Putin's Bombers Could Devastate Ukraine But He's Holding Back. Here's Why

How do you account for Mariupol then?
Mariupol is punitive. You have Donbas elements and Russian regulars fighting to take the city. Eight years of ethnic cleansing were planned and launched from Mariupol. Your neo-nazi friends from Azov have a huge presence there. Good luck sorting it all out.
Gabe Lackmann
Contra the Western and Ukrainian driven propaganda that is daily fed to people.

The author is a highly regarded expert.

As destructive as the Ukraine war is, Russia is causing less damage and killing fewer civilians than it could, U.S. intelligence experts say.​
"The destruction is massive," a senior analyst working at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) tells Newsweek, "especially when compared with what Europeans and Americans are used to seeing."
But, the analyst says, the damage associated with a contested ground war involving peer opponents shouldn't blind people to what is really happening. (The analyst requested anonymity in order to speak about classified matters.) "The heart of Kyiv has barely been touched. And almost all of the long-range strikes have been aimed at military targets."
"We need to understand Russia's actual conduct," says a retired Air Force officer, a lawyer by training who has been involved in approving targets for U.S. fights in Iraq and Afghanistan. The officer currently works as an analyst with a large military contractor advising the Pentagon and was granted anonymity in order to speak candidly.
"If we merely convince ourselves that Russia is bombing indiscriminately, or [that] it is failing to inflict more harm because its personnel are not up to the task or because it is technically inept, then we are not seeing the real conflict."
In the analyst's view, though the war has led to unprecedented destruction in the south and east, the Russian military has actually been showing restraint in its long-range attacks.

You failed to mention the main point: Putin wants back the Russian part of Ukraine and to make the rest of Ukraine a neutral country. Biden will agree to this after he tries to establishe himself as a tough guy and convince the American people that it is their patriotic duty to lower their standard of living.
Gabe Lackmann

You failed to mention the main point: Putin wants back the Russian part of Ukraine and to make the rest of Ukraine a neutral country. Biden will agree to this after he tries to establishe himself as a tough guy and convince the American people that it is their patriotic duty to lower their standard of living.
Ukraine can only be neutral NOW if Russia is emasculated from future invasions, and Putin never wanted a neutral Ukraine - he wanted a stooge republic like Belarus. And Ukraine will be able to continue attacking Russians within its borders until nato tells them to stop...... which will probably not be in nato's interest until the russians withdraw and putin retires.
Contra the Western and Ukrainian driven propaganda that is daily fed to people.

The author is a highly regarded expert.

As destructive as the Ukraine war is, Russia is causing less damage and killing fewer civilians than it could, U.S. intelligence experts say.​
"The destruction is massive," a senior analyst working at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) tells Newsweek, "especially when compared with what Europeans and Americans are used to seeing."
But, the analyst says, the damage associated with a contested ground war involving peer opponents shouldn't blind people to what is really happening. (The analyst requested anonymity in order to speak about classified matters.) "The heart of Kyiv has barely been touched. And almost all of the long-range strikes have been aimed at military targets."
"We need to understand Russia's actual conduct," says a retired Air Force officer, a lawyer by training who has been involved in approving targets for U.S. fights in Iraq and Afghanistan. The officer currently works as an analyst with a large military contractor advising the Pentagon and was granted anonymity in order to speak candidly.
"If we merely convince ourselves that Russia is bombing indiscriminately, or [that] it is failing to inflict more harm because its personnel are not up to the task or because it is technically inept, then we are not seeing the real conflict."
In the analyst's view, though the war has led to unprecedented destruction in the south and east, the Russian military has actually been showing restraint in its long-range attacks.

It's like saying "I stabbed him 5 times but it could have been worse". You're a fucking idiot.
Mariupol is punitive. You have Donbas elements and Russian regulars fighting to take the city. Eight years of ethnic cleansing were planned and launched from Mariupol. Your neo-nazi friends from Azov have a huge presence there. Good luck sorting it all out.
And you're not a Russian sock huh?

Wisconsin my ass
By civilians? In hospitals and shelters?

The resistance is far tougher north and west of Kiyv
When one side is taking fire from a given area; they return fire. Simple as that.
And you're not a Russian sock huh?

Wisconsin my ass
I have no horse in this race, I can call it as it is. You on the other hand are bowing to Twinkle Toes Zelensky and and miss the truth, because the corrupt monkey in Kiev is a liar. Open your eyes idiot or your fragile little brain will shatter when reality comes crashing down.

Once again you make unproven accusatios. You are a liar. Go play in traffic.
I have no horse in this race, I can call it as it is. You on the other hand are bowing to Twinkle Toes Zelensky and and miss the truth, because the corrupt monkey in Kiev is a liar. Open your eyes idiot or your fragile little brain will shatter when reality comes crashing down.

Once again you make unproven accusatios. You are a liar. Go play in traffic.
Interesting that you post exactly like the admitted Russians, sock puppets, and indeed Putin state "news" agencies...
When one side is taking fire from a given area; they return fire. Simple as that.
Sorry sock...there was no fire coming from that maternity hospital or from that church that had CHILDREN written in large letters on the pavement outside it.

Both were blown to shit as well as 90% of Mariupol

Putin's Bombers Could Devastate Ukraine But He's Holding Back. Here's Why​

Because he doesn’t want World War 3.

Interesting that you post exactly like the admitted Russians, sock puppets, and indeed Putin state "news" agencies...
Interesting is you make accusations without backing them up, again. You're a zero credibility troll. Nor can you stay on topic. Is the subject matter too difficult?
Sorry sock...there was no fire coming from that maternity hospital or from that church that had CHILDREN written in large letters on the pavement outside it.

Both were blown to shit as well as 90% of Mariupol
Right. Because you were there and all. You know the areas that the Russians reported that they were taking fire from. Riiiight…
Right. Because you were there and all. You know the areas that the Russians reported that they were taking fire from. Riiiight…
Those POOR Russians. Just minding their own business and caught up in gangster driveby. Thier families. THINK OF THEIR POOR FAMILIES. IT'S AFUCKING TRAGEDY.

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