BG.
Correct. And he has his arm around an underaged sex slave, Virginia Roberts.

Q, who purports to have the highest level of US security clearance, predicted the raid on Epstein's island months before it happened.

Q predicted that top government officials, academics and celebrities were targets of the investigation.

Q was correct. This has led many to speculate that Q is actually Donald Trump himself.

Q =
Russian propagandist

Not that Epstein, Virginia Roberts, Prince Andrew etc story is not true.... but Q is a Russian created character, leading you all astray and crazy....with his added conspiracy against democrats and Trump haters..... it's all about getting Trump elected again, and to continue to weaken America, through division and lies.

Same with the UK, Qanon is meant to weaken, through division and lies.

Is that Ghislaine Maxwell in the background?

Never mind, I did an image search. That's Prince Andrew and it is her in the BG.
Correct. And he has his arm around an underaged sex slave, Virginia Roberts.

Q, who purports to have the highest level of US security clearance, predicted the raid on Epstein's island months before it happened.

Q predicted that top government officials, academics and celebrities were targets of the investigation.

Q was correct. This has led many to speculate that Q is actually Donald Trump himself.

Q =
Russian propagandist

Not that Epstein, Virginia Roberts, Prince Andrew etc story is not true.... but Q is a Russian created character, leading you all astray and crazy....with his added conspiracy against democrats and Trump haters..... it's all about getting Trump elected again, and to continue to weaken America, through division and lies.

Same with the UK, Qanon is meant to weaken, through division and lies.

Fine with me. Anything done to weaken support for the Democrat party is a big win.

Is that Ghislaine Maxwell in the background?

Never mind, I did an image search. That's Prince Andrew and it is her in the BG.
Correct. And he has his arm around an underaged sex slave, Virginia Roberts.

Q, who purports to have the highest level of US security clearance, predicted the raid on Epstein's island months before it happened.

Q predicted that top government officials, academics and celebrities were targets of the investigation.

Q was correct. This has led many to speculate that Q is actually Donald Trump himself.

Q =
Russian propagandist

Not that Epstein, Virginia Roberts, Prince Andrew etc story is not true.... but Q is a Russian created character, leading you all astray and crazy....with his added conspiracy against democrats and Trump haters..... it's all about getting Trump elected again, and to continue to weaken America, through division and lies.

Same with the UK, Qanon is meant to weaken, through division and lies.
Exactly, it's the simplest form of psy-op and almost disgusting how easily it works on people.

For the q-berts...

Statistically, 5 in 100 Men are pedophiles.

You should have been caring/hating on/in-arms about pedophiles all of your lives. As a kid, you're a possible victim. As an adult, you're an obligated watch-dog.

You don't wait for a propagandist to come and "be told" to join an anti-pedo movement. It should have been innate, all along...

a thing that goes without saying.

An obvious part of life.

5 in 100 men are pedophiles.

For every organization plus 100 of them, such as the Catholic Church (wink), you will find pedos. That's just statistics.

Because of this math, we can be divisive derps when some of those 5 of 100 are found right?

"all catholic priests are pedos!!!" (see 1+ million internet memes about priests being pedos that followed).

The same statistic is going to work for any group of over 100 men. Hollywood, Democrats, "the rich/elites" - - - REPUBLICANS, etc etc..

ANY group of 100+ men has 5 per each 100, statistically.

q-anon is using you...employing your emo-feels when you should have innately been "anti pedo" since you were a fucking toddler. Gullible people gunna be gullible.

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