Push-Back Against Gender Identity Politics.

The Democrat Party rejects Christian values.
They don’t.

I wish they would. This is a democracy, not a theocracy, no matter how much you pine for a Christian Taliban.

Mixing religion and politics always has been dangerous and destructive. That said, many, if not most, of the supporters of the Democratic Party are Christians. I certainly don't see the policies of the Republican Party and its supporters as reflecting what I think are "Christian" values. Quite to the contrary. They certainly do not reflect the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount at all, Jesus is entirely absent from any central role in their religion. He's a figurehead only.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.
The Democrat Party rejects Christian values.
They don’t.

I wish they would. This is a democracy, not a theocracy, no matter how much you pine for a Christian Taliban.

Mixing religion and politics always has been dangerous and destructive. That said, many, if not most, of the supporters of the Democratic Party are Christians. I certainly don't see the policies of the Republican Party and its supporters as reflecting what I think are "Christian" values. Quite to the contrary. They certainly do not reflect the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount at all, Jesus is entirely absent from any central role in their religion. He's a figurehead only.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.

If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.
The Democrat Party rejects Christian values.
They don’t.

I wish they would. This is a democracy, not a theocracy, no matter how much you pine for a Christian Taliban.

Mixing religion and politics always has been dangerous and destructive. That said, many, if not most, of the supporters of the Democratic Party are Christians. I certainly don't see the policies of the Republican Party and its supporters as reflecting what I think are "Christian" values. Quite to the contrary. They certainly do not reflect the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount at all, Jesus is entirely absent from any central role in their religion. He's a figurehead only.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.

If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.

And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?
The Blue Wave is coming. And it looks like a helluva lot more people are leaving the Republican Party than the Democrats. Did you see this?

Fox News poll: Voters like Obamacare more than GOP tax cuts
the blue wave

About darn time.

The Left, the Bolshevik-lite, is on a jihad against traditional values and attitudes.

This is the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Democrats/Liberals infesting government and the judiciary:
If they 'identify' as a different sex, boys can shower with your 14-year-old daughter.

The attitude is simple one step closer to this sort of thing:

"After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
The Abolition of the Family

Of course, who can forget this peek into the Left's intentions:
Apr 11, 2008 - "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion ...."

Well, we can't have that.

But there is hope:

"Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn’t Want A Man In The Locker Room

A Michigan appeals court has ruled in favor of a woman who sued Planet Fitness over its cancellation of her membership because she took issue with its gender identity policies. According to media reports, the ruling sent the case back to a lower court because Planet Fitness did not appropriately disclose to the woman and other gym members that men would be allowed in the female locker room.

Via the Detroit Free Press:

Yvette Cormier, who was 48 at the time of the incident, sued Planet Fitness in March 2015 for invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, retaliation, breach of contract and emotional distress.

The appeals court found on Thursday that the gym was at fault for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

Cormier signed a contract with the Midland Planet Fitness when she joined the gym. The contract said she would have access to a private women’s locker room and restroom, according to the court’s opinion. If she had known transgender women would be allowed to use the restroom, she said in her lawsuit, she would not have joined the gym.

Therefore, the court reasoned, because the gym failed to tell her about the policy, they misled her when signing the contract.

Cormier continued to go to the gym after the incident and warned other women at the gym about the policy. The court said it was reasonable for her to continue using the gym because to cancel her membership early would have resulted in extra charges.

This lawsuit is the second legal action regarding Planet Fitness’ policies we’ve recently seen in the news. As we reported, the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to Planet Fitness on behalf of a woman in Florida who lost her membership for telling other women that men were allowed in the female locker room.

Planet Fitness has long jumped the shark on religious liberty and gender identity issues. Its “Judgment Free Zone” policy clearly doesn’t apply to women who don’t want strange men to be undressing around them. It doesn’t apply to Liberty Counsel’s client, who says she was previously raped and thus undressing around a strange man is a problem.

