Question About LGBT

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?

Whilst I am rabidly against the proselytization of children to the homosexual anti-faith, I've got no problem with individual gays, as long as they behave themselves around kids. Homosexuality itself is anti-human and could end our species, obviously. That being said, There's no reason to attack the victims of its destruction—individual gays.
Whilst I am rabidly against the proselytization of children to the homosexual anti-faith, I've got no problem with individual gays, as long as they behave themselves around kids. Homosexuality itself is anti-human and could end our species, obviously. That being said, There's no reason to attack the victims of its destruction—individual gays.
Yet, you let down yer guard down when straight people don't behave themselves with children? Not every married couple that is opposite sex couples have children. Have you noticed that there is billions of humans on the planet?
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
The good looking lesbians are very acceptable to horny males who want to watch.
Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
You tell us. What are your thoughts on Homosexuality?

I won't judge you until you respond.
Myself. I'm not Gay. I have Wife of 38 Years and Actual Children, Spawned by my Wife and I.

That said, let's address your point.
Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
What exactly do you mean.

I will answer first.
As a Straight Married Man with Children,
I support the MANY (20++) FRIENDS of mine that are outwardly GAY. And Proud of it.
EACH of these people are active members of the community.
I'm unsure of WHY you have a problem with this?
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?

Except the Bible doesn't say hate the sin and love the sinner. II Corinthians says the righteous should not be equally yoked to the lawless; Proverbs says that if you fear the Lord (i.e. are a believer) then you must hate evil ways. What the Bible does say is not to be judgy as that is the Big J's job.
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?

We're not supposed to treat them as our enemies. I don't.

What often gets misconstrued is this: homosexuality is a sin that society demands we call good. That is why Christians seem more opposed to that sin than others. We're really not. If people were vocally in support of, say, theft, Christians would seem more opposed to that too. But theft is universally seen as sinful. Etc.
So what is it The Doctor's Wife ???????

Do you accept that children are born 'differently'
Do you want all Males to ultimately be "Alpha Males"
Do you have any "GAY" friends?

1. Define accept. First of all, I don't believe that children can be born differently as God doesn't make mistakes, but yes I can still accept them even if I don't agree with their choices.

2. No.

3. No.

You tell us. What are your thoughts on Homosexuality?

It's pretty black and white actually. If the Bible says it's wrong then it's wrong. Plain and simple.

Except the Bible doesn't say hate the sin and love the sinner. II Corinthians says the righteous should not be equally yoked to the lawless; Proverbs says that if you fear the Lord (i.e. are a believer) then you must hate evil ways. What the Bible does say is not to be judgy as that is the Big J's job.

True. Basically the same thing I said just different words.
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
Better yet, change the mindset completely and come to the realization that homosexuality is normal and God intended them to be to balance out the lust heterosexuals have in their hearts.
Better yet, change the mindset completely and come to the realization that homosexuality is normal and God intended them to be to balance out the lust heterosexuals have in their hearts.

Umm,.. no. Clearly you have never read the Bible.
Read her reply, she thinks she doesn't have any gay friends. All I have to say is someday she's going to be very surprised.

Umm,.. I think I know my own friends. :badgrin:
Umm,.. no. Clearly you have never read the Bible.
I know that the Old testament is based on the tribal religion of the Hebrews. It has nothing to do with God all about making a better stronger tribe does anything that detracted from that was discouraged in the strongest possible way. That would include homosexuality, divorce and abortion. Unfortunately many of the authors of the New testament Incorporated those primitive beliefs into Christianity.
I know that the Old testament is based on the tribal religion of the Hebrews. It has nothing to do with God all about making a better stronger tribe does anything that detracted from that was discouraged in the strongest possible way. That would include homosexuality, divorce and abortion. Unfortunately many of the authors of the New testament Incorporated those primitive beliefs into Christianity.

What in the world are you talking about?
Like it or not there's no one in the United States that does not know a gay person, and they're often hidden in plain sight. Fear of people like you keep them in the closet.

I didn't say I didn't know any I just said that I don't have any friends who are gay.

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