Queers for Palestine really there is a group!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Yes there is a group called Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT)
and they are Of all the slogans chanted and displayed at anti-Israel rallies over the past month, surely "Queers for Palestine" ranks as the most oxymoronic. Of all the slogans chanted and displayed at anti-Israel rallies over the past month, surely "Queers for Palestine" ranks as the most oxymoronic.

Queers for Palestine?

Far too many Muslims hate the West, hate Israel, lynch gays, stone women, torture and imprison democratic dissidents and ...
CAIR’s South Florida Chapter Executive Director Goes on the Record | The Shark Tank

So what group would be in favor of Sharia law that will be the law in Palestine if...
Saudi Arabia has Sharia Law and homosexuals are executed, and people don't even dare trying to have a same-sex marriage. Apostates are also killed in ...

Again.. Darwinism at it's finest!
the gay movement shamelessly tries to exploit so-called opressed people, so they can gain acceptance, but it won't work...The Palestinians (whoever the fuck they are) don't give a fuck about the gay movement, and niether does anyone else.
It is like Chickens supporting Col. Sanders or Frank Perdue. Cattle marching in support of Burger King.

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