I usually don't go this far to criticize a sitting President...but...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

TODAY....he was asked what he thought about the Senate delay and debate and the changes in how the bill would be paid for...and...wait for it...here it comes...."The approach that the Senate is taking I'm comfortable with. In order to deal with the jobs bill, we're still going to have to reform the tax code to make sure that we're closing loopholes,''

So...yesterday was what?
I mean - either one of two situations are true -

a) He didn't know that the delay was not the Republicans (no really stop laughing)
b) He was purposefully being deceitful and assuming the majority of American voters are too ignorant of what is going on to realize he is being less than truthful.

At any rate...he is a hack.
Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

TODAY....he was asked what he thought about the Senate delay and debate and the changes in how the bill would be paid for...and...wait for it...here it comes...."The approach that the Senate is taking I'm comfortable with. In order to deal with the jobs bill, we're still going to have to reform the tax code to make sure that we're closing loopholes,''

So...yesterday was what?
I mean - either one of two situations are true -

a) He didn't know that the delay was not the Republicans (no really stop laughing)
b) He was purposefully being deceitful and assuming the majority of American voters are too ignorant of what is going on to realize he is being less than truthful.

At any rate...he is a hack.

c) All The Above?
Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

I would love to see it actually come to a vote in the Senate. It appears he can not even get much more than Half the Democrats in the Senate to back his plan. He is being just like he always is here, Extreme partisan and Dishonest. The truth is his plan can't pass for 3 main reason.

First it's not a long term Solution to our Problems. It is nothing but an attempt to buy some short term Gain in GDP through direct spending programs, and a very irresponsible Extension of the Payroll Tax Holiday. They very taxes that Fund SS.

Second, The Main way he wants to pay for it, is unpopular with Both Parties. Nobody wants to see the Charitable Contributions Deduction taken away, Not the Rich, and not the Poor or Liberals who claim to be defending them. All that would really do is transfer money normally Donated to Charity, to the US government.

Finally, it wont pass because Obama is unwilling to compromise. He wants an all or Nothing up or Down Vote on it, and wants to pass off the Paying for it part to a Debt Commission that Nobody actually expects to be able to agree on anything.

There is BI partisan Opposition to His so Called Jobs Plan, and yet still he lies and blames it on Republicans.

Today the guy admitted that he's campaigning against congress. Why the fuck is the president campaigning against congress, instead of working with them? He's not running against congress...

He's is trying to split America up on ideological lines, with his class warfare rhetoric, because that's his only chance of winning an election.
Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

I would love to see it actually come to a vote in the Senate. It appears he can not even get much more than Half the Democrats in the Senate to back his plan. He is being just like he always is here, Extreme partisan and Dishonest. The truth is his plan can't pass for 3 main reason.

First it's not a long term Solution to our Problems. It is nothing but an attempt to buy some short term Gain in GDP through direct spending programs, and a very irresponsible Extension of the Payroll Tax Holiday. They very taxes that Fund SS.

Second, The Main way he wants to pay for it, is unpopular with Both Parties. Nobody wants to see the Charitable Contributions Deduction taken away, Not the Rich, and not the Poor or Liberals who claim to be defending them. All that would really do is transfer money normally Donated to Charity, to the US government.

Finally, it wont pass because Obama is unwilling to compromise. He wants an all or Nothing up or Down Vote on it, and wants to pass off the Paying for it part to a Debt Commission that Nobody actually expects to be able to agree on anything.

There is BI partisan Opposition to His so Called Jobs Plan, and yet still he lies and blames it on Republicans.


Well Hell. Does anyone think he will blame ANYTHING on the Dems or himself??

This guy is such a loser.
Today the guy admitted that he's campaigning against congress. Why the fuck is the president campaigning against congress, instead of working with them? He's not running against congress...

He's is trying to split America up on ideological lines, with his class warfare rhetoric, because that's his only chance of winning an election.

Because he can't run on his record or on ideas without losing in a landslide.
It's actually quite comedic - It's like watching a person continually stick their finger in a light socket while blaming those laughing at him because he keeps getting zapped...