This hypocrisy is typical of corporations which put left-wing ideology over simply doing business well. “Diversity” only applies if you’re on board with the leftist agitation priority of the day. Otherwise, you’re not welcome, whether it’s at ESPN, Planet Fitness, or CrossFit."
Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn't Want A Man In The Locker Room - 2ndvote
Well my identity would depend on which Wife you talked to. They have different opinions it seems.
The Democrat Party rejects Christian values.
They don’t.

I wish they would. This is a democracy, not a theocracy, no matter how much you pine for a Christian Taliban.

Mixing religion and politics always has been dangerous and destructive. That said, many, if not most, of the supporters of the Democratic Party are Christians. I certainly don't see the policies of the Republican Party and its supporters as reflecting what I think are "Christian" values. Quite to the contrary. They certainly do not reflect the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount at all, Jesus is entirely absent from any central role in their religion. He's a figurehead only.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.

If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.

And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?

No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.
About darn time.

The Left, the Bolshevik-lite, is on a jihad against traditional values and attitudes.

This is the sort of thing one has come to expect from the Democrats/Liberals infesting government and the judiciary:
If they 'identify' as a different sex, boys can shower with your 14-year-old daughter.

The attitude is simple one step closer to this sort of thing:

"After losing power, Leon Trotsky would claim that the reason that communism had not been successful was that Stalin had not been ruthless enough in his efforts to eliminate the family. See Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed, trans. Max Eastman, New York, 1965, pp. 145ff.
The Abolition of the Family

Of course, who can forget this peek into the Left's intentions:
Apr 11, 2008 - "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion ...."

Well, we can't have that.

But there is hope:

"Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn’t Want A Man In The Locker Room

A Michigan appeals court has ruled in favor of a woman who sued Planet Fitness over its cancellation of her membership because she took issue with its gender identity policies. According to media reports, the ruling sent the case back to a lower court because Planet Fitness did not appropriately disclose to the woman and other gym members that men would be allowed in the female locker room.

Via the Detroit Free Press:

Yvette Cormier, who was 48 at the time of the incident, sued Planet Fitness in March 2015 for invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, retaliation, breach of contract and emotional distress.

The appeals court found on Thursday that the gym was at fault for violating the Consumer Protection Act.

Cormier signed a contract with the Midland Planet Fitness when she joined the gym. The contract said she would have access to a private women’s locker room and restroom, according to the court’s opinion. If she had known transgender women would be allowed to use the restroom, she said in her lawsuit, she would not have joined the gym.

Therefore, the court reasoned, because the gym failed to tell her about the policy, they misled her when signing the contract.

Cormier continued to go to the gym after the incident and warned other women at the gym about the policy. The court said it was reasonable for her to continue using the gym because to cancel her membership early would have resulted in extra charges.

This lawsuit is the second legal action regarding Planet Fitness’ policies we’ve recently seen in the news. As we reported, the conservative legal group Liberty Counsel sent a demand letter to Planet Fitness on behalf of a woman in Florida who lost her membership for telling other women that men were allowed in the female locker room.

Planet Fitness has long jumped the shark on religious liberty and gender identity issues. Its “Judgment Free Zone” policy clearly doesn’t apply to women who don’t want strange men to be undressing around them. It doesn’t apply to Liberty Counsel’s client, who says she was previously raped and thus undressing around a strange man is a problem.

This hypocrisy is typical of corporations which put left-wing ideology over simply doing business well. “Diversity” only applies if you’re on board with the leftist agitation priority of the day. Otherwise, you’re not welcome, whether it’s at ESPN, Planet Fitness, or CrossFit."
Court Rules Against Planet Fitness, For Woman Who Didn't Want A Man In The Locker Room - 2ndvote
This is about procedure. Dumbass.
They don’t.

I wish they would. This is a democracy, not a theocracy, no matter how much you pine for a Christian Taliban.

