Putin mocks the West moral decline

Russian President Vladimir Putin has pointed to the Church of England's recent decision to explore gender-neutral terms for God as evidence that the West does not know what it is doing and is heading for a 'spiritual catastrophe'.

Delivering a state-of-the-nation address to the Russian people today, Putin railed against perceived Western stupidity and said the West was waging a culture war against Russian Orthodox Christian values.

'The Anglican Church is considering a gender-neutral God. May God forgive them for they know not what they do,' Putin declared.

'Millions of people in the West understand they are being led to a real spiritual catastrophe,' he added.

He went on to accuse Western nations of changing historical facts to suit 'woke' ideologies and staunchly criticised the Church's recent discussions on allowing priests to 'bless' same-sex marriages.

'They distort historical facts, constantly attack our culture, the Russian Orthodox Church, and other traditional religions of our country.

'Look at what they do with their own peoples: the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, and the abuse of children are declared the norm. And priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages,' Putin said.

Putin mocks Church of England's plan to have a gender-neutral God

The Church of England earlier this month announced it was considering alternatives to referring to God as 'he' after priests asked to be allowed to use gender-neutral terms instead.

Any potential alterations, which would mark a departure from traditional Jewish and Christian teachings dating back millennia, would have to be approved by the Synod, the Church's decision-making body.

It is currently unclear what would replace the term Our Father in the Lord's Prayer, the central Christian prayer which Jesus Christ is said to have instructed his followers to say together down the generations.

Rev Dr Ian Paul earlier this month told The Telegraph that any change would represent an abandonment of the Church's own doctrine: 'The fact that God is called ''Father'' can't be substituted by ''Mother'' without changing meaning, nor can it be gender-neutralised to ''Parent'' without loss of meaning,' he said.

A Church of England spokesperson meanwhile said there are 'absolutely no plans' to consider a gender-neutral God.

'There are also absolutely no plans to abolish or substantially revise currently authorised liturgies and no such changes could be made without extensive legislation.'

Putin's speech in Moscow today was not limited to hammering Western religious and cultural doctrine.

But who can blame Putin going after the glaring weakness that is the "West"?

It's just too easy.

I’ll take the gender bullshit over slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people.
There have always been immoral people. We aren't in any kind of decline in fact we are on the rise. We have the greatest military on earth combined with the greatest workforce. You can't name a nation where people work harder. The only thing that's changed is the opportunity for anyone to be heard. Social media is creating a voice and anyone can Garner attention.

Have you seen the monsters, misfits, criminals, homeOs, fags, lgbtq, crazies, pedophilla, luggage theifs that now infest GOVT & Military, schools, Police..all of it?

DC is literally ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO NEST. Yet so many are OK with these sorts of vile evil immoral sorts in charge of Americas most vulnerable, its Children.
Its not so much that we are smarter. Its that you are in denial and have your head up your ass.

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While Democrats teach kids in school how the US is evil (CRT), when Putin says Ametica is in moral decline these same Democrats become triggered and snap at him for saying so.

WTF? Democrats claim we are inherently racist, evil, and in decline ... until someone like Putin says so.

Okay Boris.
Sure, if you equate politics and religion. I sure don't.

Look at how much you rubes have tithed to your orange con man for his various grifts.


You just stated you don't equate politics and religion ... then follow it up by contradicting yourself by saying how people have 'tithed' to Trump.


Of course , once again,you demonstrate your constant need to irrationally lash out at the former President by continuously engaging in childish, immature insults.



'Strong is the TDS in this one.'
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You just statedvyou don't equatevpolitics and religion ... then follow it up by contradicting yourself by saying how people have 'tithed' to Trump.


Of course , once again,you demonstrate your constant need to irrationally lash out at the former President by continuously engaging in childish, immature insults.


View attachment 759377
'Strong is the TDS in this one.'
Yes, I demonstrated how Trumpster DO equate the two. Wow.

I do try to keep things simple for you poor souls, but I no longer bother.

It was over your head. Again. My goodness, you're boring.
I’ll take the gender bullshit over slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent people.

Russia wants its coastline back. It was their land. Not your war, not your business.
Youd be OK with DEM GOVT using Military for slaughtering CA or FLA if it seceded.
Meet one of President Biden's former Cabinet members, a cross-dressing/trans freak with a fetish for stealing luggage (to include women's worn, dirty clothes).


'The US is NOT in moral decline!'

Every time I engage to even a small degree with these people, they jump right in to demonstrate the Dunning-Kruger Effect for me.

It's not even enjoyable for me. It's a little depressing.

So I just tune out from them again.
Always someone else's fault.
That may be, I don't know.

And as we all know, Putin has zero morals as well.

But Putin at least identifies the Achilles heel of the West, which is why he brings it up.

It's all he has.

Ummmm....he also has nukes.

The parts of his speech that I heard, he sounded a lot like JFK, Carter or Clinton (post triangulation)
I think that this speech is special because.............well.......................who else can tell the truth and not get cancelled? Putin has long been cancelled, so what does he care?

Putin is one of those rare individuals who still holds coverage in the media and at the same time, is not scared to get cancelled by speaking the truth on such matters.

Granted, the truth only matters to him so long as he can use it as propaganda.

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