put americans back to work!


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
this holiday season try to buy american!

So after nearly a year of crisscrossing the country as part of our Made in America journey, we remembered what economists across the board told us at the very start: If every American spent $64 on something made in America, we could create 200,000 jobs right now.

Made in America: Creating Jobs for Christmas - ABC News

i try to do this every day buy american.......i want to put my fellow americans back to work!
Haven't heard about this in decades. Seems it was replaced with "the bailouts were criminal" and "the Chevy volt is the commie-car!"

Pride in our country is sadly waning at this moment; it could use a shot in the arm!

Good work!

I will go one step further - buy local! Forgo Walmart and buy from the small business owners right down the street!
hmmm i dont think you will find much made in america in walmart.....i try to shop local but in a rural area that is hard,,,we just dont have the selection or large stores
Ya. 200,000 part time minimum wage jobs that will last until January.
Almost half the jobs 'created' in the last report were 'created' by the government. And who's paying their wages? The tax payer of course.
The 'First Affirmative Action President' sure turned out to be smart. Just like the 'OJ jury' knew he would be right?
Obama has a problem: Generally speaking more people with decent secure jobs are REPs. They are called the 'Makers'. Most people who are basically illiterate and therefore unemployable must depend on the government to survive always vote LIB. These are known as the 'Takers'.
The one caveat is most people who are employed by the government who have decent secure jobs will always vote LIB. I mean why wouldn't they right? Ever gone into a government agency and needed to talk to someone with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread'? Then you know what I mean. Maybe that's where the joke about needing ten government workers to change a light bulb originated.
So Obama must employ as many government LIBs as possible.
Actually doing anything to help the private sector economy, hence increase that employee base is counter-productive to the LIB/Socialist agenda.
Ya. 200,000 part time minimum wage jobs that will last until January.
Almost half the jobs 'created' in the last report were 'created' by the government. And who's paying their wages? The tax payer of course.
The 'First Affirmative Action President' sure turned out to be smart. Just like the 'OJ jury' knew he would be right?
Obama has a problem: Generally speaking more people with decent secure jobs are REPs. They are called the 'Makers'. Most people who are basically illiterate and therefore unemployable must depend on the government to survive always vote LIB. These are known as the 'Takers'.
The one caveat is most people who are employed by the government who have decent secure jobs will always vote LIB. I mean why wouldn't they right? Ever gone into a government agency and needed to talk to someone with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread'? Then you know what I mean. Maybe that's where the joke about needing ten government workers to change a light bulb originated.
So Obama must employ as many government LIBs as possible.
Actually doing anything to help the private sector economy, hence increase that employee base is counter-productive to the LIB/Socialist agenda.

and what does that have to do with buy american?

you got plenty of threads to go into your little rant....do it somewhere else....
consider that the average person is shelling up 700 bucks for holiday shopping....you are only ask to spend 10% on american goods....surely everyone can do that?
Ya. 200,000 part time minimum wage jobs that will last until January.
Almost half the jobs 'created' in the last report were 'created' by the government. And who's paying their wages? The tax payer of course.
The 'First Affirmative Action President' sure turned out to be smart. Just like the 'OJ jury' knew he would be right?
Obama has a problem: Generally speaking more people with decent secure jobs are REPs. They are called the 'Makers'. Most people who are basically illiterate and therefore unemployable must depend on the government to survive always vote LIB. These are known as the 'Takers'.
The one caveat is most people who are employed by the government who have decent secure jobs will always vote LIB. I mean why wouldn't they right? Ever gone into a government agency and needed to talk to someone with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread'? Then you know what I mean. Maybe that's where the joke about needing ten government workers to change a light bulb originated.
So Obama must employ as many government LIBs as possible.
Actually doing anything to help the private sector economy, hence increase that employee base is counter-productive to the LIB/Socialist agenda.

Another conservative with no idea of how the US economy or the economy in general, functions.
Haven't heard about this in decades. Seems it was replaced with "the bailouts were criminal" and "the Chevy volt is the commie-car!"

Pride in our country is sadly waning at this moment; it could use a shot in the arm!

Good work!