Mixing religion and politics always has been dangerous and destructive. That said, many, if not most, of the supporters of the Democratic Party are Christians. I certainly don't see the policies of the Republican Party and its supporters as reflecting what I think are "Christian" values. Quite to the contrary. They certainly do not reflect the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount at all, Jesus is entirely absent from any central role in their religion. He's a figurehead only.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.

If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.

And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?

No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.

The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.
Mixing religion and politics always has been dangerous and destructive. That said, many, if not most, of the supporters of the Democratic Party are Christians. I certainly don't see the policies of the Republican Party and its supporters as reflecting what I think are "Christian" values. Quite to the contrary. They certainly do not reflect the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount at all, Jesus is entirely absent from any central role in their religion. He's a figurehead only.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.

If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.

And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?

No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.

The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.

Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I couldn’t find anywhere in my the Bible where Jesus told John to go to the ladies baths dressed in drag.

If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.

And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?

No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.

The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.

Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I cant' help it if you do not know either history nor the teachings of Jesus. You people who now declare yourselves to be "Christians" are phonies.
If I recall correctly, in Jesus' time they had some rather specific notions regarding people dressing as the opposite sex.

And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?

No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.

The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.

Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I cant' help it if you do not know either history nor the teachings of Jesus. You people who now declare yourselves to be "Christians" are phonies.

I can't help it if you're a hypocrite who has to move the goal posts because you can't make a valid point.

Do us all a favor and hold your breath until we care about practicing our faith to meet your "standards". Or until we care about meeting your standards in any way at all, for that matter.
And? In Jesus' time, the men would not allow women out of the house. How many women were educated, literate, and had an avenue to make their opinions known? How many women served in the Senate? How many women could obtain divorces if their husbands failed to be faithful or otherwise disrespected them or otherwise were violent toward them? How many women had to serve a an "unclean" period post-childbirth, the length of which depended on whether the father of the child donated a male sperm or a female one? How many women were shunned because of the operation of their female biology? Is a tribal culture of 2,000 years ago going to govern our society today?

No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.

The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.

Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I cant' help it if you do not know either history nor the teachings of Jesus. You people who now declare yourselves to be "Christians" are phonies.

I can't help it if you're a hypocrite who has to move the goal posts because you can't make a valid point.

Do us all a favor and hold your breath until we care about practicing our faith to meet your "standards". Or until we care about meeting your standards in any way at all, for that matter.

So go on denying that any of these things ever took place and the people who history records as saying these things and doing these things actually did not say and do things. Keep smokin' it if it makes you feel better.

I guess Jesus never delivered the Sermon on the Mount. The Cathars were never massacred. Joan of Arc was never burned at the stake. Those women thought to be "witches" were never tortured and murdered by various methods in just about all the European countries. The Crusades did not occur. Jews were never tortured and murdered. To mention but a few.

Go ahead and deny that trash like the Falwell folks opened schools because they wanted African-Americans to be excluded. Go ahead and deny that the likes of jeffress and graham go around declaring that Islam is not a religion. Go ahead and deny that your particular cult grooms young girls to be for early sex trading into fake "marriages" in which they will be forced into sex on demand instead of being sent ahead to become educated members of society.

You have not responded to the continuing disgraces like graham, jeffress, perkins.
I guess Jesus never delivered the Sermon on the Mount. The Cathars were never massacred. Joan of Arc was never burned at the stake. Those women thought to be "witches" were never tortured and murdered by various methods in just about all the European countries. The Crusades did not occur. Jews were never tortured and murdered. To mention but a few.

Go ahead and deny that trash like the Falwell folks opened schools because they wanted African-Americans to be excluded. Go ahead and deny that the likes of jeffress and graham go around declaring that Islam is not a religion. Go ahead and deny that your particular cult grooms young girls to be for early sex trading into fake "marriages" in which they will be forced into sex on demand instead of being sent ahead to become educated members of society.

You have not responded to the continuing disgraces like graham, jeffress, perkins.

