Question: Why did The House & Senate wait so long to Subpoena Comey and Lynch?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Seriously: Shouldn't this have been done a year ago? Shouldn't Jarret, and Rice as well as Brennan and Clapper and Susan Powers also be subpoenaed?

Is this a case where "The Deep State" delayed and procrastinated until the last possible minute so that it only appeared as though they tried to get to the bottom of The FISA scandal, The Unmasking Scandal, and all of the leaking of classified intel that occurred to "get Trump.?
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
So you are referring obviously to the 6 Fake Investigations before Mueller's in to Russian Collusion in which all 6 "Investigations" found absolutely NOTHING?
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
So you are referring obviously to the 6 Fake Investigations before Mueller's in to Russian Collusion in which all 6 "Investigations" found absolutely NOTHING?

Deep State protects its own. That's why Trump told 40 of them to get packing including Flake
Seriously: Shouldn't this have been done a year ago? Shouldn't Jarret, and Rice as well as Brennan and Clapper and Susan Powers also be subpoenaed?

Is this a case where "The Deep State" delayed and procrastinated until the last possible minute so that it only appeared as though they tried to get to the bottom of The FISA scandal, The Unmasking Scandal, and all of the leaking of classified intel that occurred to "get Trump.?

Can you say diversion?

Obviously nothing will come of this with such a short time remaining in this congress. Given the timing, it sure seems like a diversion from Trump's own growing email problems.
Seriously: Shouldn't this have been done a year ago? Shouldn't Jarret, and Rice as well as Brennan and Clapper and Susan Powers also be subpoenaed?

Is this a case where "The Deep State" delayed and procrastinated until the last possible minute so that it only appeared as though they tried to get to the bottom of The FISA scandal, The Unmasking Scandal, and all of the leaking of classified intel that occurred to "get Trump.?
Maybe they delayed because there's no evidence they should be pursued?
No one tried to "get Trump." He won. Obama's gone. Leave it be.
Seriously: Shouldn't this have been done a year ago? Shouldn't Jarret, and Rice as well as Brennan and Clapper and Susan Powers also be subpoenaed?

Is this a case where "The Deep State" delayed and procrastinated until the last possible minute so that it only appeared as though they tried to get to the bottom of The FISA scandal, The Unmasking Scandal, and all of the leaking of classified intel that occurred to "get Trump.?
Maybe they delayed because there's no evidence they should be pursued?
No one tried to "get Trump." He won. Obama's gone. Leave it be.
Why bother to purchase Russian Propaganda from Putin and Russian Agents, try to conceal this fact by taking the money Clinton, The DNC and Obama contributed to it, and with The Podesta Group's help, launder that money through COIE Lawfirm to Fusion GPS then to Foreign Agents?

And then why once having obtained the work of fiction here to known as The Dirty Dossier, deliver that to Sid Blumenthal (A Clinton Adviser and Close Clinton Friend) who then handed it over to John McCain and John Kerry to deliver it to operatives in The DOJ and FBI such as Comey, and McCabe, who then along with Yates and Rosenstein despite knowing it was "False and Salacious" and was funded by The Democrat Party, Clinton and Obama, took that in to an Unconstitutional FISA Court, filed false affidavits with it to obtain Illegal Surveillance Warrants on The President and his Family and Campaign team even used it against unpaid volunteers?

Why then after knowing that The Dirty Dossier was funded by THE DNC, Clinton and Obama &, was Russian Sourced and was "False and Salacious" was it used as a reason to launch a 7th investigation headed by Mueller who staffed his team with the very people who helped craft The Dirty Dossier and helped smuggle it in to The FISA Court to Defraud The FISA COURT?

Lastly, why hasn't Mueller investigated both The Funding of The Dirty Dossier, The Source of The Dirty Dossier, and the chain of custody of The Dirty Dossier and how it came to be the focal point of a FISA Warrant which was applied for based on False Affidavits?

Please answer my questions.

Why would anyone use Russian Propaganda to go after a Presidential Candidate especially knowing The Democrat Party paid for it and that is was indeed Russian Propaganda?
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In other words, if no one were out to get Trump, then why were so many Clinton and Obama supporters within our government involved in using Russian Propaganda to go after President Trump, especially when they knew that piece of Putin Propaganda was paid for by The DNC, was Russian Sourced, and was False and Salacious?