I will go one step further - buy local! Forgo Walmart and buy from the small business owners right down the street!
Like the 'small business owner down the street' selling new clothes? Shoes? Kitchen appliances?
Wake up pal.
Virtually everything being sold in the US today has been manufactured over seas. No matter who's selling it.
I had this conversation with another person with their head in the sand like you recently.
We discussed that fact that a US company was making blue jeans in of all places the US! Sure you have to pay a few more bucks buy yeah! you're helping the local economy.
I happened to point out to him that: The fabric/thread/zipper/buttons/dye/machines were all manufactured outside the US. All the 'US' company was doing was hiring a couple of dozen little asian girls (with the help of a government wage subsidy) for slave wages working at 'piece rate' as many hours as they could physically. The MADE IN THE USA label is a farce.
That my friend is the future of manufacturing in America.......forever.
Haven't heard about this in decades. Seems it was replaced with "the bailouts were criminal" and "the Chevy volt is the commie-car!"

Pride in our country is sadly waning at this moment; it could use a shot in the arm!

Good work!

I will go one step further - buy local! Forgo Walmart and buy from the small business owners right down the street!
Like the 'small business owner down the street' selling new clothes? Shoes? Kitchen appliances?
Wake up pal.
Virtually everything being sold in the US today has been manufactured over seas. No matter who's selling it.
I had this conversation with another person with their head in the sand like you recently.
We discussed that fact that a US company was making blue jeans in of all places the US! Sure you have to pay a few more bucks buy yeah! you're helping the local economy.
I happened to point out to him that: The fabric/thread/zipper/buttons/dye/machines were all manufactured outside the US. All the 'US' company was doing was hiring a couple of dozen little asian girls (with the help of a government wage subsidy) for slave wages working at 'piece rate' as many hours as they could physically. The MADE IN THE USA label is a farce.
That my friend is the future of manufacturing in America.......forever.

you are not having a conversation....you are simply ranting your political agenda

sadly us textiles use to be big in nc.....furniture and textiles...we would like to see them come back
Haven't heard about this in decades. Seems it was replaced with "the bailouts were criminal" and "the Chevy volt is the commie-car!"

Pride in our country is sadly waning at this moment; it could use a shot in the arm!

Good work!

I will go one step further - buy local! Forgo Walmart and buy from the small business owners right down the street!
Like the 'small business owner down the street' selling new clothes? Shoes? Kitchen appliances?
Wake up pal.
Virtually everything being sold in the US today has been manufactured over seas. No matter who's selling it.
I had this conversation with another person with their head in the sand like you recently.
We discussed that fact that a US company was making blue jeans in of all places the US! Sure you have to pay a few more bucks buy yeah! you're helping the local economy.
I happened to point out to him that: The fabric/thread/zipper/buttons/dye/machines were all manufactured outside the US. All the 'US' company was doing was hiring a couple of dozen little asian girls (with the help of a government wage subsidy) for slave wages working at 'piece rate' as many hours as they could physically. The MADE IN THE USA label is a farce.
That my friend is the future of manufacturing in America.......forever.

You are being dishonest - what kind of car do you drive? If American, bravo. If foreign, that means that you had a choice, but decided instead to put your money elsewhere. While true many parts are made over-seas, even on American cars, some cars are much more "American" than others.

Oh, I'm not your friend, so if I ever see you at a bar, I DO NOT RECOMMEND you trying to put your arm around me or buying me a beer. :eusa_whistle:
Ya. 200,000 part time minimum wage jobs that will last until January.
Almost half the jobs 'created' in the last report were 'created' by the government. And who's paying their wages? The tax payer of course.
The 'First Affirmative Action President' sure turned out to be smart. Just like the 'OJ jury' knew he would be right?
Obama has a problem: Generally speaking more people with decent secure jobs are REPs. They are called the 'Makers'. Most people who are basically illiterate and therefore unemployable must depend on the government to survive always vote LIB. These are known as the 'Takers'.
The one caveat is most people who are employed by the government who have decent secure jobs will always vote LIB. I mean why wouldn't they right? Ever gone into a government agency and needed to talk to someone with an IQ higher than a slice of Wonder bread'? Then you know what I mean. Maybe that's where the joke about needing ten government workers to change a light bulb originated.
So Obama must employ as many government LIBs as possible.
Actually doing anything to help the private sector economy, hence increase that employee base is counter-productive to the LIB/Socialist agenda.

and what does that have to do with buy american?

you got plenty of threads to go into your little rant....do it somewhere else....
I'm happy here thanks.
The point is pal there's virtually nothing 'American' to buy.
How about you put up a short list of actually 'Made In America' items available?
The funny thing is that in both Asian and S. American countries.

