Putin's army can't figure out how to use tanks, and the battlefield in Ukraine is littered with burnt wrecks


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
One thing that has been a real eye-opener, is how the once thought to be great military, is actually the bumbling stumbling Keystone cops.

We would have wiped the battlefield with these losers had it been a head-to-head fight with the U.S.

  • Russia's tank force — once seen as formidable — is being ripped apart by the Ukrainian military.
  • Western officials say Russia has likely lost up to half of its tanks on the battlefield, if not more.
  • Military experts told Insider that this is because Russia doesn't know how to use them properly.

Russia's tanks were once seen as fearsome, formidable threats, but the war in Ukraine shows it doesn't know how to use them.

The Russian tank force has taken a beating. US officials have said on more than one occasion that Russia has likely lost as many as half its main battle tanks while fighting in Ukraine, if not more. According to an open-source intelligence analysis by Oryx, more than 1,780 Russian tanks have been destroyed, damaged, captured, or abandoned since Moscow launched its invasion in February 2022.

One thing that has been a real eye-opener, is how the once thought to be great military, is actually the bumbling stumbling Keystone cops.

Odd that if Russia is losing so many tanks, that the article doesn't show even one picture or video detailing the actual losses! I mean, if Insider doesn't even have that much, how do they know, by just getting word from some third party?

Before the internet, news companies reported on things they had FIRST HAND knowledge of!
One thing that has been a real eye-opener, is how the once thought to be great military, is actually the bumbling stumbling Keystone cops.

We would have wiped the battlefield with these losers had it been a head-to-head fight with the U.S.

  • Russia's tank force — once seen as formidable — is being ripped apart by the Ukrainian military.
  • Western officials say Russia has likely lost up to half of its tanks on the battlefield, if not more.
  • Military experts told Insider that this is because Russia doesn't know how to use them properly.

Tanks are getting obsolete. Saddam had the 4th most tanks in the world when we invaded Iraq. They are too easily destroyed by too many weapon systems.
Odd that if Russia is losing so many tanks, that the article doesn't show even one picture or video detailing the actual losses! I mean, if Insider doesn't even have that much, how do they know, by just getting word from some third party?

Before the internet, news companies reported on things they had FIRST HAND knowledge of!

Go on r/ukrainewarreport on reddit. There are thousands of videos now, of tanks being blown up or incapacitated in some way.
Tanks are getting obsolete. Saddam had the 4th most tanks in the world when we invaded Iraq. They are too easily destroyed by too many weapon systems.

Yes and no. It depends on the quality of the tanks too. I'd put up an M1A2C Abrams or the Panther KF51 when it comes out, against a T-90 or a T-80 any day.

The Russians are using mostly cold war era designed and produced tanks, just with "updated armor and Active Protection Systems that usually protect from frontal shots, not from the rear or behind.

There is also a lack of tank-on-tank combat, most of these tanks are being destroyed via drones, or men on the ground with anti-tank rockets and missiles.
which is what makes them obsolete

Makes Russian tanks obsolete. I'd be interested in seeing how American tanks or German ones fair once they get to Ukraine. Ours aren't shit like theirs. If I'm not mistaken, the new German Panther KF51 has systems in place that protects it from drone strikes, and it can even send out its own suicide drones if needed.
Go on r/ukrainewarreport on reddit. There are thousands of videos now, of tanks being blown up or incapacitated in some way.

If this is such a big war, why isn't that stuff on the nightly news? And these days, can you really trust anything you see on video without some sort or corroboration?

And the news keeps reporting that the "U.S. just announced" another package of weapons and money being sent to Ukraine--- just how does the U.S. do that? Does it have a mouth? Does it decide policy? Why isn't Congress passing any of this? Why don't they just say that Biden is doing it, unilaterally, or at least Biden's generals are doing it and telling Joe this is how it will be.

Boy, I bet the military is making even more money on this war than Pfizer made selling placebo for the Covid emergency! Wonder what the next crisis will be after this war is done?
If this is such a big war, why isn't that stuff on the nightly news? And these days, can you really trust anything you see on video without some sort or corroboration?

Frankly, because we lost interest as a nation. It was big and exciting when it first started, but now, it's just a bloody stalemate in the east. Nothing really exciting there.

