Putin Has A Point!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Notwithstanding the fact that I despise (with vengeance) communism and the promoters of it, I think we should adopt Putin's attitude toward immigration, especially as related to those that wish to come here and alter our policies to fit their desires. If they are incapable of assimilating into our American constitutional Republic and contribute to its growth, or choose not to do so, they should not be allowed to live here.


Pay attention America...if it's not too late! No wonder Putin was selected as the most powerful person in the world by FORBES Magazine. This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin. Not only our leaders, but every American citizen should pay attention to this advice. How scary is that? It is a sad day when a Communist leader makes more sense than so many of our elected officials in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate, but here it is! Vladimir Putin's speech - the SHORTEST SPEECH he has EVER made. As the Russian president, Putin addressed the Duma (the Russian Parliament) and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:

"In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect all Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and wish to live the life of Muslims, then we now clearly advise them to go and live in those places where that's the state law.

Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination’! We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of so-called democracies -- America, England, France, Germany, and Holland -- if we are to survive as a nation.

The Muslims are taking over those countries, BUT they will NOT take over Russia! Our Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest FIRST , observing that the Muslim minorities ARE NOT Russian."

The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.
Fuck Putin. There is no suicide of Western Democracy, only an information war where the democracies are being attacked using their own freedoms against them.

He certainly wants you to believe his and Trumps version of reality.
Fuck Putin. There is no suicide of Western Democracy, only an information war where the democracies are being attacked using their own freedoms against them.

He certainly wants you to believe his and Trumps version of reality.
When Russia was the Soviet Union, Progs cummed in their pants with admiration. Putin is the result of outside interference that gave that nation the darkest period in their history. He is a nationalist in that he will accept no outside interference anymore. He must be laughing. Seeing Progs becoming what he was.
Fuck Putin. There is no suicide of Western Democracy, only an information war where the democracies are being attacked using their own freedoms against them.

He certainly wants you to believe his and Trumps version of reality.
When Russia was the Soviet Union, Progs cummed in their pants with admiration. Putin is the result of outside interference that gave that nation the darkest period in their history. He is a nationalist in that he will accept no outside interference anymore. He must be laughing. Seeing Progs becoming what he was.

Funny considering it was the lure of Levies Jeans and other material goods, so plentiful in the West, that brought them down.
This discussion is about immigration and specifically about failure to assimilate, especially as it relates to constitutional law.
Since when did the constitution care about assimilation?
Just curious. Are American citizens allowed to speak another language or are we to outlaw that as well?

Just trying to get a handle on what free speech means these days. A company now has to allow any and all thoughts and comments on it's social media pages but I can't say 'hola' to my neighbor?
A) Putin is not a communist, there are real communists in Russia. he is not one. And I don't mean our brand of fake commies.

B) We call that being an assimilationist...France is the most famous country for doing this.

C) Russians need immigrants because they don't have babies, lol. Anyone moderately rich does.

We used to call it the melting pot but that's fallen out of favor.
Just curious. Are American citizens allowed to speak another language or are we to outlaw that as well?

Just trying to get a handle on what free speech means these days. A company now has to allow any and all thoughts and comments on it's social media pages but I can't say 'hola' to my neighbor?

You say that like there haven't been attempts to outlaw speaking German in the home (google it)

Or we didn't genocide the cajuns to assimilate them and force them to learn english

Native Americans as well

That's how you forge a nation

The Chinese are doing it the the uighyrs as we speak
Just curious. Are American citizens allowed to speak another language or are we to outlaw that as well?

Just trying to get a handle on what free speech means these days. A company now has to allow any and all thoughts and comments on it's social media pages but I can't say 'hola' to my neighbor?

You say that like there haven't been attempts to outlaw speaking German in the home (google it)

Or we didn't genocide the cajuns to assimilate them and force them to learn english

Native Americans as well

That's how you forge a nation

The Chinese are doing it the the uighyrs as we speak

You know, I think I'd prefer someone who actually believes in our form of government and wants to stay on topic to answer the question. Thank you.
Fuck Putin. There is no suicide of Western Democracy, only an information war where the democracies are being attacked using their own freedoms against them.