Why use a lie, they knew was a lie as "COVER" to uncover the so called "truth"?
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
So you are referring obviously to the 6 Fake Investigations before Mueller's in to Russian Collusion in which all 6 "Investigations" found absolutely NOTHING?
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
So you are referring obviously to the 6 Fake Investigations before Mueller's in to Russian Collusion in which all 6 "Investigations" found absolutely NOTHING?

Deep State protects its own. That's why Trump told 40 of them to get packing including Flake

Why did he hire them?
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
So you are referring obviously to the 6 Fake Investigations before Mueller's in to Russian Collusion in which all 6 "Investigations" found absolutely NOTHING?

Deep State protects its own. That's why Trump told 40 of them to get packing including Flake

Why did he hire them?

When did he "hire" Congressmen and a Senator?
They knew nothing illegal would be found, and they already had lots of fake investigations going already. This is just their last chance to stir up their base, and they want to take advantage of it.
So you are referring obviously to the 6 Fake Investigations before Mueller's in to Russian Collusion in which all 6 "Investigations" found absolutely NOTHING?

Deep State protects its own. That's why Trump told 40 of them to get packing including Flake

Why did he hire them?

When did he "hire" Congressmen and a Senator?

I assumed you were talking about his staff members.
Seriously: Shouldn't this have been done a year ago? Shouldn't Jarret, and Rice as well as Brennan and Clapper and Susan Powers also be subpoenaed?

Is this a case where "The Deep State" delayed and procrastinated until the last possible minute so that it only appeared as though they tried to get to the bottom of The FISA scandal, The Unmasking Scandal, and all of the leaking of classified intel that occurred to "get Trump.?

TOT, the question you raised has bothered me also. It has become painfully obvious (although the Leftists won't admit it) what actually happened.

Now Leftists on here are telling you there is not enough time left, which is why they did it. As long as the Senate is solidly in Republican hands, the Senate intel committee can move forward, which it is, and they will.

That being said, the only reason I can come up with is---------> the complaining from at least 2 of our 5 eyes allies. This should tell everyone that the spygate rendition of what happened is almost assuredly true. The other and probable reason is--------->because crimes AGAINST Trump should probably be used to re-elect him, and not used to save the RINO's! That is a call that probably was very difficult to make. While the Republicans did lose the House, they did better than the sitting party did 86% of the time in midterms. After the election in Mississippi today, it might be higher than that!

And then, we must remember that------------> The House can do NOTHING without the Senate, and they both need the Presidents signature or an over ride. Good luck with that!

In any case...……..if it would have been me, I would have been using this for the midterms, but then again, it was political strategy. We shall see how it works out for those who devised it, and only time will tell.
Seriously: Shouldn't this have been done a year ago? Shouldn't Jarret, and Rice as well as Brennan and Clapper and Susan Powers also be subpoenaed?

Is this a case where "The Deep State" delayed and procrastinated until the last possible minute so that it only appeared as though they tried to get to the bottom of The FISA scandal, The Unmasking Scandal, and all of the leaking of classified intel that occurred to "get Trump.?

TOT, the question you raised has bothered me also. It has become painfully obvious (although the Leftists won't admit it) what actually happened.

Now Leftists on here are telling you there is not enough time left, which is why they did it. As long as the Senate is solidly in Republican hands, the Senate intel committee can move forward, which it is, and they will.

That being said, the only reason I can come up with is---------> the complaining from at least 2 of our 5 eyes allies. This should tell everyone that the spygate rendition of what happened is almost assuredly true. The other and probable reason is--------->because crimes AGAINST Trump should probably be used to re-elect him, and not used to save the RINO's! That is a call that probably was very difficult to make. While the Republicans did lose the House, they did better than the sitting party did 86% of the time in midterms. After the election in Mississippi today, it might be higher than that!

And then, we must remember that------------> The House can do NOTHING without the Senate, and they both need the Presidents signature or an over ride. Good luck with that!

In any case...……..if it would have been me, I would have been using this for the midterms, but then again, it was political strategy. We shall see how it works out for those who devised it, and only time will tell.

In regards to The Election in Mississippi, The DemNazis are already playing The Race Card again, and trying to smear the Republican Candidate with ........wait for it...... Racism.
In other words, if no one were out to get Trump, then why were so many Clinton and Obama supporters within our government involved in using Russian Propaganda to go after President Trump, especially when they knew that piece of Putin Propaganda was paid for by The DNC, was Russian Sourced, and was False and Salacious?

Why use a lie, they knew was a lie as "COVER" to uncover the so called "truth"?
You refer to the steele dossier? Nobody in the public knew about that dossier until after Trump assumed office.
But, here is your evidence of Hillary colluding with russian agent.

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