Putin Is Obliterating Biden's Political Standing

What a STUPID, STUPID suggestion. Jailing everyone who crosses your border illegally for 5 years.

977,000 people crossed the border illegally in 2019. $50,000 per year to keep them in federal prison, so that's $50,000 X 5 years = $250,000 X 977,000 prisoners. That's $48 billion per year, just for one' year's prisoners. Over the period of 5 years, you'd spend $245 billion keeping these people in jail.

That's in addition to the highest rates of incarceration in the entire world.

Stupid? What do we do when a person murders another person? What do we do when we catch a child molester? What do we do when we find a person who is an arsonist? We put them in prison. Why? For one to keep them out of society so they don't harm anybody else, and two, as a deterrent to others who may contemplate similar crimes.

The only way to stop an unwanted action is a tough enough deterrent. We wouldn't need to lock up 977,000 people because with such a penalty they will stay the hell out of our country. No matter what kind of shit hole these people come from, it's better to live free in a shit hole than a country where you can only see freedom from inside a jail cell window.

If our gutless politicians would do it my way for three years, nearly every illegal would be out of this country. Problem solved.
Stupid? What do we do when a person murders another person? What do we do when we catch a child molester? What do we do when we find a person who is an arsonist? We put them in prison. Why? For one to keep them out of society so they don't harm anybody else, and two, as a deterrent to others who may contemplate similar crimes.

The only way to stop an unwanted action is a tough enough deterrent. We wouldn't need to lock up 977,000 people because with such a penalty they will stay the hell out of our country. No matter what kind of shit hole these people come from, it's better to live free in a shit hole than a country where you can only see freedom from inside a jail cell window.

If our gutless politicians would do it my way for three years, nearly every illegal would be out of this country. Problem solved.
I still like the Wall/Moat idea, with the Florida addition in the moat on the American side >>

Have you noticed how the lefties are out in force today, deflecting and lying about Trump? They know that the demented, weak man they voted for has encouraged Putin to launch a war against Ukraine.
Biden isn't doing this for nothing. Someone bought a painting. Speaking of Hunter, where is he? He went missing before the invasion. And the FBI is looking for him.
Yeah let's do that. Why are you supporting the communists?
Don't say youre not because you want Biden to fail. You're a true patriot.
The Prog controlled media is pushing Putin as bringing back the Soviet Union. We are becoming like the Soviet Union. Putin is what he is. But he also reinstated religion as legal. The Eastern Orthodox Church is healthy in Russia. In our nation today, religion is mocked and demeaned with regular accusations.
The Prog controlled media is pushing Putin as bringing back the Soviet Union. We are becoming like the Soviet Union. Putin is what he is. But he also reinstated religion as legal. The Eastern Orthodox Church is healthy in Russia. In our nation today, religion is mocked and demeaned with regular accusations.
You are very ignorant to campaigning.

All leaders embrace religion because thevstuoid godbotherers take comfort for thinking the leader is on their side.
Remember trump grandstanding in front of the church waving a bible? His popularity increases. Jesus junkies like you loved it.
He has as much religion in him as my dog and you fell for it.

The irony of both instances is teump went in to be defeated even with his pussy grabbing sins and Putin goes ahead and slaughters people at will.
Yet you think a dose of religion solves it all and you give them your blessing.
You're as dumb as dogshit.
They conned you son.
Stick with your filthy bible and let the adults set the agenda.
You know they'll make excuses for him like they have over this past year, and then of course try to blame anybody but him.

The only reason he got 81 million votes is because of mail-in voting. I hope America sees what a disaster that was and rejects it in the future.
Only if you include the votes mailed in by dead people, imaginary people and clones.
You are very ignorant to campaigning.

All leaders embrace religion because thevstuoid godbotherers take comfort for thinking the leader is on their side.
Remember trump grandstanding in front of the church waving a bible? His popularity increases. Jesus junkies like you loved it.
He has as much religion in him as my dog and you fell for it.