Angry feminist much? ^^ :itsok:

You DO realize don't you that the New Testament came about as a remedy for the old JEWISH testament and that the NT is what Christians today follow, yes? The NT is what sets Christians apart from Jews. So, properly, your beef is with Jews, not Christians. Many times in the NT, Jesus was reported to come to the aide of women. Jesus came to rewrite old Jewish laws that were barbaric and unfair. But some of the old laws weren't out of line; so they were held over in the NT and when they were, they were specifically mentioned. On that subject, you might want to read Jude 1 and Romans 1.

That's what got Jesus into trouble and got his butt crucified. He was running around throwing over money tables and preaching peace. Shouting down unfairness in old Jewish laws and Roman practices. With all that rebellion, Jesus took a look at homosexuality and said "yeah, well, if you promote that stuff you'll rot in Hell forever. Reach out to these people and help them heal their sins." ie: even Jesus said to the idea of homosexuality as a cultural phenomenon "yeah, not happenin' on my watch". Jesus could see that women were in fact "born that way" and that LGBTs in fact were made that way by sin.
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No, dear, you're confusing Biblical Jews with . . . I dunno, medieval Europeans? Muslims? No idea what you're babbling about. Served in the Senate? WHAT Senate? You ARE aware that Jesus was a Jew, not a Roman, right? You're just making shit up on the fly, based on your assumption that all ancient cultures abused women.

And if you're so offended by referencing the Bible, perhaps you shouldn't have tried to cloak your bullshit in Christianity.

The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.

Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I cant' help it if you do not know either history nor the teachings of Jesus. You people who now declare yourselves to be "Christians" are phonies.

I can't help it if you're a hypocrite who has to move the goal posts because you can't make a valid point.

Do us all a favor and hold your breath until we care about practicing our faith to meet your "standards". Or until we care about meeting your standards in any way at all, for that matter.

So go on denying that any of these things ever took place and the people who history records as saying these things and doing these things actually did not say and do things. Keep smokin' it if it makes you feel better.

I guess Jesus never delivered the Sermon on the Mount. The Cathars were never massacred. Joan of Arc was never burned at the stake. Those women thought to be "witches" were never tortured and murdered by various methods in just about all the European countries. The Crusades did not occur. Jews were never tortured and murdered. To mention but a few.

Go ahead and deny that trash like the Falwell folks opened schools because they wanted African-Americans to be excluded. Go ahead and deny that the likes of jeffress and graham go around declaring that Islam is not a religion. Go ahead and deny that your particular cult grooms young girls to be for early sex trading into fake "marriages" in which they will be forced into sex on demand instead of being sent ahead to become educated members of society.

You have not responded to the continuing disgraces like graham, jeffress, perkins.

See above, re: not caring what you think I am or what you think I should be.

I'm denying nothing except your belief that you're qualified as a moral arbiter.
The Roman Senate. At the same time, how many women served in the government of Judea? The Christians were as full of shit as everybody else. First, what I quoted is from the old testament, which includes these ancient abusive laws. The Romans ran Judea, but let the Jews run it with their own laws. Then, with the advent of Christianity, we got garbage like Saul/Paul and Timothy. Ever hear of Tertullian (oh,
Christian Father!) who wrote that people with female reproductive organs were "temples built upon a sewer"?

Don't pretend that any of this has anything to do with Jesus. It never did. The medieval Europeans advertised themselves as Christians, while fucking the entire thing up and warring against "heretics," (i.e. fellow Christians), Jews, and Muslims. Please read Christian history in Europe: the chronicles of blood and gore.

Most ancient cultures DID abuse women. Name one of the world's religions, including the Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, not to mention Hindus) that has not included superstitious fears about female reproductive biology into its core of belief and has included people with female reproductive organs into the full life of the religion in question. The scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths are full of the capturing and trading of female persons for sexual purposes.

Jesus never said a damn thing about women and/or our relationship with sex or reproduction.
Moreover, he probably was a married man. In the customs of the time and place, his parents would have seen to his marriage to a woman deemed acceptable by his family. Without a valid marriage, he would not have been accepted as a man in the tribe. I just hope that his pregnant wife reached Europe after his murder, whether to France or to Glastonbury.

Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I cant' help it if you do not know either history nor the teachings of Jesus. You people who now declare yourselves to be "Christians" are phonies.

I can't help it if you're a hypocrite who has to move the goal posts because you can't make a valid point.

Do us all a favor and hold your breath until we care about practicing our faith to meet your "standards". Or until we care about meeting your standards in any way at all, for that matter.

So go on denying that any of these things ever took place and the people who history records as saying these things and doing these things actually did not say and do things. Keep smokin' it if it makes you feel better.

I guess Jesus never delivered the Sermon on the Mount. The Cathars were never massacred. Joan of Arc was never burned at the stake. Those women thought to be "witches" were never tortured and murdered by various methods in just about all the European countries. The Crusades did not occur. Jews were never tortured and murdered. To mention but a few.

Go ahead and deny that trash like the Falwell folks opened schools because they wanted African-Americans to be excluded. Go ahead and deny that the likes of jeffress and graham go around declaring that Islam is not a religion. Go ahead and deny that your particular cult grooms young girls to be for early sex trading into fake "marriages" in which they will be forced into sex on demand instead of being sent ahead to become educated members of society.

You have not responded to the continuing disgraces like graham, jeffress, perkins.

See above, re: not caring what you think I am or what you think I should be.

I'm denying nothing except your belief that you're qualified as a moral arbiter.

And you are exactly what? Sorry for what I have to say, but the religion that you practice is not Christian. It is some sort of primitive cult. I can't change that.
Whenever you manage to make your mind up as to whether gender politics are great because it's "more Christian", or gender politics are great because you hate Christians, DO let me know, won't you? I have this quirk where I don't like engaging in conversations that give me whiplash because they change direction so quickly.
I cant' help it if you do not know either history nor the teachings of Jesus. You people who now declare yourselves to be "Christians" are phonies.

I can't help it if you're a hypocrite who has to move the goal posts because you can't make a valid point.

Do us all a favor and hold your breath until we care about practicing our faith to meet your "standards". Or until we care about meeting your standards in any way at all, for that matter.

So go on denying that any of these things ever took place and the people who history records as saying these things and doing these things actually did not say and do things. Keep smokin' it if it makes you feel better.

I guess Jesus never delivered the Sermon on the Mount. The Cathars were never massacred. Joan of Arc was never burned at the stake. Those women thought to be "witches" were never tortured and murdered by various methods in just about all the European countries. The Crusades did not occur. Jews were never tortured and murdered. To mention but a few.

Go ahead and deny that trash like the Falwell folks opened schools because they wanted African-Americans to be excluded. Go ahead and deny that the likes of jeffress and graham go around declaring that Islam is not a religion. Go ahead and deny that your particular cult grooms young girls to be for early sex trading into fake "marriages" in which they will be forced into sex on demand instead of being sent ahead to become educated members of society.

You have not responded to the continuing disgraces like graham, jeffress, perkins.

See above, re: not caring what you think I am or what you think I should be.

I'm denying nothing except your belief that you're qualified as a moral arbiter.

And you are exactly what? Sorry for what I have to say, but the religion that you practice is not Christian. It is some sort of primitive cult. I can't change that.

What am I? Utterly bored with your arrogance, that's what.
What am I? Utterly bored with your arrogance, that's what.

So go off and push your pig-shit cult. You are free to be as ridiculous as you please, even if you want to be a sex slave of some fundamentalist phony "Christian" penis-worshiping moron. Have fun with the handcuffs. If you want to "do" jeffress or graham, or pigpence, or hagee, or the rest of that bunch, please enjoy your sexual journey in your cult.

You're still talking, and I'm still seeing you as a wad of chewing gum on the sidewalk that I don't want on my shoes.

Enjoy your journey into Fifty Shades of Grey. Mr. Grey, actually Reverend Grey, will see you now. But you must bleach your hair white-blond and carry a bibble. You don't want Rev. Grey to be disappointed. Remember to kneel in front of him when he snaps his fingers.