The sad part is that Obama isn't the only one getting zapped with his economic ideas - the entire country is.. Yet hes certain if he keeps sticking his finger in the light socket one of these times it will work.

Of course that motherfucker is risking NOTHING other than a second term, and if he is voted out next November he will just move back to Chicago a fat cat rich fool while 95% of the public got screwed because of his socialist policies...

He's either a fucking idiot or just nefarious and is hurting capitalism because he's just a socialist...

I think he is just a socialist.
Today the guy admitted that he's campaigning against congress. Why the fuck is the president campaigning against congress, instead of working with them? He's not running against congress...

He's is trying to split America up on ideological lines, with his class warfare rhetoric, because that's his only chance of winning an election.

Because he can't run on his record or on ideas without losing in a landslide.
*Blame, Minimize, Deny, Obfuscate*
The President has no leadership skills. His ideology is so intense, he can't or won't see failing policies.
He is consumed and fixated on blaming republicans,or any other entity that does not kowtow to his dogma and policies. Has no scruple about blaming American citizens themselves. That's poignant, and sad.
Extremely good at divisiveness. It's his defense to safeguard himself and his disciples.
Distressingly, it seems more about power, than altruistic security and repair of the American people and the economy.
The President has no leadership skills. His ideology is so intense, he can't or won't see failing policies.
He is consumed and fixated on blaming republicans,or any other entity that does not kowtow to his dogma and policies. Has no scruple about blaming American citizens themselves. That's poignant, and sad.
Extremely good at divisiveness. It's his defense to safeguard himself and his disciples.
Distressingly, it seems more about power, than altruistic security and repair of the American people and the economy.
In short it's all about himself and his re-election so he can carry on with more destruction.
I would have at least expected him to be good at pretending to be a President.
Never in my wildest dreams did I believe a man with zero experience in a single characteristic needed for the Presidency...but I did think that a man who impressed so many within his party - that he must at least be a good pretender.
He is not even that. His greatest asset is his ability to get campaign contributions for his party. When you really get down to it - that is all he has done on his own. Everything else that has been done in the past 3 years was done by Pelosi and Reid - not the White House.

What an unfortunate joke.
When we were criticizing Bush and his policies, those of you on the right were calling us un American and unpatriotic for criticizing the President and the policies of the United States. Well here you go you unpatriotic commie pinko bastards.
The difference is, many Americans (and others) are tired of failed policies and unsolutions and lack of leadership. Frustrated and out of work. The biggest threat I hear and see from people against Obama, is to have him replaced at the Whitehouse.
What you didn't hear or see from lamestream media about Bush was the continual death threats, people coming to rallies saying they were going to kill Bush Or hang him....blow up the Whitehouse....the violence against Bush was incessant.
When we were criticizing Bush and his policies, those of you on the right were calling us un American and unpatriotic for criticizing the President and the policies of the United States. Well here you go you unpatriotic commie pinko bastards.

There are clowns on both sides Nuke.
I'm not one of them. I criticized Bush numerous times during his Presidency.
And now I am criticizing this one.
He is a joke. Almost surreal.
Blaming the other side is pretty old hat, heck you couldn't find a President that didn't do this.
But this guy takes the cake. It is ALL he does.
And between yesterday and today he does a complete 180 like this for everyone to see? I mean...is the guy honestly this condescending that he believes no one will notice?

A hack
Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

I would love to see it actually come to a vote in the Senate. It appears he can not even get much more than Half the Democrats in the Senate to back his plan. He is being just like he always is here, Extreme partisan and Dishonest. The truth is his plan can't pass for 3 main reason.

First it's not a long term Solution to our Problems. It is nothing but an attempt to buy some short term Gain in GDP through direct spending programs, and a very irresponsible Extension of the Payroll Tax Holiday. They very taxes that Fund SS.

Second, The Main way he wants to pay for it, is unpopular with Both Parties. Nobody wants to see the Charitable Contributions Deduction taken away, Not the Rich, and not the Poor or Liberals who claim to be defending them. All that would really do is transfer money normally Donated to Charity, to the US government.