The irony of both instances is teump went in to be defeated even with his pussy grabbing sins and Putin goes ahead and slaughters people at will.
Yet you think a dose of religion solves it all and you give them your blessing.
You're as dumb as dogshit.
They conned you son.
Stick with your filthy bible and let the adults set the agenda.
There is a war against religion. I know Trump is not the most religious guy. But he did not bleed them. and supported Christians. Putin reinstated the Eastern Orthodox Church which is more no nonsense than the Western Catholic sister church. Communism is not coming back to Russia.
They are truly amazing. Uncanny how the human mind can go so far astray, but they do.

They ignore our border because they know Americans won't vote for them, so they have only 2 ways of winning an election >> fraud & foreigners.

Their position on defending Ukraine against Russia is not going to help them though. Not only conservatives oppose it, so do independents. Very little support for Biden sending US troops.

"Very little support for Biden sending US troops."

I believe I heard it was something like 22% of Americans polled support sending troops. And yet just yesterday, Biden ordered a few thousand more troops to deploy to Germany on standby. It's like he's determined to see if he can make enough bad decisions to sink his approval numbers into the teens. I guess he figures that's one guaranteed way to ensure he'll forever be remembered in US history.
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There is a war against religion. I know Trump is not the most religious guy. But he did not bleed them. and supported Christians. Putin reinstated the Eastern Orthodox Church which is more no nonsense than the Western Catholic sister church. Communism is not coming back to Russia.
Grow up. As a Republican if course you hate communism but for you to suggest you gave unique information to predict the demise of communism is extremely arrogant.

You need to understand, there is no God but you will contest that with faith only. No one is at war with religion. The problem is You godbotherers think you have a right to rule everyone's lives with your religious threats and intelligent people aren't buying it.
Young people today are better educated, Religi on is not forced down their throats at school, they think for themselves.
Lately Religion has been
Desperate to link itself to science any way it can because it is feeling irrelevant and for good reason.
You simpletons believe in immaculate conception and virgin births yet expect rational people to believe it.
There's no war on Religion. it's just that people are not showing to your silly gods any more. Life can exist without God. There is no heaven or hell. Everything they need to know is explained by science and a silly God is not necessary.

Have another go son. I love it when you bleat about rReligion
Do totally moronic posts like this even deserve the dignity of a response ? I'll think that over for a while.
Every now and then I'll unmask my ignore list, and I'll start reading one of her idiotic posts with the intention of responding, but every single time the post is so fucking ridiculously stupid that I can't even bear to finish reading it. You can literally feel your IQ dropping while reading her empty headed drivel.
Grow up. As a Republican if course you hate communism but for you to suggest you gave unique information to predict the demise of communism is extremely arrogant.

You need to understand, there is no God but you will contest that with faith only. No one is at war with religion. The problem is You godbotherers think you have a right to rule everyone's lives with your religious threats and intelligent people aren't buying it.
Young people today are better educated, Religi on is not forced down their throats at school, they think for themselves.
Lately Religion has been
Desperate to link itself to science any way it can because it is feeling irrelevant and for good reason.
You simpletons believe in immaculate conception and virgin births yet expect rational people to believe it.
There's no war on Religion. it's just that people are not showing to your silly gods any more. Life can exist without God. There is no heaven or hell. Everything they need to know is explained by science and a silly God is not necessary.

Have another go son. I love it when you bleat about rReligion

Correct, look at how much better society has gotten as we slowly removed God out of it over the years. :eusa_shhh:
There is a war against religion. I know Trump is not the most religious guy. But he did not bleed them. and supported Christians. Putin reinstated the Eastern Orthodox Church which is more no nonsense than the Western Catholic sister church. Communism is not coming back to Russia.

There are two trains of thought on that: One is Putin is trying to keep Ukraine out of the UN, and the other is he's using the UN as an excuse to slowly rebuild the Soviet Union. He won't live long enough for the latter even if it were possible, but if that is the case, I don't know why Ukraine doesn't back off the UN idea just to say "I told you so" to the rest of the world.

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