People strive to purchase Made in America products.

Because U.S. made items are considered superior in both quality and materials to local made products. ... :cool:
I know - the wet blanket...but nevertheless - Americans do not care about other Americans when it comes to how WE affect others.
As consumers, we are selfish, short-sighted and have absolutely no regard for how our consumer choices affects others. We have lost all sense of the word "value". Today value = lowest possible price.
Americans do not care about buying foreign goods whatsoever. I would say less than 2% actually try and buy American when they can - even if the price is a little higher.
Good example of Made in America, at a better price and a better product. You buy a pair of Nike tennis shoes for $100 to $200+, that are made in Asia for about $14. But, for $200, you can buy a pair of Danner gortex lined leather hiking boots.

We still pay the same price for the shit from Asia, as with Nike and other products, but get inferiour products at inflated prices, making people rich who are not working at all. Time to look hard at what we are buying, and choose quality that is made right here.

But right now, the 'Conservatives' are fighing that idea tooth and nail. Look at what they state about the Tesla. One of the highest quality cars on the road, cutting edge technology, made right here in the USA by well paid workers, and all they can do is state that they would not have one. Same for the Chevy Volt, all I have heard from those that have them is good, yet the 'Conservatives' act as if this were a Yugo.

It is sad, but the primary impediment to Made in America, is very wealthy Americans that wish to make unearned dollars off of the backs of foriegn labor while denying Americans work.
Good example of Made in America, at a better price and a better product. You buy a pair of Nike tennis shoes for $100 to $200+, that are made in Asia for about $14. But, for $200, you can buy a pair of Danner gortex lined leather hiking boots.

We still pay the same price for the shit from Asia, as with Nike and other products, but get inferiour products at inflated prices, making people rich who are not working at all. Time to look hard at what we are buying, and choose quality that is made right here.

But right now, the 'Conservatives' are fighing that idea tooth and nail. Look at what they state about the Tesla. One of the highest quality cars on the road, cutting edge technology, made right here in the USA by well paid workers, and all they can do is state that they would not have one. Same for the Chevy Volt, all I have heard from those that have them is good, yet the 'Conservatives' act as if this were a Yugo.

It is sad, but the primary impediment to Made in America, is very wealthy Americans that wish to make unearned dollars off of the backs of foriegn labor while denying Americans work.

Your post = 10% reality...90% bullshit.
Americans constantly, consistently, continually, invariably, always and will continue to choose a cheap price as the ONLY reason for purchase.
What does this do? This forces ALL manufacturers to lower their cost to meet the only consumer demand that matters - cheap price. And how can they lower cost? Labor. It is both the easiest and most effective way for a manufacturer to cut cost.
Meanwhile - you bet investors are taking advantage of the situation by also pushing the cost factor down to achieve profits.
The wealthy laugh at us. What fools we are to complain about low wages, no jobs, job outsourcing etc. etc. - yet we line up like sheep at the local big box store with our carts full of "lowest possible price" goods.
focus on buying american.....orvis has a lot of made in the usa stuff...nordicware bake goods....

here ya go...if all you republicans buy the obama toilet paper? lol

Amazon.com: products made in america

we always talk about 'change' etc lol.....here is some real hope and change

Made in the USA | Be American. Buy American.
OK, the next time I'm in the market for a fly fishing reel I know where to go.
Those 'Pointer' overalls have imported buttons/thread/zippers on them. I like how King says they do "everything possible" to use 100% US made pieces though.
If you want to have a "conversation" how about you learn to string three words together coherently?
So far every post I read from you is littered with misspelled words and barely understandable grammar/sentence structure. That's not an insult but rather an observation.
focus on buying american.....orvis has a lot of made in the usa stuff...nordicware bake goods....

here ya go...if all you republicans buy the obama toilet paper? lol

Amazon.com: products made in america

we always talk about 'change' etc lol.....here is some real hope and change

Made in the USA | Be American. Buy American.
OK, the next time I'm in the market for a fly fishing reel I know where to go.
Those 'Pointer' overalls have imported buttons/thread/zippers on them. I like how King says they do "everything possible" to use 100% US made pieces though.
If you want to have a "conversation" how about you learn to string three words together coherently?
So far every post I read from you is littered with misspelled words and barely understandable grammar/sentence structure. That's not an insult but rather an observation.
Get a grip retard.......you are grasping at straws. ... :cool:

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