pubs still blocking 3 million jobs

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.
Highway bill stuck in neutral -

Besides having a good deal of forward momentum, the Senate plan also takes aim at important highway safety measures.

It would nudge Detroit automakers on safety improvements such as seat belts in buses, heftier fines for delayed safety recalls, needed protections against distracted driving, and reminders for rear-seat passengers to buckle up.

Detroit's opposition to these sensible measures doesn't make sense, although automakers could be right that proposed rules on other technical car specifications represent a bit of congressional overreaching that is worth revisiting.

The Senate bill also provides needed financial incentives for states to take their drunk-driving campaigns to the next level. Money would be doled out to states that wisely enact laws to equip first-time DUI drivers' cars with ignition-interlock devices. Motorists' cars won't start unless they can prove they're sober using the Breathalyze-type equipment.

Companion funding would advance research into how interlocks could be incorporated into the manufacture of all vehicles. Contrary to claims by the hospitality industry, there's no evidence that this would be the thin edge of the wedge to ban social drinking. In fact, transportation officials say there are no plans to require every vehicle to have the devices.

The devil they say is in the details. How many direct jobs? Not many, the new bureacracy though, yeah that could be 3 million jobs.

How about using highway funds just for highways?
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

The stimulus, which cost over 787 BILLION, was supposed to create 3 million jobs, and failed.

How much is the highway bill going to cost, to fail to do what 787 BILLION failed to do???
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

Not give 3 million more jobs.
IMPACT 3 million job. These people already have the jobs.

The repubs have passed plenty of bills to help with jobs. They aren't being passed by the senate. Sen. Reid is sitting on them.
You are the one believing the lies luddly neddite. Look into the facts on both sides, before you accuse.
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

The stimulus, which cost over 787 BILLION, was supposed to create 3 million jobs, and failed.

How much is the highway bill going to cost, to fail to do what 787 BILLION failed to do???

I see so according to you the stimulus creating 4million long term jobs, keeping 12 million people out of poverty, and included investments that over the next 10 years will save 1.6-3.8trillion dollars is a failure. Perhaps you are to stupid to know what failure means.
Furthermore the highway bill would cost 100billion of 2 years. Well worth saving 3million plus jobs and saving billions of dollars in decreased congestion/increase fuel economy
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

Not give 3 million more jobs.
IMPACT 3 million job. These people already have the jobs.

The repubs have passed plenty of bills to help with jobs. They aren't being passed by the senate. Sen. Reid is sitting on them.
You are the one believing the lies luddly neddite. Look into the facts on both sides, before you accuse.
ROTFL only partisan hacks like you think putting mercury in drinking water is a Jobs bill. Furthermore with out the highway bill those 3plelion people will LOSE their jobs
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

How are you paying for it?

Why is it only for unions?

What are you a douche bag?
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

The stimulus, which cost over 787 BILLION, was supposed to create 3 million jobs, and failed.

How much is the highway bill going to cost, to fail to do what 787 BILLION failed to do???

I see so according to you the stimulus creating 4million long term jobs, keeping 12 million people out of poverty, and included investments that over the next 10 years will save 1.6-3.8trillion dollars is a failure. Perhaps you are to stupid to know what failure means.
Furthermore the highway bill would cost 100billion of 2 years. Well worth saving 3million plus jobs and saving billions of dollars in decreased congestion/increase fuel economy

The Obama Stimulus created 4 million long term jobs? Really? It kept 12 million people out of poverty? REALLY? It had investments that will save trillions over the next 10 years? REEEAAALLLYYY?

Would you care to document ANY of these fairy tales, Starcraft?

Let me give you a small hint as to the "effectiveness" of the Obama Stimulus. One doesn't need to invent a new economic statistic "jobs saved" if the stimulus had REALLY worked. You invent a statistic like that to obscure the fact that it DIDN'T. The reason the Obama White House uses the "jobs saved" statistic so often is that the number isn't verifiable and because using the "jobs created" statistic shows how little job creation we got for the trillion dollars that we spent on the stimulus.
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

Not give 3 million more jobs.
IMPACT 3 million job. These people already have the jobs.

The repubs have passed plenty of bills to help with jobs. They aren't being passed by the senate. Sen. Reid is sitting on them.
You are the one believing the lies luddly neddite. Look into the facts on both sides, before you accuse.
ROTFL only partisan hacks like you think putting mercury in drinking water is a Jobs bill. Furthermore with out the highway bill those 3plelion people will LOSE their jobs

Oh they will pass a temporary bill. just like they always have. No one is going to lose their jobs.
It is the Senate far left Dems again, with overreaching rules and regulations that Detroit doesn't like. Because it costs them to much money to do all of the crap they want to add.

Mercury in drinking water :lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:
It's the Dems who added mercury in light bulbs. :mad:
One only has to go south on US Hwy 27 from Columbus, Ga. to Bainbridge to see the economic impact of these highway bills.
Or lack of impact.
A 4 lane hwy going through southwest Ga. where during week days in areas of Miller county and Cuthbert, Ga. you may not see a car on the road for 10 miles.
Amazing how people believe that it is the responsibility of government to create jobs.
Fact is most of these highway bills are short term if that and only impact current workers in that field anyway.
How does one build highways unless they use ALREADY TRAINED WORKERS??
Basic economics is foreign to most Americans these days. We have become a nation of village idiots.
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

Not give 3 million more jobs.
IMPACT 3 million job. These people already have the jobs.