And the news keeps reporting that the "U.S. just announced" another package of weapons and money being sent to Ukraine--- just how does the U.S. do that? Does it have a mouth? Does it decide policy? Why isn't Congress passing any of this? Why don't they just say that Biden is doing it, unilaterally, or at least Biden's generals are doing it and telling Joe this is how it will be.

Usually they do give credit to Biden, but do you really expect David Muir to explain what he means by "the U.S.?

Seems like a dumb thing to be concerned about.

Boy, I bet the military is making even more money on this war than Pfizer made selling placebo for the Covid emergency! Wonder what the next crisis will be after this war is done?

Probably losing money honestly, since we're sending so much shit over, and we know we won't be paid for it.

Dear Uncle Ps fumbling grasp of Tanks is so horrific that they have only destroyed over 8000 opposition ones.

The Kyiv Nazis must desperately hope the Russians remain clueless to give them any chance of getting much past Easter .
The Ukrainians in Bakhmut and elsewhere are outgunned 10 to 1:

The Ukraine war has become a ferocious battle dominated by artillery and Ukrainian forces are operating at a huge disadvantage: Russia has numerical superiority of 10 heavy guns to every one at the disposal of Kyiv. Furthermore, Ukraine is running low on ammunition and requires urgent supplies of shells, Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s government has warned.
According to data from the European Commission to which EL PAÍS has had access, Russia fires between 40,000 and 50,000 artillery shells per day, compared to 5,000-6,000 Ukrainian forces expend. The Estonian government, which has been one of largest contributors to Kyiv’s war effort, puts the average use of artillery at between 20,000 and 60,000 Russian shells per day, and 2,000 to 7,000 Ukrainian rounds, according to a document sent to EU Member States by Tallinn, to which this newspaper has had access. These numbers equate to between 600,000 and 1.8 million Russian shells fired per month, compared to between 60,000 and 210,000 by Ukrainian artillery.
Over the last six weeks the Russian counter-battery campaign destroyed some additional 500 Ukrainian howitzers and multiple rocket launchers. The Russian Lancet suicide drones (videos) have done a lot of that work. Russia has thereby increased its own artillery advantage even more.

As artillery is the major killer in any modern war this also means that casualties on both sides will follow a similar ratio as the number of guns and rounds fired by each side.

For the last several weeks the daily 'clobber report' by the Russian Defense Ministry reported some 350-400 Ukrainian soldiers killed per day along the whole frontline. On Thursday that number increased to 640, stayed at 640 in Friday's report and increased to 880 in today's report. 490 of those were reported in the Bakhmut area.

BBC cooperates with other organization to count every announcement of a dead soldier in the Russian local media. Since the start of the war it has identified a total of 16,000:

Throughout 2022, Russian sources typically reported about 250–300 deaths each week, doubling in January and continuing to grow again in February.
Russian source report death per week at a lower rate than Ukrainian death per day. The ratio is again about 10 Ukrainians for 1 Russian. That number of Russian dead has doubled in January and further increased in February says the BBC. But the 10 to 1 ratio between Ukrainian and Russian dead will still have been the same.
The Ukrainians in Bakhmut and elsewhere are outgunned 10 to 1:

Over the last six weeks the Russian counter-battery campaign destroyed some additional 500 Ukrainian howitzers and multiple rocket launchers. The Russian Lancet suicide drones (videos) have done a lot of that work. Russia has thereby increased its own artillery advantage even more.

As artillery is the major killer in any modern war this also means that casualties on both sides will follow a similar ratio as the number of guns and rounds fired by each side.

For the last several weeks the daily 'clobber report' by the Russian Defense Ministry reported some 350-400 Ukrainian soldiers killed per day along the whole frontline. On Thursday that number increased to 640, stayed at 640 in Friday's report and increased to 880 in today's report. 490 of those were reported in the Bakhmut area.

BBC cooperates with other organization to count every announcement of a dead soldier in the Russian local media. Since the start of the war it has identified a total of 16,000:

Russian source report death per week at a lower rate than Ukrainian death per day. The ratio is again about 10 Ukrainians for 1 Russian. That number of Russian dead has doubled in January and further increased in February says the BBC. But the 10 to 1 ratio between Ukrainian and Russian dead will still have been the same.
Yep. The lion invaded the mouse's lair and one year later the lion finally took a town. Rah Rah.

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