He certainly wants you to believe his and Trumps version of reality.
When Russia was the Soviet Union, Progs cummed in their pants with admiration. Putin is the result of outside interference that gave that nation the darkest period in their history. He is a nationalist in that he will accept no outside interference anymore. He must be laughing. Seeing Progs becoming what he was.

Funny considering it was the lure of Levies Jeans and other material goods, so plentiful in the West, that brought them down.
People living insufferably and not smiling on the streets and those who were deemed not the friends of the state in gulags Putin remembered. Putin is a production for the globalists who short circuited and then became a lover of Mother Russia as a nationalist state. The Soviet Union could not bring production into their beliefs in all facets. Levis and Soda and other things is a joke to the death of tens of millions. Real death and not the stupidity we do in our neighborhoods.
Putin protects his people

You might as well learn Spanish because English is going to be replaced
Fuck Putin. There is no suicide of Western Democracy, only an information war where the democracies are being attacked using their own freedoms against them.

He certainly wants you to believe his and Trumps version of reality.
When Russia was the Soviet Union, Progs cummed in their pants with admiration. Putin is the result of outside interference that gave that nation the darkest period in their history. He is a nationalist in that he will accept no outside interference anymore. He must be laughing. Seeing Progs becoming what he was.

Funny considering it was the lure of Levies Jeans and other material goods, so plentiful in the West, that brought them down.
Nah, it was there idiotic economic central planning and corrupt political system that brought them down, the Soviet Union was doomed from the start, just took them a tad over 70 years to figure it out.

Unfortunately we seem to be following their example.:(
The immigrant may not be able to learn and be fluent in English,

But ALL of their kids will be fluent in English. Their kids will be no different than any other American's kids
That's not exactly true. The children of illegals, many of them, will grow up with a biased
hateful view of this nation. We already see it with many "dreamers".
Notwithstanding the fact that I despise (with vengeance) communism and the promoters of it, I think we should adopt Putin's attitude toward immigration, especially as related to those that wish to come here and alter our policies to fit their desires. If they are incapable of assimilating into our American constitutional Republic and contribute to its growth, or choose not to do so, they should not be allowed to live here.


Pay attention America...if it's not too late! No wonder Putin was selected as the most powerful person in the world by FORBES Magazine. This is one time our elected leaders should pay attention to the advice of Vladimir Putin. Not only our leaders, but every American citizen should pay attention to this advice. How scary is that? It is a sad day when a Communist leader makes more sense than so many of our elected officials in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate, but here it is! Vladimir Putin's speech - the SHORTEST SPEECH he has EVER made. As the Russian president, Putin addressed the Duma (the Russian Parliament) and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia:

"In Russia, live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, it should speak Russian, and should respect all Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and wish to live the life of Muslims, then we now clearly advise them to go and live in those places where that's the state law.

Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination’! We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of so-called democracies -- America, England, France, Germany, and Holland -- if we are to survive as a nation.

The Muslims are taking over those countries, BUT they will NOT take over Russia! Our Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest FIRST , observing that the Muslim minorities ARE NOT Russian."

The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.

America is becoming a infested shit hole slowly because we have too much diversity and no one wants to conform.

I am ok with immigration.

What I am not ok with is people who will not conform to America. People who don't want to follow American customs. People who want to change america. People who want society to change for them, not change for society. If you can't be a part of America then you need to get out.

That is single handedly our biggest problem in this country. We're tearing ourselves apart because the gays want things one way, blacks want it another, trannies expect this, young idiot kids want that, Muslims want to change things, and it keeps going. No one realized the america is a society and we all have to be on the same page and sign the same agreement. No we have a shit load of domestic and foreign retards who all want their version of America so all they do is bitch, complain, argue, protest and whine.

America is a country and a society if you can't conform to it then don't move here or get the fuck out.

Yeah Putin is a scumbag in a lot of ways but I also greatly respect him as a leader because he direct, blunt, strong, and has a vision for his country and he will not waver and do what it takes to protect his country. Be also doesn't play games or put up with bullshit. And that's a leader should be.

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