Putin's war hurts him in an unexpected way

We're talking about two different things. Boring.
You tend to get bored when you have your ass handed to you...again....and again,,.and again.. It's not because I'm smarter than you its because you won't take an honest look at your sources.
When I get a bad source and it gets revealed....I waste no time admittig to it. Why deny what is only going to hurt me? Do you have any idea how wealthy Putin is becoming? No I suppose you don't.
He is the major holder in GAZPROM ... the company that now has Europe on its knees.....this is the ugly reality.

For those of us who consider Putin & Russia to be a malevolent actor on the world stage:

Putin's stupid gambit in Ukraine is not only isolating Russia for decades to come, -- I love that -- but it is also rapidly changing world trade dynamics in a positive way for the United States of America. While Putin thought (HA) that he had Europe over an oil barrel when he invaded, the world quickly adapted, America jumped in, and he has screwed himself in the energy department, too.

“Europe’s energy divorce from Russia is nearly complete,” said Andrew Lipow, president of oil industry and market consulting firm Lipow Oil Associates. “We’re seeing a permanent change as far as how Europe gets its energy in the future. One result is the United States and European energy policy are going to be more closely intertwined.”

Europe’s reaction against its largest energy supplier’s attempt to remake the map has sent shockwaves through global markets. These were felt most acutely on the continent, where electricity and natural gas prices surged as much as 15-fold, prompting governments to spend more than $800 billion to ease consumers’ financial burdens.

We (particularly political ideologues) just don't seem to learn that you can't make predictions, assumptions and extrapolations in a complex world. No one saw this transformation coming this quickly, and the United States of America has led the way. As we should.

I love it.

We still have to deal with the country who is actually a bigger adversary, China, but no doubt they have taken note of what America leading the world again looks like. The USA doesn't exist in weak isolation, and it's nice to see that we know that again.

The same thing would have happened if trump were president except that you would not be supporting him with glowing comments
As expected, the Trumpsters don't like this story.
It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the realities of the world oil market. Oil requirments didnt go down when Russia invaded Ukraine. Worldwide oil production didnt increase to enough to replace the oil that Russia produces. So what's that tell you?
It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the realities of the world oil market. Oil requirments didnt go down when Russia invaded Ukraine. Worldwide oil production didnt increase to enough to replace the oil that Russia produces. So what's that tell you?

Keep in mind when you're addressing Mac1958, you're talking to a cultist.
It has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the realities of the world oil market. Oil requirments didnt go down when Russia invaded Ukraine. Worldwide oil production didnt increase to enough to replace the oil that Russia produces. So what's that tell you?
I didn't say Trump. I said "Trumpsters".
OP is not the brightest Xmas tree decoration and even if you keep it simple will not really follow the narrative .

Who is going to be the first to tell her that various discoverers have found places which they have named , China , India , south America etc .

Break it gently .
The Russian troll gets thumbs up from the drooling mouth breathers
Progress comes with a price. Prices will come down once all the growing pains are worked through

Do you not see it as a good thing that the US has largely replaced Russia as the energy supplier to Europe?
The price discrepancy between shipping and pipeline will never be equalized. Europe screwed itself with it's idiotic sanctions, and the US is an unreliable trade partner when it comes to energy in the future. Your green freaks will have no problem watching Europe freeze in the dark if it means Creepy Joe can sniff Greta's hair.
For those of us who consider Putin & Russia to be a malevolent actor on the world stage:

Putin's stupid gambit in Ukraine is not only isolating Russia for decades to come, -- I love that -- but it is also rapidly changing world trade dynamics in a positive way for the United States of America. While Putin thought (HA) that he had Europe over an oil barrel when he invaded, the world quickly adapted, America jumped in, and he has screwed himself in the energy department, too.

“Europe’s energy divorce from Russia is nearly complete,” said Andrew Lipow, president of oil industry and market consulting firm Lipow Oil Associates. “We’re seeing a permanent change as far as how Europe gets its energy in the future. One result is the United States and European energy policy are going to be more closely intertwined.”

Europe’s reaction against its largest energy supplier’s attempt to remake the map has sent shockwaves through global markets. These were felt most acutely on the continent, where electricity and natural gas prices surged as much as 15-fold, prompting governments to spend more than $800 billion to ease consumers’ financial burdens.

We (particularly political ideologues) just don't seem to learn that you can't make predictions, assumptions and extrapolations in a complex world. No one saw this transformation coming this quickly, and the United States of America has led the way. As we should.

I love it.

We still have to deal with the country who is actually a bigger adversary, China, but no doubt they have taken note of what America leading the world again looks like. The USA doesn't exist in weak isolation, and it's nice to see that we know that again.

And we are closer to a nuclear WWIII then we have ever been.
What part of "electricity and natural gas prices surged as much as 15-fold" did you miss?
What part of them going back down quite a bit did you miss?

It's pretty sad to watch you pretend to weep for Germans paying more for gas, but not give a shit about the orange slob's boyfriend slaughtering Ukrainians.

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