Finally, it wont pass because Obama is unwilling to compromise. He wants an all or Nothing up or Down Vote on it, and wants to pass off the Paying for it part to a Debt Commission that Nobody actually expects to be able to agree on anything.

There is BI partisan Opposition to His so Called Jobs Plan, and yet still he lies and blames it on Republicans.


Well Hell. Does anyone think he will blame ANYTHING on the Dems or himself??

This guy is such a loser.

It is actually pretty comical that the Hope and Change President, who swore he would be Bi-Partisan and not just practice Politics as usual. Has descended to such low levels of exactly that, Shameful Partisan Politics as Usual.
I would love to see it actually come to a vote in the Senate. It appears he can not even get much more than Half the Democrats in the Senate to back his plan. He is being just like he always is here, Extreme partisan and Dishonest. The truth is his plan can't pass for 3 main reason.

First it's not a long term Solution to our Problems. It is nothing but an attempt to buy some short term Gain in GDP through direct spending programs, and a very irresponsible Extension of the Payroll Tax Holiday. They very taxes that Fund SS.

Second, The Main way he wants to pay for it, is unpopular with Both Parties. Nobody wants to see the Charitable Contributions Deduction taken away, Not the Rich, and not the Poor or Liberals who claim to be defending them. All that would really do is transfer money normally Donated to Charity, to the US government.

Finally, it wont pass because Obama is unwilling to compromise. He wants an all or Nothing up or Down Vote on it, and wants to pass off the Paying for it part to a Debt Commission that Nobody actually expects to be able to agree on anything.

There is BI partisan Opposition to His so Called Jobs Plan, and yet still he lies and blames it on Republicans.


Well Hell. Does anyone think he will blame ANYTHING on the Dems or himself??

This guy is such a loser.

It is actually pretty comical that the Hope and Change President, who swore he would be Bi-Partisan and not just practice Politics as usual. Has descended to such low levels of exactly that, Shameful Partisan Politics as Usual.
And what of his stellar performance at transparency? *TOP NOTCH*

Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

TODAY....he was asked what he thought about the Senate delay and debate and the changes in how the bill would be paid for...and...wait for it...here it comes...."The approach that the Senate is taking I'm comfortable with. In order to deal with the jobs bill, we're still going to have to reform the tax code to make sure that we're closing loopholes,''

So...yesterday was what?
I mean - either one of two situations are true -

a) He didn't know that the delay was not the Republicans (no really stop laughing)
b) He was purposefully being deceitful and assuming the majority of American voters are too ignorant of what is going on to realize he is being less than truthful.

At any rate...he is a hack.

Sitting for now but walking soon!!!
Seriously - what is wrong with this man?
Yesterday at yet another rhetorical campaign speech - he blamed the Republicans in the Senate for not passing his miracle Jobs plan....:eusa_eh:

TODAY....he was asked what he thought about the Senate delay and debate and the changes in how the bill would be paid for...and...wait for it...here it comes...."The approach that the Senate is taking I'm comfortable with. In order to deal with the jobs bill, we're still going to have to reform the tax code to make sure that we're closing loopholes,''

So...yesterday was what?
I mean - either one of two situations are true -

a) He didn't know that the delay was not the Republicans (no really stop laughing)
b) He was purposefully being deceitful and assuming the majority of American voters are too ignorant of what is going on to realize he is being less than truthful.

At any rate...he is a hack.

This president is a modern day snake oil salesman. Obama has done nothing but state the obvious, offer a legislative end all solution that must pass or risk untold danger and catastrophe, and then when it doesn't yield the promised results it's ignored and downplayed.

So what shovel-ready wasn't shovel-ready?

So what unemployment is at sustained highs? This administration has said openly that this is most likely the new normal, so Americans should just get over it.

There are some left wing fanatics on this board that refuses to admit the obvious: that this presidency is going to be ruined by its own ineffectiveness. Perhaps it is just a disagreement on just what he has been ineffective at, but reality--which I know is difficult to understand for my misguided friends on the left--his ineffectiveness at growing the economy and furthering American interests is what will undoubtedly lead to his electoral defeat in 2012.

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