The repubs have passed plenty of bills to help with jobs. They aren't being passed by the senate. Sen. Reid is sitting on them.
You are the one believing the lies luddly neddite. Look into the facts on both sides, before you accuse.
ROTFL only partisan hacks like you think putting mercury in drinking water is a Jobs bill. Furthermore with out the highway bill those 3plelion people will LOSE their jobs

So you want the government to borrow more than the 40 cents of every dollar government now spends so we can keep people employed because the free market has no demand for their services?
Don't you know that causes more problems than it could ever solve?
Highway bill stuck in neutral -

Besides having a good deal of forward momentum, the Senate plan also takes aim at important highway safety measures.

It would nudge Detroit automakers on safety improvements such as seat belts in buses, heftier fines for delayed safety recalls, needed protections against distracted driving, and reminders for rear-seat passengers to buckle up.

Detroit's opposition to these sensible measures doesn't make sense, although automakers could be right that proposed rules on other technical car specifications represent a bit of congressional overreaching that is worth revisiting.

The Senate bill also provides needed financial incentives for states to take their drunk-driving campaigns to the next level. Money would be doled out to states that wisely enact laws to equip first-time DUI drivers' cars with ignition-interlock devices. Motorists' cars won't start unless they can prove they're sober using the Breathalyze-type equipment.

Companion funding would advance research into how interlocks could be incorporated into the manufacture of all vehicles. Contrary to claims by the hospitality industry, there's no evidence that this would be the thin edge of the wedge to ban social drinking. In fact, transportation officials say there are no plans to require every vehicle to have the devices.

The devil they say is in the details. How many direct jobs? Not many, the new bureacracy though, yeah that could be 3 million jobs.

How about using highway funds just for highways?

Too many details can ruin a good bill; I see why there are objections.
Not give 3 million more jobs.
IMPACT 3 million job. These people already have the jobs.

The repubs have passed plenty of bills to help with jobs. They aren't being passed by the senate. Sen. Reid is sitting on them.
You are the one believing the lies luddly neddite. Look into the facts on both sides, before you accuse.
ROTFL only partisan hacks like you think putting mercury in drinking water is a Jobs bill. Furthermore with out the highway bill those 3plelion people will LOSE their jobs

So you want the government to borrow more than the 40 cents of every dollar government now spends so we can keep people employed because the free market has no demand for their services?
Don't you know that causes more problems than it could ever solve?
He thinks that gubmint gets its money from Lucky the Leprechaun. :lol:
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

That's nothing. Republicans were willing to let millions of Americans suffer. They don't care about the average American.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
Look rdean, when a bill is loaded with extraneous riders, it often becomes a problem in passage.
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

That's nothing. Republicans were willing to let millions of Americans suffer. They don't care about the average American.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

If you are hiring someone and 2 applicants come in the door:
Applicant 1: lost his job 2 years ago but has 3 part time jobs at Walmart, Hardees and doing yard work when he can find it. He has 4 years experience in the field you need before that.
Applicant 2: lost his job 2 years ago and has been on unemployment for 2 years sitting on his ass most of the day watching Judge Judy and Andy Griffith re-runs.

Those that draw unemployment for 2 years ARE LOSERS. My teenage kids can find work.

Amazing how stupid those are that do not know anything about the real world.
Everytime they end unemployment insurance terms he employment #s go up.
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

The stimulus, which cost over 787 BILLION, was supposed to create 3 million jobs, and failed.

How much is the highway bill going to cost, to fail to do what 787 BILLION failed to do???

I see so according to you the stimulus creating 4million long term jobs, keeping 12 million people out of poverty, and included investments that over the next 10 years will save 1.6-3.8trillion dollars is a failure. Perhaps you are to stupid to know what failure means.
Furthermore the highway bill would cost 100billion of 2 years. Well worth saving 3million plus jobs and saving billions of dollars in decreased congestion/increase fuel economy
perhaps you're too stupid to know those numbers are completely bogus.
Just heard it on the news that the R's are still refusing to pass the highway bill that would give us 3 million jobs.

They will continue to lie, cheat and steal in order to keep unemployment high. Even if, gawd forbid, incompetent liar Mittens is elected, we all know the pubs make more money from foreign interests than from American business. The last thing they want is for Americans to have jobs.

Not give 3 million more jobs.
IMPACT 3 million job. These people already have the jobs.

The repubs have passed plenty of bills to help with jobs. They aren't being passed by the senate. Sen. Reid is sitting on them.
You are the one believing the lies luddly neddite. Look into the facts on both sides, before you accuse.
ROTFL only partisan hacks like you think putting mercury in drinking water is a Jobs bill. Furthermore with out the highway bill those 3plelion people will LOSE their jobs
really? After that party line bullshit you just spewed about the crapulus? :rofl:

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