I'm even less interested in your fantasies about me than I am in your pathetic attempts to think. You're still beneath me, and always will be.

You are a perfect example of what phony "Christians" are about. Sexually obsessed haters. If you like worshiping a penis, go right ahead. You may like sick religion, but don't call it Christian.

What, you don't like that God stresses "male and female"?
How much you want to bet that at the end of the lawsuits, Planet Fitness will still allow transgendered individuals to use the changing room of their chosen gender? Oh sure, the wording in their contract might change, but their policy won't.

The lessons learned by Indiana and North Carolina should tell you that.

I'm a believer in the rights of an entrepreneur, so, if the conclusion is a simple fine and the firm being allowed to continue the policy, I'm fine with it...no pun intended.
Their business.....their rules.

But....I love the push-back by real Americans.

Now....why do you wish men to be in the women's dressing room?

Men aren't, transgendered women can be. Why? Because they get to work out too.

That's a fib. Claim you 'feel like a woman' and you can walk into the Ladies Locker at this gym, or the bathroom at Target.

I see I stumped you with this: ...why do you wish men to be in the women's dressing room?

As your understanding of the world has been fixated at, let us say, a primitive level, let me point out that you have succumbed to giving up American values for the Germanic values that seeped in during the 19th century.

"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

This is the basis of Liberal indoctrination.

Unlike you, I never allow politicians, bureaucrats, appointees of any sort to make moral or value decisions for me.
For example....the Left cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

I'd be happy to provide a reading list that would put you on the correct path.

All of this gender identity bullshit the right wingers claim is such a huge problem, isn’t a huge problem at all.

Where my daughter trains, there are women only change rooms and work out rooms. They exist not only because there is a high Muslim population in her City, but because young fit women are being harassed by creepy older men. All gyms have these accommodations.
How much you want to bet that at the end of the lawsuits, Planet Fitness will still allow transgendered individuals to use the changing room of their chosen gender? Oh sure, the wording in their contract might change, but their policy won't.

The lessons learned by Indiana and North Carolina should tell you that.

I'm a believer in the rights of an entrepreneur, so, if the conclusion is a simple fine and the firm being allowed to continue the policy, I'm fine with it...no pun intended.
Their business.....their rules.

But....I love the push-back by real Americans.

Now....why do you wish men to be in the women's dressing room?

Men aren't, transgendered women can be. Why? Because they get to work out too.

That's a fib. Claim you 'feel like a woman' and you can walk into the Ladies Locker at this gym, or the bathroom at Target.

I see I stumped you with this: ...why do you wish men to be in the women's dressing room?

As your understanding of the world has been fixated at, let us say, a primitive level, let me point out that you have succumbed to giving up American values for the Germanic values that seeped in during the 19th century.

"...the State 'has the supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the State... for the right of the world spirit is above all special privileges.'" Author/historian William Shirer, quoting Georg Hegel in his The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959, page 144)

This is the basis of Liberal indoctrination.

Unlike you, I never allow politicians, bureaucrats, appointees of any sort to make moral or value decisions for me.
For example....the Left cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

I'd be happy to provide a reading list that would put you on the correct path.

All of this gender identity bullshit the right wingers claim is such a huge problem, isn’t a huge problem at all.

Where my daughter trains, there are women only change rooms and work out rooms. They exist not only because there is a high Muslim population in her City, but because young fit women are being harassed by creepy older men. All gyms have these accommodations.

Oh, okay. You made a personal observation of ONE gym in YOUR life, and that somehow means that EVERYONE, in a nation of 300 million people, is ALSO experiencing exactly what you are. Apparently, all the news stories to the contrary are just made-up fiction, invented because someone was bored, because OBVIOUSLY every locker room and bathroom in America is exactly like your daughter's gym.

You're showing your ass in public again, Grandma. Could you possibly think before you speak next time? Thanks awfully.


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